a very dark dark guard

Chapter 38 Improper Taken

Chapter 38 Improper Taken

Yunzhou knew that he had made a mistake, so he jumped out of bed and washed again.I packed all his snacks into the cabinet and locked them, watching him lie down under the covers and close his eyes.

The night was safe and sound, but the guard Jia came rushing to report to me the next morning, saying that I had no predictions, and that no similar murders happened last night.

The guard Xin stopped by to bring breakfast, and I asked the two of them to sit down and eat with us.

At first they refused, but after a period of adaptation, they will no longer refuse.

I told them that the conditions for farming in the countryside might be very bad, and there might only be one table at home, and if they squatted in the courtyard with a bowl to eat at mealtime, what would the whole village think of me and Yunzhou? ?
I just went to an unfamiliar place, and I want to settle down and take root, so I can't be too high-profile.

After hearing this, the guards Jia and Xin expressed that they would work hard to get used to eating at the same table as us.

The guard Xin Sheng placed a bowl of porridge in front of me first, with a smile on his face, giggling silly.

"I have something to say." I have been with them for a long time, and I have a good understanding of the temperament of the two of them. I can tell what they want to do with just one expression.

"Ma'am, your martial arts are world-class, and your skills are rejuvenated. Uh... can you bring your subordinates to catch the murderer this time? Let me help you, and you can do errands."

"As soon as the reward order of the Martial Arts League came out, how many pairs of eyes were staring at me? I had no place to hide last night, and several people crowded into some excellent observation positions at the same time. You? It takes up too much space, and there is no place to fill it." I took a glance. Eye guard Xin Hu has a hunchbacked figure, he can occupy the position of two people by himself.

"No, we can go directly to the autopsy instead of observing in secret." The guard Xin pulled the stool and sat next to me.

"I'm not an author. What can I find out? Do you know how to do an autopsy?"

"Although I don't know how to do autopsy, isn't this medical skill and autopsy the same thing? You must be able to do it, right?" Guard Xin turned the topic to guard Jia.

The guard Jia had already stuffed two deep-fried dough sticks into Yun Zhou's hand, and pulled the small dish under Yun Zhou's nose.

"That's right, ma'am, the poison in Lord Lu's body was not detected by many doctors, but you found it out at a glance. The autopsy is just a trivial matter."

"Just support me, and when I fall from a height, everyone will finish playing together."

"This subordinate swears to advance and retreat with the young master and madam!" The guards Jia and Xin clasped their fists at the same time and saluted.

"Hurry up, I'll go for an autopsy, you stay behind to protect Yunzhou, knowing that Yuancheng is not peaceful, how dare you leave the master's side?"

"Don't dare, this subordinate must protect the young master, Madam, please rest assured."

I drank the porridge in the bowl, wiped my mouth and got up and went out the door.

Such a vicious murder in Yuancheng is tantamount to provoking the Wulin League. They must be more active in investigating it than I am.

The body of the deceased must have been examined many times.

Now the Wulin League has issued a reward order, anyone who wants to catch the murderer can check the autopsy records.

The residence of the deceased was not in the same area. Yuancheng was very large, and it took several days to walk from south to north.

The corpses were not collected in one place, and those who died in any district were stored in the yamen of that district.

Each yamen has an ice cellar for mortuary, and there is also a yamen in the area where Lu's house is located, in which two brain-burned corpses are kept.

Because the deceased's residences were far apart and they died almost at the same time, many people believed that there was more than one murderer, and it was probably a gang.

Such things as provoking the entire martial arts alliance are rarely done alone, and their guesses are not unreasonable.

I found the yamen in the district and explained the reason to the yamen servants. They let me into the courtyard and gave me a small wooden sign with numbers written on it.

The yard was full of people, holding the same wooden sign in their hands. I was in line 120, and there were 120 people in front of me.

"Girl, you came too late. I'm afraid you won't be able to read the autopsy records today. The people in front of you all came to line up last night." A middle-aged swordsman with a scar on his face held a wooden sign No. 99 in his hand. Speak to me by leaning under the pillar by the door.

"But if you are willing to spend 100 taels of silver, there are people selling manuscripts outside." He continued.

"100 taels?" Enough profiteering, the content of the autopsy record will not be too long, and people with a good memory should be able to memorize it after reading it a few times. As long as one person memorizes it, write it out silently and copy a few more copies, it will indeed find a market.

"Compared to the bounty, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket. Besides...many people don't want to make money, they just want to be famous, and they don't care about this small amount of money."

"Since so many people have looked through the autopsy records, but no one has caught the murderer, it seems that this record can be ignored." I turned around and returned the wooden sign to the gatekeeper.

The middle-aged swordsman also returned the wooden sign and followed me out of the yamen.

"Girl, if others didn't notice it, it's because they don't have the talent. Maybe you can find clues after reading it?"

"A manuscript seller?" I looked back at him.

"No, no, but I have a copy. I bought it for 100 taels. Do you want to read it?" The middle-aged swordsman patted his chest. There was indeed something made of paper stuffed in his clothes.

"How much do you charge? How can you guarantee it's real?"

"50 taels, is it a good deal? I am a fairy swordsman who is the most honest when I travel the rivers and lakes. If it is fake, you come to me and I will pay you the bounty."

"Immortal swordsman?"

"It's down!"

"A visitor from Jianxu, the resting place of the famous sword in the overseas fairy mountains?"

"You... how do you know?" The middle-aged swordsman's expression changed suddenly, he put away his smile, and stared at me vigilantly.

"Here, if it's fake, I'll go to Jianxu and file a complaint." I took out a 50 tael bank note and handed it to him.

"Don't, don't, girl, cough, I admit, this handwritten record is fake, the girl must have a lot of background, please hold your hand high."

"You are fake, so who can have the truth?"

"Really, there are no useful clues on it. People who read it told me that the autopsy records are useless to arrest the murderer, but if the girl can afford the price, I can arrange for you to see the corpse with my own eyes."

"how much is it?"

"This number." He stretched out his palm and waved five fingers before my eyes.

"Ten taels?"

He nodded heavily: "It's better to see it with your own eyes than to read the autopsy records."

"That's right, leave." I had no intention of paying, so I turned my head and left.

The middle-aged swordsman chased after him, saying that the price is negotiable.

"No, I want to watch it for free." I didn't want to bother the Lu family, but queuing up at the yamen is too time-consuming, spending 500 taels to look at the dead body is simply being taken advantage of.

I went directly to Lu Youkang, he must know about Bai Mudan asking me to catch the murderer.

He has been so busy these days that he never touched the ground. After hearing what I said, he immediately took off the jade badge on his waist and handed it to me.

This is the passport of their Lu family, and it is a general-purpose pass. In Yuancheng, as long as I have this jade card, there is no place that I cannot enter.

(End of this chapter)

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