Chapter 62

The original body didn't know much about Liu Yanyan and Yue Nanxiang's generation.Now that Liu Yanyan has told me everything, it seems that she is really confessing her last words.

She also told me that if their master came back one day, let me tell you where his two apprentices were buried.

She has been isolated from the world for many years, and she only has Yue Nanxiang as a friend at the foot of the mountain.

She and the original boss's father didn't break up peacefully, and they never saw each other again in this life.

He has a working relationship with Emperor Qun of Fuyu Tiangong and has no personal relationship.

Picking and picking, the secret guard that my daughter has carefully cultivated is the most trustworthy.

Although judging from my performance, I am not a completely loyal subordinate, but as long as my life is not involved, I can do other things. This is Liu Yanyan's new evaluation of me.

After she finished explaining what she wanted to explain, she began to teach me martial arts.

When it comes to martial arts, I have to talk about another secret of Yaoyuetai.

People in the world only know that Yaoyuetai's kung fu must be practiced by virgins, but they don't know that they also have a kung fu that anyone can practice.

The year she went to Yaoyue Platform, the boss who had already given birth to her original body could not be a virgin.

But very few people knew this secret, and the outside world thought she was unmarried and childless.

She was able to get to the top of Yaoyue Platform, so she had practiced a lot of kung fu.

She originally had martial arts, so she took her skills up the mountain, passed the tests, and entered the final stage of medical examination and interview.

Originally, they would not accept her, but because the owner of the platform at that time saw her excellent bones, a rare talent in martial arts practice in a century, and was reluctant to waste it, so he made an exception and kept her.

Teach her that set of kung fu that is not known to outsiders.

Practice has proved that the set of kung fu she practiced is better than the one commonly used by Yaoyuetai.

The people who knew that her entrance was approved by the master of the platform as an exception, died one after another. After many years, no one in the Yao platform knew about it.

Whether those people died accidentally, or she killed them to silence them, she didn't say clearly.

Since she has decided to accept me as an apprentice, there is no need to hide this big secret.

There have been many things happening recently, one after another, my mind is a bit messed up.

It is also good to practice qigong, if you have time to think, you can sort out the clues.

Liu Yanyan coaxed Yue Nanxiang away, but I didn't blame Yun Zhou, I helped him wash his hands, cleaned up the table, and asked someone to bring lunch.

The martial arts alliance collapsed like a building, and those who insisted on justice were either killed or injured, and some were imprisoned.

The rest are either already members of the Rainy Heavenly Palace, or they are just sloppy and ruthless.

For example, the city lord of Yuancheng, I went out to buy snacks for Yunzhou after lunch, and happened to meet him in the lobby of Qunfang Pavilion.

I didn't jump off the building during the day, it's more conspicuous, it's better to take the stairs normally.

I saw a person in the lobby, surrounded by a circle of people, talking about something.

Some people called the man surrounded by the city 'lord'. The man had a smile on his face, his eyes and brows were full of joy, as if it was the time of the spring breeze.

They said that after Lu Yu died, the city lord would be the real ruler of Yuancheng from now on, not the little transparency he used to be.

No wonder people often say that it is difficult to guard against house thieves by day and night.

Yuancheng encountered a catastrophe, and the city lord Ganqing was one of the accomplices!

Indeed, the city lord of Yuancheng has little power, he is in charge of locking the city, and all major matters are decided by the Wulin League.

It sounds good to be the lord of a city, but what he actually does is similar to the aunt of the neighborhood committee.

Among the previous city lords, there is no guarantee that no one will be unwilling to seize power and destroy the Wulin League.

But relying on your own strength is definitely not enough, you can only hug your thighs.

The city lord caught a glimpse of me going downstairs, his gaze changed, he looked at me from the crowd and asked, "Isn't this Doctor An?"

I detoxified Lu Mengzhu, and everyone in Yuancheng knew about his outstanding medical skills.

I also met this city lord at the birthday banquet and wedding banquet that day.

He was about the same age as League Leader Lu, with a gray beard, kind eyes and kind eyes, and humble and polite speech.

However, knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, I didn't find anything wrong with his state of mind at the time.

I didn't want to pay attention to him, and went straight out, he is such a shrewd person, in the site of Fuyu Tiangong, he saw me swaggering in and out without anyone blocking him, and he knew there must be a reason for it.

Not as impulsive as Baili Ya and the others, he turned to ask the people around him, what's going on?
The people who are often active in the lobby were also present when I killed Ou Yong and the others last night.

Introduce for the city, I am Liu Yanyan's apprentice, and I am one of my own.

The city lord immediately put away his hostility and greeted me politely, without any airs of seniority or the majesty of the city lord.

