a very dark dark guard

Chapter 54 VIP Cell

Chapter 54 VIP Cell
There was a brazier in the dungeon, and Yunzhou followed me around from early in the morning. When he was supposed to sleep, he followed me into the dungeon. After sitting in front of the brazier for a while, he began to yawn. I was afraid that his head would be stuck in the brazier. Seeing him Go to bed and sleep.The guards Jia and Xin couldn't bear the sleepiness, so they hugged each other and went to sleep.

Other cells are deep underground. The VIP cell we live in is a semi-basement with a transom window ten centimeters high and half a meter wide.

The transom was not railed, because no normal person could get out of it.

I heard the continuous sound of rain coming in through the transom, and the dry cell was gradually filled with a damp breath.

I covered Yun Zhou with a quilt and added some firewood to the brazier.

According to modern time, it should be 10 o'clock at night. In ancient times, people should be asleep at this time, but the Lu family's footsteps have not stopped tonight.

Even in the middle of the night when it was raining heavily, there were still people going to and from the yards.

Others tried to get close to the dungeon, but were stopped by the guards.

At around 10:30, someone from the Lu family came and told me that the second master had found the evidence, that the Lord Lu died of a lack of viscera, and that today I am the only doctor in the Lu family who has the ability to use no poison, no Gu, and no damage to people Epidermis, lethal.

Second Master Lu asked his servants to tell me that he confessed his crime readily, and he allowed me to commit suicide, one life for another, and this matter will be over, and no one else will be affected.

The servant in charge of delivering the message never dared to look me in the eyes, and his tone and attitude were very humble.

"Go and tell Second Master Lu that my family members are asleep, so don't wake them up. I will use my actions to give him an answer tomorrow morning."

The servant secretly raised his head and glanced at me, and saw that I was smiling at the corner of my mouth and looking at him with 'sincere' eyes.

He saluted with trembling hands, and went back to deliver the message.

He came alone, only carrying a lantern, and walked so lightly that the sound of footsteps could not be heard.

He spoke softly, so he didn't wake up the guards Jia, Xin and Yunzhou.

After a while, there was another sound of the piano outside the window. Although the sound of the piano was pleasant, it always sounded a bit depressing.

Moreover, the sound of the qin seemed to spread into the courtyard from all directions at the same time, and the exact location of the qin could not be discerned.

Lu's nursing home searched for the sound, and there was a team fighting with someone, the sound of the piano changed from low to high, from leisurely to hasty, it seemed to be humming a lyrical ditty before, and then it seemed to be singing rock and roll.

The sound woke up guard Jia and the others, Yun Zhou sat up and searched for the source of the sound with dim eyes.

"Go to sleep, it's okay, someone is fighting outside, and they can't come in."

Yun Zhou and guard Jia immediately lay back down, covered their heads with quilts and continued to sleep.

The guqin performing artist outside was actually killing people, and the flames of life were extinguished in the sound of her piano.

"Hello, your surname is An? Huh! Are you really a miracle doctor?" A figure suddenly appeared outside the cell door, and asked in a delicate voice full of disdain.

I saw clearly that the person who came was the little girl who was hidden in the rockery before. She was locked deep underground, and she was released so soon?

The soles of her shoes were stained with blood, and there was a spot of blood on her skirt. Except for the burnt part, the other parts of her dress were still intact. She should not have been tortured since she came in. The blood did not belong to her.

She killed the guards and escaped...

"I'm not a genius doctor, just an ordinary hidden guard."

"Oh, shit, I don't care if you are a genius doctor or not, I just ask if you can cure strange diseases? If you can, I will take you out!"

"No, you go."

"But you cured Old Ghost Lu's strange disease."

"That's because he's lucky. I'm just a quack doctor making a random diagnosis and treatment. Who knows that a blind cat has met a dead mouse. If you want to heal someone you cherish, you'd better not come to me."

"I pay a lot of money!"

"How much?"

"1 taels, gold."

"Take me to see the patient quickly, some illnesses can't be delayed."

"But you can't let them go."

"Forget it, don't invite Gao Ming."

"It seems that your master is more important than 1 taels of gold."

"Of course."

"Very well, I'll pick you up when I come back." The little girl said and walked away. She walked to the entrance of the passageway of the VIP cell. The guard found her, but did not touch her, and immediately ran out to inform the others.

After she left, the captured poison servant ran over again and stood outside our cell door, staring at me viciously and grinning.

"Doctor An, how does it feel to lose your freedom? You worked hard for the Lu family, but they imprisoned you as a murderer. Hahaha, what an irony. Anyway, the surname Lu will definitely find evidence to prove that you killed the leader Lu. Tomorrow, you will definitely die, why don't I send you on the road now, so as to save you from the pain of being stabbed."

"Have you ever heard a word?"


"The villain died from talking too much?"

"Hahahaha, I know how the surname Lu arranged you. Could it be that he made it right? Do you really have the means to steal people's hearts from afar?"

"Do you think... I have?"

"I don't think you have!" The servant said, spit out a small pill from his mouth, rubbed it twice in his palm, and was about to throw it into the cell.

I activated the ability, turned 'qi' into needles, and the needles passed through the gap between the iron bars and hit the servants outside.

He was about to throw the pill into the cell, when he felt something strange, he quickly dodged to avoid it, but unfortunately his skills were not strong enough to avoid all the needles.

A few of them penetrated into his arms and calves. If it was an ordinary hidden weapon, as long as no poison was applied, it would not matter if the limbs were injured.

But my qi needles didn't just hit the target, they turned into 'qi' after entering the human body, and I controlled them to move freely, directly into his heart veins, and let him die of 'myocardial infarction'.

The pill in his hand didn't have time to be thrown again, so it fell to the ground, and a burst of yellow smoke rose from the ground. I pushed the airflow luckily and 'blown' the yellow smoke towards the servant.

The yellow smoke was like dust, and after rising up, it fell back to the ground, just in time to land on the servant's body.

The corpse turned into yellow pus in an instant, and even the clothes melted together.



"What's the matter with you, ma'am?"

Yunzhou, guards Jia and Xin were awakened by the servant's cry just now, got up and jumped out of bed, came to me, saw a puddle of yellow water on the ground outside the door, hurriedly checked whether I was injured.

"I'm fine, you go to sleep, it's still early."

"We won't sleep anymore. It seems that someone is trying to harm you. We have to cheer up and protect you and Young Master."

"Yeah, what kind of poison is this? It's so overbearing?"

Yun Zhou can't speak long sentences, but he just held my hand nervously and looked over and over again.

"Corpse powder is extremely corrosive, don't worry, I can solve it." The first half of this sentence was for the guard Jia and the others, and the second half was for Yun Zhou.

"Huh? What's the sound outside? It seems like someone is playing the piano." At this moment, the guard Jia noticed the movement outside the window, and hurriedly ran under the transom to listen carefully.

"It's raining so hard, who's playing the piano? Tonight belongs to Lu Mengzhu..." The guard Xin also looked puzzled, and leaned under the window. He wanted to look out, but the window was a head higher than him, and he couldn't see it on tiptoe. Outside.

(End of this chapter)

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