Chapter 59
At [-]:[-] in the morning, the heavy rain turned into light rain, pattering down.The maid on Bai Mudan's side got up to boil water and cook, and the guards on duty at night changed shifts. They didn't talk to each other, their movements were light, and their steps were light, so they didn't wake up the sleeping masters.

Yunzhou woke up twice at night, looked around with his sleepy eyes open, and closed his eyes and went back to sleep when he found me.

The guard Xin woke up later than the people on Bai Mudan's side. He waited for them to finish using the kitchen before going in to cook.

There are rice noodles and eggs in the kitchen. He simply cooked a few bowls of noodles, made a few fried poached eggs, and served them to Yunzhou and me, and sent two bowls to Xian Jianke and Cheng Fei.

He took the remaining two bowls back to the house to eat with the guard Jia. I looked at the noodles in the bowl and found that he made sliced ​​noodles. The knife skills are good and the taste is very good.

Maybe we can open a small noodle shop for him in the future, and when we start farming, he won't have to be a guard.

The guard Xin was born with a heavy back, but a delicate mind. I found that he is especially good at housework and is a good hand at cleaning the house.

When we settled down in the inn, he contracted the cleaning work, doing laundry, cooking, and sewing, all of which he was good at.

Wan'er got up later than him, and when she got to the kitchen, guard Xin's noodles had already been cooked.

She made Ximen Wuhen a bowl of noodle soup with the hot pot and hot soup.

Bai Mudan's female elder was sick and didn't eat anything in the morning. Bai Mudan came to invite me after dinner, and wanted me to see the elder's doctor.

The relationship between her and that elder was not close, but it was not so bad that she wanted to see him die of illness.

When I treat people, I don't need to take favors, just pay for them.

When they arrived at the elder's room, Bai Mudan told the maid in the room to leave, and ordered Ah Zhao to stand guard outside the door.

If it was raining or caught wind and cold, there is no need to make it so mysterious.

Even after Bai Mudan brought me in, she withdrew and took care of Lu Youkang.

Only me and Bai Mudan's elders were left in the room. When she heard someone coming in, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

She didn't get up and was very weak, but she didn't have a fever or a cold.

I went to the bed and used my powers to check her body.

I knew she was not sick, but pregnant. When she entered the dungeon, I found another small energy group in her body.

Last night, the fetal gas fluctuated after a lot of running. At her age, in this era, she is a standard advanced maternal age. There is no modern obstetric examination technology here. She may not know that her fetus has problems.

"Genius doctor, save me." Her voice was weak, and it took her a long time to gather the strength to speak.

"Guaranteed to be big or young?" I asked.

My lord is good to say that although I am weak, as long as I take good care of my body, my body can recover.

The smaller one was difficult to deal with, not to mention too weak, and poisoned.

He couldn't bear the process of detoxifying him. Even if the child was born, he would have to live with poison.

Born barely able to live, is the body will have defects.

The congenital diseases of missing arms and short legs cannot be cured by my abilities.

The toxin has destroyed the child's eyes, and even the brain and internal organs have been affected.

Children are born not only blind, but also stupid and weak.

Even if the poison is cured, the damaged eyes can no longer be recovered, so he is destined to be a child with 'eyes but no pearls'.

"It really is a miracle doctor... Please ask the miracle doctor to treat my illness."

What she said was subtle, but I could understand that treating her was not for the child, it was for the sake of the child.

It is the first time for me to use the ability to terminate renchen for people, and the operation is not complicated.

And I can relieve her pain and relieve her pain. Her body is too weak to withstand the torment, and a painless method is better.

Her maid had already boiled hot water, but I didn't show her the fetus when it came out. The baby was really horrible, so I wrapped it in a cloth and handed it to her maid.

The maid went outside to find a place to bury the child.

The fetus will not be poisoned for no reason, the toxins in his body have nothing to do with the diet.

Someone intentionally harmed their mother and child with vicious means.

I can only try my best to treat my mother and let her recover quickly.

At noon, she was able to eat normally, but the servant girl was worried that her stomach was weak, so she only cooked porridge.

I took the money and left without saying or asking a single unnecessary word.

The less court secrets are known, the better.

I went back to the room and saw Ximen Wuhen and Wan'er sitting in the room, Wan'er was talking to the guards Jia and the others, and Ximen Wuhen was checking Yunzhou's pulse.

"Little sister." Ximen Wuhen called out when he saw me.

"I'm not your little sister, but I have to thank you, thank you for saving us." I don't want his misunderstanding to deepen, since there is nothing important right now, I want to explain clearly to him.

If I am an ordinary person and an orphan, it doesn't matter if I recognize my relatives, but we are not ordinary people, Ximen Wuhen is still the leader of the Demon Cult, if I recognize this relative, it may cause a lot of trouble later.