I was still the same as on the day of the banquet, I didn't return the salute, I didn't reply, and I walked past them, exuding the aloof aura of 'don't talk to me' all over my body.

The city lord controlled his emotions quite well. The energy group only fluctuated slightly, and then returned to peace and tranquility.

Everyone has fluctuations of this magnitude, and they cannot represent negative emotions. It is difficult to judge the true state.

Before I left, I put Yun Zhou in Yue Nanxiang's house, in case someone would harm him while I was away.

Going out to buy snacks is just a pretense, the place I'm really going to is Lu Zhai.

There are books I bought along the way in the guest room of Lu’s house, and our luggage is still in Lu’s house.

It has been several days since the night when Lu's house was robbed, but there is still a lingering smell of blood around Lu's house.

The torrential rain that night hadn't washed the blood away, maybe it had seeped into the soil.

I don't know where the body was transported, but now the Lu residence is empty.

I suddenly recalled the night when Yuan Shen died, her boss set fire to her house, the flames lit up the night sky red, and the smell of blood wafted in the air.

If I didn't pass through with my abilities, even if my original body was not poisonous, I would still be buried in the sea of ​​flames.

I had many burns on my body when I jumped over the fire wall, and there was no cure and no medicine. If I didn’t have the ability to heal, the infection and inflammation of the wound would kill me.

The door of Lu's house was locked, so I climbed over the wall and went in to find our luggage in the guest room.

The rooms are unchanged and have not been vandalized.

The place where someone had fought is no longer good. There are several big holes in the wall, and the roof of the gazebo in the garden is missing.

Even the lotus pond was not spared. The water disappeared somehow, exposing the mud at the bottom of the pond.

Don't think about the lotus and the fish in the pond, you can only find their "remnants" in the surrounding grass.

The whole Lu house exudes a foul smell, a rotten smell.

"Doctor An."

I carried my luggage and walked out of the guest room. I wanted to see if Leader Lu's body had been buried, but there was no one in the Lu family. All the corpses were taken away, and Leader Lu's body was also missing.

When someone stopped me suddenly, I subconsciously made defensive actions.

"An... Maybe I should call you Dark Seven." The person who came came still looked like a handsome and good young man.

"Where did Pavilion Master Luo come from?" I looked at Luo Xiuran who was walking slowly.

He came from the direction of the back garden, carrying a small cloth bag in his hand.

"Where do you start, or... your last mission?" He smiled, as if talking about the weather.

"My last mission? Yunzhou asked me to come out and buy fried chestnuts." I continued to play dumb.

"She is dead, but you are alive. I just want to ask, is it because of the last mission?"

"How do you know I'm Dark Seven?"

"Okay, let's exchange secrets. I am born with a good sense of smell, and everyone has a unique smell. I can smell it and distinguish it. I have never made a mistake."

"No, I live because I don't want to die, and I don't want to continue the mission, it's as simple as that."

The smile on the corner of Luo Xiuran's mouth seemed to be engraved on his face, and there was no emotion in his eyes. It was difficult to judge his real thoughts from his expression.

So I'm confused, why does the original boss love him so much?Could it be that he was lowered?

Others are women chasing men, and the two of them are women chasing men. This person may not have love in his heart.

"You are very wise, do you want to come to Liuxian Pavilion?"

"No, I plan to buy land to farm."

"Aren't you going to join the Rainy Heaven Palace?"

"I'm just a secret guard for re-employment. I have no ambitions and don't want to go into troubled waters. These are the farming books I bought. I hope to say goodbye to my previous life."

I opened a corner of the luggage bag to reveal the books inside. How could I throw away the hard-earned books on the road.

As for why he returned to Lu's house, what he was holding in his hand, and how he escaped that night, I don't want to know at all.

"Isn't what she planned being realized one by one? Her strength lies in that no matter whether she lives or dies, the situation she sets up will develop according to her expectations."

Luo Xiuran walked side by side with me, because of the close distance, I could feel the coldness emanating from his body.

"I haven't figured out whether it is because she has no plans, or whether it is true that she is born with the ability to see through the secrets as the rumors say."

"Master's secret, I don't want to reveal it."

"What if I would buy the secret?"

"You could have asked her in person. She has always been honest with you. I am different. There is no proof. I may not tell you the truth. If you insist on buying the truth, I have no objection."

"You're blaming me, but you still have feelings for her." Luo Xiuran's smiling face cracked, revealing a wry smile behind the mask.

"I don't blame you. I just think she is stupid. I don't want to be a fool, so I didn't die."

I feel it's outrageous, Yuanzhen and Luo Xiuran have never spoken.

I thought he and I would have nothing to say, but somehow we started chatting.

The last mission assigned to her by the original boss was to assassinate Luo Xiuran.

