a very dark dark guard

Chapter 41 Man-made 'Sangmen Star'

Chapter 41 Man-made 'Sangmen Star'

The person waiting for me outside the back door was a fairy swordsman. He was very happy, and when he saw me, he said that his adopted son had woken up.He still remembered that I told him to come to me immediately when the boy woke up.

I took some supplements and went out, followed him back to that remote courtyard.

The Immortal Swordsman did not expect that I would bring supplements to the young man. I said that the young man might be related to the serial murder case. He should get well soon, maybe it would be of great help to me.

The Immortal Swordsman thanked me for saving my life and said that their father and son would fully cooperate with my investigation.

The boy's eyes were bright, and his complexion was much better than yesterday.

He wanted to get out of bed and salute me, but I waved my hand to stop him and told him to continue lying down. I didn't care about these etiquettes, I just wanted to know how he got poisoned.

It's still early today, we have a lot of time to talk, I told him not to rush, just speak slowly.

The boy first reported his name. His surname was Cheng Mingfei. He was an orphan since he was a child. He was kidnapped by masked villains and wanted to be sent to the Skeleton Hall.

The Skeleton Hall is an evil sect in the rivers and lakes. The place where the sect is located is piled up with skeletons like a mountain, and the bone pavement stretches for thousands of miles, hence the name Baigu Mountain.

There is a sea of ​​dry bones at the foot of the White Bone Mountain, and the dry bones are like a sea of ​​bones. Regardless of whether they are human bones or animal bones, the dense white bones make people feel horrified.

Therefore, people in the Jianghu regard that place as a dangerous place and never want to approach it.

Baigu Mountain is shrouded in white mist all year round, and the mist is highly poisonous. No matter whether it is a person or an animal, as long as it walks into the mist, it will turn into a skeleton in a moment.

There is only one path hidden in the fog for people to pass through, like a safe passage, people walking on this path will not be gnawed into bones by the white fog.

The Skeleton Hall on the Bone Mountain is even more mysterious. This building will disappear during the day, and it will only appear when night falls.

It's magic and chance. No one knows it yet, and some people believe that the people living there are not human.

I think, since it is a sect in Jianghu, it must be a human and not a ghost.

But those who entered the Skeleton Hall would become neither human nor ghost, and life would be worse than death.

The masked villain wanted to send the childhood Cheng Fei there, and his intentions were really vicious, as if he had a big grudge against him.

Fortunately, Cheng Feiling, who called for help halfway, was rescued by the head of the Dengtianmen, and was taken back to the gate and accepted as a closed disciple.

Cheng Fei was only six years old at the time, his parents were gone, and his family broke up, so he regarded the head of the sect as his relatives and Dengtianmen as his family.

However, just half a year after he started, the head of the sect died suddenly.

Everyone in Dengtianmen regards him as a broom star, saying that he defeated the head of the sect.

The head of the gate is the pillar of a gate. The pillar suddenly collapsed, and the entire Dengtianmen was crumbling.

After the head of the sect passed away, everything went wrong in Dengtianmen, and the people in the gate were having a hard time, so they took their grievances on Cheng Fei.

Some say that Cheng Fei is the star of the mourning gate, and some say that the head of the gate saved the white-eyed wolf. Conspiracy theorists believe that Cheng Fei must have an enemy and follow him to lurk near the Dengtian gate.

His enemy assassinated the head of the sect, and set up a conspiracy against Dengtianmen, making the whole sect restless, and there are always people who bully them openly and secretly.

They kicked Cheng Fei out of the dormitory where the disciples lived, and made him move to the pigsty. The other disciples went to beat him with stones every day, and refused to give him food. He could only compete with the pigs for food.

He stayed in Dengtianmen for a year, and he couldn't stand the abuse and wanted to escape, but just the night before he escaped, there was a drastic change in the gate.

Someone sneaked into the sect at night, killed everyone, and took away the corpses.

He slept in the pigsty and hugged the pigs to keep warm, so he escaped unharmed.

It's not that he didn't hear the movement, but he didn't dare to go out.

"Those people are too scary. They kill without sound. The... people in the door didn't make a sound when they died, and they didn't bleed." Cheng Fei still has lingering fears when he recalls that night.

One of the disciples ran to the backyard, probably trying to hide, but the man in black caught up with him, and the disciple died not far from the pigsty.

Cheng Fei was with the pig, and his body was already covered in mud and stench, and the man in black didn't notice him.

He didn't dare to scream or move, he watched the man in black pick up the corpse and fly out of the courtyard wall with lightness kung fu.

He didn't dare to close his eyes all night, and stared until dawn. He released the pigs in the pigsty and all the poultry, and he himself fled down the mountain.

The empty Dengtianmen was classified as an 'unknown' file by the Wulin League.

Everyone in the martial arts world knows about this matter. After the head of the Dengtianmen died, they were bullied by other sects around them. Everyone thought that they couldn't stand the crowding out, and no one in the sect could take over the position of the head, so they broke up at night. up.

In fact, except for the head of the Dengtianmen, everyone else's martial arts are mediocre, and there is no good seedling who can practice martial arts.

There are certainly problems with their sect, but because of their problems, they know that their own strength is not enough, they have always kept a low profile in the arena, never dared to make enemies with others, and lived very cautiously.

Their sect leader's ability to see injustice and rescue Cheng Fei shows that he is kind-hearted. Who would destroy the sect he worked so hard for after his death?

I think there is some truth to the conspiracy theory speculation. Dengtianmen has no enemies. The only person they have offended is probably the masked villain who wanted to kill Cheng Fei.

Moreover, the murderer who killed the sect had a strange method of killing, unlike ordinary sects fighting for revenge.

At least the people from the sects around Dengtianmen don't have this method.

Because of the usual abuse, Cheng Fei didn't tell anyone what he saw. He hoped that those people would disappear, but he didn't expect them to disappear, and he wasn't happy at all.

He became a rootless duckweed again, living on the street and becoming a beggar.

After begging for food on the street for two years, he was taken home by a kind-hearted man to be a servant.

A well-meaning person found him peeping at the nursing home practicing martial arts at home, and asked him if he wanted to learn, and he said he wanted to learn, so the kind-hearted person sent him to learn martial arts at the Zhengtang Hall.

While he was studying art in Zhengtang, bad news spread again in the mansion. The kind-hearted Mr. Lu died suddenly.

Everyone can see that Mr. Lu died strangely, but no one reported it. Mr. Lu's mother died early, and a group of uncles believed that he died by accidental drowning.

Cheng Fei heard the news and wanted to go to the yamen to file a complaint, but he was an eight or nine-year-old child, his 'speculation' was ignored, and he was beaten and thrown out of the yamen.

The upright brothers persuaded him, saying that the master of the yamen must have taken the money from the Lu family's wolves and would not care about it, and told him not to pursue it anymore, so as not to lose his life.

Both of his benefactors died inexplicably, suddenly and suddenly, and he gradually believed that he was a dead star.

The dignified master and fellow apprentices treated him very well, but he was afraid that he would hurt them and cause them to die miserably, so he left there secretly.

He was wandering outside, but when he was a beggar, nothing happened.

As long as someone saves him and treats him well, he is guaranteed to die unexpectedly.

Is there such a real 'sangmen' person in the world?

I don't believe it, most likely someone is behind the scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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