a very dark dark guard

Chapter 5 The Flowing Assassin

Chapter 5 The Flowing Assassin

To the two 'dumbs', she can also talk endlessly, and most of what she talks about is about Jianghu. "A few days ago, a ghost in the Jianghu died violently, do you know? Oh, you definitely don't know. Only people in the Jianghu know about this."

I looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, and silently lamented the strangeness of the rivers and lakes. People in the rivers and lakes want to get out of it, and people outside want to jump in.

"Have you heard of the Yinyue Sect? This evil spirit is a fish that slipped through the net of the Yinyue Sect. He was seriously injured when he was besieged by the decent faction. He needs to suck the blood of the girl regularly to keep his true energy flowing. This person's whereabouts are unknown. The martial arts righteous way has been sending People have been looking for him, but they haven't found him for a long time. Guess what? Just a few days ago, he died in a murderous situation.

Bai Fumei speaks with both voice and emotion, a bit like a storyteller.

"What are you talking about? Shut up, think this is your kang head? If you talk too much, I'll cut off your tongue and drink!" The guard outside the door suddenly scolded.

Bai Fumei put her hands on her hips, wanting to say a few words, but she didn't dare speak loudly, she just muttered softly.

The people outside the door couldn't hear clearly, but I heard her clearly, she said the words 'this princess will cut off your head'.

I have met every princess in Luofeng Country, but this person is not among them.

None of the Princesses of Sheng Yu Kingdom liked purple dresses and accessories.

Tengxue Country... There are eight princesses in total, four of them are over half a hundred years old, and the other four are not over eight years old.

She is also wearing the light amethyst stone jewelry specially used by the royal family of Jiushuang Kingdom, I probably know who she is!

For dinner, Yunzhou and I were served rice with fried meat, and Bai Mudan was thick noodles with pickles.

Bai Mudan, the third princess of Jiushuang Kingdom, unexpectedly did not lose her temper. She took the coarse flour pancakes and pickles.

When Xiao Luo went out, she approached Yunzhou and me with a smirk.

"Sister Dumb~ Your food is delicious, shall we exchange?"

I handed her the rice bowl, and she happily took it, and at the same time slapped the rough pancakes and pickles into my palm.

"Don't worry, when Miss Ben goes out, I won't treat you badly." After she finished speaking, she started to eat voraciously.

I was once again amazed at her not picky eaters, the good food of bandits would probably be difficult for a princess to swallow.

But she didn't have any difficulty in swallowing, and she took a big mouthful of rice in a disfigured manner.

It's just that her movements are as elegant as Yunzhou's, without being embarrassed or vulgar at all.

Yun Zhou glanced at Bai Mudan's bowl, and handed his rice bowl to me.

"Eat it, I like pancakes and pickles." I gently pushed the bowl back in front of him.

"Ah—you can talk?!" Bai Mudan was startled, choked on the rice, and coughed heart-rendingly.

Both of the parents of Jiushuang's three princesses died when they were young, and they grew up beside the queen mother, but after a few years, the queen mother's body failed, and she was handed over to the queen.

But no matter it is the queen mother or queen, they all feel sorry for her that she has no father or mother, and the control over her is relatively loose.

She often took the palace maids and eunuchs to play outside the palace, and everyone in Jiushuang knew that the third princess was a wild girl.

So much so that at the age of sixteen, no one has taken the initiative to propose marriage.

In the past, she only played in the capital and nearby villages and towns, but this time she ran far.

The teenage girl was not afraid to see bandits, and she never shed a tear when she was caught in the cottage.

"Cough cough cough... you want to murder Miss Ben... cough cough..."

"When did I admit that I'm dumb?" I said coldly.

"Cough~ I don't think so, but you haven't spoken!"

"Is it against the law not to speak?"

"No offense."

"That's it."

"You are so boring, you are not as pleasing to the eye as this brother."

"you're right."

"You—" Bai Mudan stared and thought for a few seconds, but couldn't think of something to hate me, so she continued to bury her head in cooking.

After nightfall, the weather is slightly cool. Although it is summer, if you don't cover yourself with a thin quilt, you will still be woken up by freezing in the middle of the night.

I still use hay to bury Yunzhou first, and then myself.

Bai Mudan watched my movements and asked angrily, "Who buried me?"

"There's not enough hay, the firewood is yours." I pointed to the pile of firewood next to me and said.

"Miss Ben doesn't set herself on fire, so why pile firewood on her body? You! Give Miss Ben the hay on your body."

"It's impossible, but I can hold you to sleep, it's warmer." I suggested.

"Don't even think about it—you apprentice, don't even think about taking advantage of Miss Ben!" Bai Mudan said, even covering her chest with her hands.

"Then you should freeze."

Bai Mudan snorted coldly, turned her head and stopped looking at me.

She has repeatedly exceeded my expectations, and this time is no exception. When I thought she would have nothing to do and would be frozen all night, she dug out two broken sacks from the debris pile, one on the floor and the other on her body. An expensive gauze dress.

"Cough cough cough."

The torn sack was covered with ashes, and she coughed for a while before going to sleep, but fell asleep soon.

I know that most of the members of the royal family have good psychological qualities, especially those who are capable of great things.

After Yun Zhou was in trouble, being so heartless was directly related to him becoming stupid.

Bai Mudan was different, she was awake, she still ate well, slept soundly, and there was no worry on her face.

In the middle of the night, there was actually a snoring sound, and the dream talk was 'not married'.

It can be seen that she has a rivers and lakes dream, but on the surface it seems that she wants to travel the rivers and lakes, but in fact she may have escaped from marriage.

For a girl of this age, there are only a few worries in front of her.

Even as royal ladies, they don't have many choices in life.

When it was almost dawn, something happened in the village, someone came to the village and became one with the bandits.

The people who came did not make a sound, and the shouts and shouts were all made by bandits. I listened for a while, and found that there were only four people who attacked the cottage.

Everyone is a master, killing people with one move, without any pretentiousness, very similar to the technique of a hidden guard.

This place is poor and can't support too many bandits, and there are only about thirty people in the cottage.

Four masters fought against more than 30 bandits. The battle didn't last long, and it was done before dawn.

The thieves shouting and killing outside lasted for 10 minutes, and both Yunzhou and the princess were woken up.

The princess shouted recklessly: "I'm here, come and save me!"

As if she could tell without looking that someone was coming to save her.

But the actual situation was slapped in the face, and the four masters quickly opened the door of the firewood room. Instead of putting down the blood-stained steel knife, they lifted it even higher.

Bai Mudan groaned and took two steps back. I picked up a firewood and hit her in the back of her knee. past.

The target of the visitor was not her. Seeing her lying on the ground, she jumped over her and ran towards Yunzhou and me.

"Who are you?" I was still sitting, with embroidery needles hidden in my palm.

"Who are you? Who sent you to protect him?" The visitor was wearing night clothes, a turban, and a mask. He deliberately lowered his voice when speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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