The original boss wanted to take this man to die with him, but she suddenly repented and killed herself first.

She didn't revoke the mission, nor did she set a deadline for the original body.

She might not be able to make the final decision, so she handed over the choice to Yuan Bo.

The original body can choose to perform the final task first, and then go back to die for the Lord.

You can also choose to die directly and give up the mission.

But she didn't expect that the original body was secretly injured in the previous mission, and the original body didn't say anything, so no one would check for her.

Although this injury didn't make her lose her ability to move, it activated the poison in her body ahead of time, causing her poison to kick in early.

Therefore, it was impossible for the original body to perform the final mission that night anyway.

What the original boss is good at is not predicting the future, but detecting people's hearts.

It's just that she misunderstood a person's heart after all, the dark seven she was most assured of.

She thought that An Qi was a puppet who only knew how to execute orders.

Or upgrade and upgrade, it is an artificial intelligence robot.

But she didn't know that An Qi's loyalty to her was also mixed with some love.

An Qi felt that something was wrong with the boss, so she didn't mention the injury during the mission, because then she wouldn't be able to guard the boss day and night.

Whether it was as a spectator or influenced by the original body's feelings, I feel somewhat sorry for her boss's ending.

If she hadn't suddenly developed a love brain, the pattern of the four countries might have changed differently.

Luo Xiuran and I walked and chatted all the way, feeling surprisingly like an acquaintance we have known for a long time.

Maybe it's because Luo Xiuran's attitude is different from that on the day of the banquet, maybe it's because I'm no longer worried about being recognized by him.

We talked about the original body, the original body boss, and the fire.

"Do you know where she is buried?" I asked.

I just wore it, and I managed to escape from death, so I didn't care about anything else.

Moreover, what is the status of the original boss, when she dies, a bunch of people will take over her funeral, so naturally someone will hold a funeral for her.

It is impossible for her to expose her corpse to the wilderness, nor can she be buried hastily.

"Qianmiao Mountain, eighty miles away from the capital." Luo Xiuran answered the question, supposedly there would be a fee, but neither he nor I mentioned the matter of buying news.

"Thank you." At this time we had reached the gate of Lu's house, I walked towards the base of the wall, climbed up the wall with my kung fu, and jumped out of the wall.

Just talking a few words is not enough for me to trust Luo Xiuran.

Although he showed some affection for the original boss, but I'm not sure if it's true or not.

My memory is extraordinary, but it doesn't mean IQ is also superior. I must admit that compared with him and the original boss, I seem mentally handicapped.

On the way back to Qunfang Pavilion, I bought several boxes of dried fruit candies for Yunzhou.

When I went back, I found that there were more guards in Qunfang Pavilion, and there was a guard in red and white standing a few meters away from the street.

It seems that some important person has come, I look at the sky, it's sunny, I can't go back through the window.

When I got to the gate, the guard didn't stop me.

I walked in with my luggage and snacks on my back.

The number of people in the hall has doubled, and the surroundings have been specially arranged. There are groups of dancers and musicians dressed in beaming clothes.

From the conversation among the crowd, I heard the word 'celebration', and thought to myself, is this a celebration banquet organized by Fuyu Tiangong for defeating the Wulin League?
The little girl who brought us food in the morning passed through the crowd and ran over to salute me, saying that she had been waiting for me for a long time, and that there was an important event tonight, so she didn't know that I was going out until she brought me clothes.

So she waited for me in the lobby, and immediately urged me to go upstairs to change clothes when she saw me come back.

I followed her back to the top floor, Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang were safe together, Liu Yanyan watched them personally.

The little girl and I went back to the house to change clothes. To be honest, I don't want to participate in the activities of the Rainy Heavenly Palace.

But the little girl said that it was arranged by the emperor, and he asked me to attend tonight's event.

I, a nameless person, a little dark guard, was named by the big villain boss?flustered...

I put down my luggage, went behind the changing screen, picked up the clothes on the chair, and asked, "This is the dress you prepared for me?"

The little girl tilted her head, smiling until her eyes turned into crescent moons: "Yes, I know that girls like black, so I specially found it for you, and I'm sure it will fit you well."

This is not a dress, it is made according to Liu Yanyan's, the style is exactly the same, but hers is plain white, and mine is pure black.

Liu Yanyan was dressed in plain clothes with wide and flowing sleeves, walking like clouds in the sky.

The skirt can be pulled up from side to side to form a 180-degree angle, and the white ribbon pendant hanging from the waist is pressed by a white jade ring.

Well, I'll just change it all to black and I'll be done.

So this is the master and apprentice parent-child outfit?
No, going out wearing this will only make us black and white!

(End of this chapter)

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