"What are you being polite to, brother-in-law? My brother-in-law is in good health. Maybe I will have a little nephew or niece this year." He let go of Yun Zhou's wrist, and as soon as Yun Zhou's hand was free, he continued to grab the fried peanuts in the bowl and eat them.

The guard Xin didn't get this in the morning, probably Wan'er brought it, and the room was filled with the smell of fried peanuts.

"The leader's thoughts are still so strange, should we think about how to get out of the city now?" I felt that I couldn't communicate with him normally, and he didn't follow my words at all.

Since he doesn't want to talk about it, the matter of recognizing relatives can be temporarily put on hold, and let's talk about going out of the city first.

Wan'er left the guard Ding with the four guardians, and Ximen Wuhen said that he could contact them and find out the situation first.

It's hard for our group of people to show up. If we escaped from the Lu family, no matter whether it is the people who want to destroy the Lu family or the people of the Lu family, I am afraid that they will all want to arrest us.

Wan'er is a new face, she has never been to Lu's house, she changed her clothes, she changed the Demon Cult suit, there are servants to change clothes in the hut, men's clothes don't matter, she found a suit and put it on, holding an umbrella to deliver the letter.

Ximen Wuhen was worried about her going out alone, Wan'er thought she could do it by herself, Ximen Wuhen thought she couldn't, he didn't want her to think, he only wanted him to think.

So Ximen Wuhen tore off the door curtain, wrapped the cloth strips around his head, covering his whole head.

He also changed into his servant's clothes, and followed Wan'er out the door.

Bai Mudan also wanted to send someone out, but the maid beside her didn't have martial arts skills, and she didn't dare to call the guards to leave.

She dared to take Ah Zhao to wander around the rivers and lakes, but she didn't dare to remove the guards around Lu Youkang. Even if she transferred one person away, she would not feel safe.

In the afternoon Wan'er and the guard Ding came back, but Ximen Wuhen didn't come back with them.

Wan'er explained that Ximen Wuhen was staying with the Four Guardians, and wanted to summon the disciples of the Devil's Cult to plan to break out of Yuancheng.

The guard Ding came back with a lot of food on his back. He said that all the shops in the city that sold food were sold out.

What they brought back was bad news that the entire Yuan City had been controlled by an unknown force.

The guards at the gates of each city have all been replaced, and new faces guard the exits like door gods, and no one is allowed to leave the city.

He refused to let him inquire, and his attitude was fierce, and he even searched the whole city for the escaped Lu family.

The martial arts people in the city were also imprisoned by unknown forces, and the head of the righteous way and his disciples were poisoned.

The changes that happened in Yuan City last night can be said to have been turned upside down. We were in the dungeon, but we didn't feel too many waves.

We only experienced the bloodbath of the Lu family, and the person who came here has extremely high martial arts skills. It is purely lucky that we did not die under her sonic skills.

Overthrowing Yuancheng overnight, killing the leader of the Lu alliance, bloodbathing the Lu family, and controlling other martial arts righteous people in the city, this plan is a bit big and well hidden.

It is not that there were no sects that were enemies of the Wulin League, but they were all wiped out.

Moreover, in the hundreds of years of martial arts, no sect can compete with the entire martial arts league.

In the game, I was a little dizzy.

The Demon Cult, which has always been regarded as a strong enemy by the Wulin League, does not have such strength.

If the Wulin League and the entire Wulin are not cleaned up, unknown forces will not stop.

They sent people to search the city for righteous people and Lu family members who escaped, and we must be one of their targets.

Waiting will only wait until someone comes to your door.

Therefore, Ximen Wuhen was discussing with the four guardians how to break out of the encirclement and lead us to escape from Yuancheng.

As soon as Bai Mudan married into the Lu family, she had to return to Jiushuang Country to take refuge.

She was also in a hurry to go back. Lu Youkang was the heir of the Lu family and was the key target of unknown forces.

She wanted to take Lu Youkang to Jiushuang Kingdom as soon as possible to protect his safety.

Cheng Fei and the Immortal Swordsman have already decided to follow me. Cheng Fei is being targeted by a monster breeder. Although he is not from the Lu family, nor is he a decent person, he is not safe either.

The food brought by the guard Ding was enough for us to eat for a few days, and we couldn’t go out to buy snacks. According to my opinion, I just didn’t want to eat, but Wan’er refused. She couldn’t bear her master’s greed and hunger.

After the rain, she went to pick mushrooms and catch frogs. In short, she would not let go of any living things around the courtyard that could be cooked.

Guards Jia, Xin, and Ding are in charge of doing it, and she is in charge of cooking.

