Chapter 43

Immortal Swordsman and Cheng Fei had just arrived in Yuancheng to investigate what happened back then, when someone took the initiative to find them and asked Cheng Fei to meet alone.He is a child who has been begging for many years, what kind of enemies can he have in the world?
Most likely the murderer back then, who has been sending people to watch him.

He made a slight movement, and someone was sent over there.

Cheng Fei led us to a "village" in the city. Most of the buildings in Yuancheng are brick and stone structures mixed with prepared mud or clay.

This village is full of thatched cottages, and the living conditions are extremely poor.

Cheng Fei didn't let us enter the village, but bypassed the village and walked into the mountains behind the village.

There is a forest behind the mountain, and a small river runs through the forest and flows to the village.

Cheng Fei said that the pool was next to the small river in the forest. He remembered it so clearly because there was a special tree beside the pool.

The trees in the whole forest are green, but this tree is red from bark to branches and leaves.

Easy to remember and easy to find.

The pool he mentioned was still there, and there was water in it, and the depth of the water was just enough to cover the feet, and it was true that no one could be drowned unless they lay face down.

But there were no bugs he mentioned in the pond, only a few small fish and shrimps in it.

He had been poisoned for a few days. If those bugs were deliberately thrown into the pool, after he left, someone might come to clean up the scene.

Cheng Fei wondered: "There were obviously a lot of bugs at that time, it was very scary."

"Look, see if there is anything like this inside." I took off the small bamboo tube and poured out the sleepy bugs inside to show him.

"Yes, yes, yes! There is such a thing!" Cheng Fei excitedly said.

"That's right, someone deliberately put bugs in the pool to let them bite you."

"It must be the murderer who killed Jiang Nian and Shi Ying, even the children, it's too vicious!" The swordsman said angrily.

"Both Cheng Jiangnian and Shi Ying were killed. The other party had a hundred chances to kill Cheng Fei, but they didn't. I think... the problem lies with Cheng Fei."

"Xiao Fei? What's wrong with Xiao Fei? He was only six years old!"

"Cheng Jiangnian and Shi Ying were killed by human hands. If you want to kill Cheng Fei, you don't need to use anything else, just a single knife. Why bother transporting him here and throwing him into a pool full of bugs? Besides, he didn't die on the spot, so many bugs, if I'm not mistaken, they must all be poisonous bugs, but not only did he not get killed, he even walked back to his residence when he woke up, isn't that a problem?"

"But, but he was also bitten by a bug and almost fell asleep."

"I guess, among the bugs in that pool, this one is the most gentle one. You also know about the recent serial killings. I suspect that the murderer of the killings is probably the person who killed Cheng Fei's parents back then."

"What? Are you saying... Could it be... that the other party is using the poison developed by Shi Ying to kill people?"

"That's right." And the role Cheng Fei played in it was a special existence that the murderer couldn't kill but didn't want to keep.

"Miraculous doctor An, I have something to ask for, even if the money is gone, I will not hesitate." The fairy swordsman looked solemn.

"You said."

"Please ask Doctor An to take Xiao Fei in for a period of time until the murderer is captured or dies."

"Yes, but I didn't take him in, you took me in. I can't take him to Lu's house, but he can live in your house." Chasing the murderer is not something that can be done in a day or two. Gotta get serious.

If the person who killed Cheng Fei knew that he was not dead, they would definitely come to contact him again.

Staying by his side is the easiest way to see the murderer, and the chance of killing a mouse is higher than squatting on the roof.

The Immortal Swordsman sent Cheng Fei back to the small courtyard, and then went to Lu's house to help me deliver the letter.

I wrote to leader Lu and guard Jia, telling them that I would be staying outside for a few days and asking them to take care of Yunzhou.

Immortal Swordsman and Cheng Fei rented a house. They came to Yuancheng ahead of time and rented this small private courtyard with a cheap price. There is a place to grow vegetables in the courtyard, and they can also raise some poultry such as chickens and ducks.

It's just that they are not in the mood to do this. Before, they ran out all day to inquire about various news.

Later, Cheng Fei was poisoned, and the fairy swordsman took him around to seek medical treatment.

After Cheng Fei fell into a complete coma, the Immortal Swordsman saw the reward order from the Wulin League and started a business of selling duplicate records.

He was originally a loafing wanderer who was single, drunk now and now, and didn't have much savings on him, so in order to treat Cheng Fei's illness, he emptied his entire family.

He admitted frankly that if money wasn't tight, he wouldn't open his mouth like a lion. There was a small boss in the yamen who was an old acquaintance of his. He would just pay 50 taels for the benefit of opening the back door to see the corpse.

Now that Cheng Fei's poison has been cured, their biggest expenses are gone, and the remaining money is enough for the three of us to live in Yuancheng for a few days.

He ran out again and again, buying big fish and meat, and every day was like Chinese New Year.

After eating for three days in a row, I told him to stop. Cheng Fei’s stomach is still weak, he can’t eat these, so it’s just me and him eating, it’s too wasteful to buy so much.

I haven't gotten rid of the habit of eating less for the time being, and my stomach feels uncomfortable when I eat more.

On the fourth day, the murderer did not wait, but Yun Zhou and his guards, Jia and Xin, did.

There are several nurses from the Lu family behind. Although they are wearing ordinary nurse uniforms, I know that they are masters secretly cultivated by the Lu family.

"Why are you here? Something happened?" I was hoeing in the yard, planning to do a small trial first, and plant some crops that would sprout in a few days.

"Ma'am, son, he insists on coming, we can't stand it, stop him hard, he is serious, you see." The guard Jia pointed to his swollen left eye, which was black and purple.

"Yes, if you stop the subordinates again, you may lose your life." The right side of the guard Xin's face was swollen, and his mouth was crooked when he spoke.

I sighed deeply, and secretly scolded this follower for trouble, but I couldn't ignore the lives of the guards Jia and Xin. I knew exactly how well Yunzhou was moving.

The small yard rented by Xian Jianke is only big enough for two people. When I come, their father and son will share a bed. Now there are seven more people, and there is no room for them.

The nursing home of the Lu family unpacked the luggage behind them and said that they came with a tent, please rest assured that they can sleep in the yard.

They put up tents and light bonfires, just like camping.

The fairy swordsman asked Yun Zhou who I was, and the lie had already been pulled out. In a short period of time, he could only hide it under a fabricated identity. I said that I was once Yun Zhou's secret guard, and now I am his wife.

The fairy swordsman was stunned. After all, no similar incidents happened in Jianghu or court.

But since Yunzhou is my master and husband, the fairy swordsman's attitude towards him must be respectful.

There are two rooms in the small courtyard, he and Cheng Fei share one room, and I live in the other room. Now that Yun Zhou is here, naturally Yun Zhou and I live in one room.

As for the guards Jia and Xin, the two of them tactfully did not cause trouble for the swordsman, and built a simple bamboo shed in the backyard to live in.

There are ten people living in the small courtyard, and it is not known whether those hiding in the dark dare to come out.

Since I lived in this yard, there have been two more people on a certain tree in the nearby forest.

(End of this chapter)

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