The wicked nobles are still enjoying different treatment at this time. As a low-level people who 'used' to treat them like cows and horses, I had to fight and canceled Yunzhou's supper.

There are not many lights and candles in the small courtyard, and the lights are turned off in every room after dark, so he can only eat in the dark when eating supper. In the dark room, he can clearly hear him gnawing bones like a mouse.

After living in the small courtyard for two days, Yunzhou's four subordinates became the four pests in the vicinity, wild fruits, game, and wild mushrooms were wiped out by them.

Fortunately, on the third day, Ximen Wuhen came with a plan to leave the city.

Of course, his plan is very simple, find the tunnel, and use the tunnel to get out of the city.

Yuan City is so big, it is not surprising that there is a secret way out of the city.

Ximen Wuhen also heard from the Four Great Protectors that there are secret passages in the city to get out of the city.

And the location is not difficult to guess. Those who need to come in and out are either people or goods.

If it is a person, there is a problem with its identity, and it is the same if it is a product.

They are all invisible, and cannot cross the road of light.

Black businessmen who transport people and goods in the city have their own lairs.

The secret passage is most likely built under their own lair.

Ximen Wuhen sent the disciples of the Devil's Cult to look for them, and they already found two places.

The goal of our group walking together is too big, so Ximen Wuhen proposed to go separately.

It just so happens that Bai Mudan is going in a different direction than we are going, and the two secret passages are also one south and one north.

We naturally went to the north, and she took Lu Youkang to the secret passage in the south, and rushed back to Jiushuang Kingdom after leaving the city.

The Devil's Cult headquarters is also to the north, but Ximen Wuhen is willing to escort Bai Mudan and the others out of the city first.

Get them to safety and head back north.

He entrusted Wan'er to me and asked me to take her with me.

After deciding on the escape route, our troops divided into two groups, one group went to the south, and the other went to the side of the road.

Ximen Wuhen prepared things for us to change clothes, such as Cheng Fei, who made up to look like a girl.

He looks fair and delicate, and after dressing up, he looks like a little girl.

Wan'er and her pretended to be sisters, and the sacrifice of the fairy swordsman was greater. He pretended to be an old lady, and she was still a very ugly old lady with pockmarks and age spots.

The guards Jia and the others dressed up as old men, but Yun Zhou was too tall to be a man disguised as a woman.

His appearance cannot be changed, and he can only make up for it from his facial features.

I tried my best to make him ugly, with big and small eyes, crooked mouth and slanted eyes, and skin full of bullshit.

And I dressed up as a beggar, none of us dressed up as martial artists.

It's all in ordinary people's attire, dressed up like the most inconspicuous person.

When the unknown forces guarding the city see martial arts figures, they will arrest them and put them in prison.

Ordinary people are more relaxed, they are allowed to walk back and forth, but they are not allowed to walk back and forth, and the number of times they go out is limited.

Every street and every residential area is guarded, and ordinary residents who enter and exit need to be registered.

Ximen Wuhen got us a 'Travel Permit'. Anyway, we don't walk around frequently on the street, and we won't attract attention by walking around.

We walked two by two and agreed to meet at the secret passage to the north.

The smuggling/smuggling/business shop has closed, and the owner is nowhere to be found.

Yunzhou and I are on the same team, Wan'er and Cheng Fei are on the same team, Immortal Swordsman and the guard Jia are on the same team, and the two of them have also become an old couple.

A team of guards Xin and Ding dressed up as old vegetable sellers.

Yunzhou and I are dumb beggars, beggars with fools, and we both wear beggar couple costumes.

It was going smoothly all the way, and no one paid much attention to the two of us.

But it happened that an acquaintance walked towards me. If it was another acquaintance, we would not be able to recognize it if we dressed like this, but it was Liu Yanyan, she could have spotted it in my hiding place, let alone walking by.

She stopped me and asked me how I got this look?

"There is danger in the city, and people are arresting martial arts practitioners everywhere, so I am hiding from them." I explained.

She was still dressed as white as snow, and she didn't mean to hide her identity at all.

I can't help but wonder if she is with unknown forces.

She nodded after hearing this: "Yes, but if you are my apprentice, no one will embarrass you."

What she said is pulling me into the group again. I don't want to be her apprentice at all.

And her meaning is obvious, she does have a relationship with unknown forces.

"It's okay for us to leave like this, you are busy with your work." I said politely.

"You can't get out of the city, you should follow me first." She said without any explanation, grabbed me and left.

Yun Zhou tensed up nervously, he was going to dig out the hickory nuts in his pocket, which were picked and fried by the 'four evils' for him.

Walnuts with shells can be used as hidden weapons. I hold his hand, take off his snack bag and hang it around my neck. It is unwise to fight Liu Yanyan.

(End of this chapter)

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