a very dark dark guard

Chapter 65 What a big melon

Chapter 65 What a big melon
Yue Nanxiang's memory is only going backwards, which is different from Yunzhou's situation.She asked Liu Yanyan if Ah Cai made a mistake?Her family came to pick her up?Was she beaten?
Liu Yanyan explained that Ah Cai was sick and unable to come out to play, so her family came to pick her up.

Everyone knows that the empress is the emperor's heart, and it's not very likely that the emperor beat her up.

Sure enough, when the two came out, the blue butterfly was unscathed, and the emperor had paint on his face and was still limping when he walked.

But Lan Caidie obediently followed him back downstairs, and did not run away or control others.

We made room for the two of them, got out of the elevator, and stood beside me. When Dijun passed by me, he asked in a low voice, "Are you a miracle doctor?"

"Proficient in medical skills."

He nodded slightly, helped the crooked golden crown, and walked into the elevator.

Yue Nanxiang's house had nowhere to go, the house was in a mess, the furniture was broken all over the place, not teacups, but furniture, the wardrobe and the table were all broken into pieces.

Yue Nanxiang and Liu Yanyan had no choice but to stay in our room first, and wait for someone to clean up the room and replace it with new furniture before going back to rest.

Tonight's banquet will last all night, it's still early, but Yue Nanxiang can't stay up late, so Yun Zhou let her sleep on the bed.

Liu Yanyan asked me when I could start treatment.

Yue Nanxiang's condition deteriorated very quickly, and the further it went, the faster it deteriorated.

I said tonight, she will sleep with hers, and I will treat mine.

The big bed was spacious enough, I sat cross-legged next to Yue Nanxiang, and used my powers to make her fall into a deep sleep.

The treatment time was too long, Yue Nanxiang's body couldn't bear it, so I first searched for lesions in her body, the poison was mainly concentrated in her brain.

The human brain is a very sophisticated 'machine', if it is not handled properly, she will be even more stupid than Yun Zhou.

An hour later, Yue Nanxiang's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and Liu Yanyan stood by with a cloth towel, soaking the cloth with warm water to wipe off the beads of sweat for her.

"Okay, the time can't be too long, I'm afraid the damage will be too great." I stopped activating the ability and retracted the hand that made the fake move.

I don't want others to know about my abilities. When treating Yue Nanxiang, I pretended to pass on the skills and put my hands on her body for treatment.

There used to be martial arts sects in Jianghu that specialized in treating people, and they used internal strength.

This sect is not good at fighting, but it heals injuries better than doctors.

He was famous all over the rivers and lakes, but was later captured and used by the wicked, some committed suicide, some exhausted their internal strength, and became a useless person.

This sect declined until it completely disappeared, and few legends about them are heard in today's arena.

But not entirely forgotten, and I'm going to use them as a cover when someone asks.

Liu Yanyan covered Yue Nanxiang with a quilt, and asked me to sit on the couch beside her, and she wanted to teach me the exercises.

She first showed me a piece of paper on which was written the formulas of exercises. She only gave me 5 minutes to memorize them. achievement.

I treated Yue Nanxiang, and she taught me the exercises. Seven days passed like this.

The poison in Yue Nanxiang's brain was cleared, but her body did not recover, she was still ten years old.

However, Liu Yanyan's changes have been enormous. She passed on her life's skills to me, and on the seventh day, her hair turned gray overnight, and she was much older than her actual age.

The difference between her and Xueqin Master is that she is a beautiful old lady, although she is old, she can still see that she was once a beauty.

In the early morning of the eighth day, I heard Yue Nanxiang's cry, and went to their room to see Liu Yanyan was lying on the bed, no longer breathing.

She walked peacefully, as if she had just fallen asleep.

Xiao Beitu always wanted to come up to talk to her these days, she got angry once, and Xiao Beitu was too scared to disturb her again.

Now that she is gone and Yue Nanxiang is a child again, I asked Xiao Beitu to come upstairs to say goodbye to the corpse.

Xiao Beitu sat by the bed, took Liu Yanyan's hand, didn't cry, just smiled without saying a word.

I don't know what happened between them, Xiao Beitu wanted to take Liu Yanyan back to Biyi Island for burial.

I promised Liu Yanyan to bury her and her daughter together, and I told Xiao Beitu.

Xiao Beitu said that Liu Yanyan only said to be buried with her daughter, but didn't say that she couldn't be buried on Biyi Island.

He wanted to transport both of their wives back to Biyi Island for burial.

"Who... is her daughter, does the island owner know?" I know that Liu Yanyan can find a place to bury her at will, and she has no requirements in this regard, but her daughter can't. With her identity in place, we might want to rob the grave. She stole it?

Otherwise, her father would not allow her to be buried outside the royal cemetery.

The rule here is that daughters who are not married must be buried in the family cemetery.

"I know. Xiaoqi, you don't have to call me the island owner, you can just call me Shigong." Xiao Beitu suddenly corrected me to address him.

"Uh, cough, this is inappropriate, Master Liu never married." She never recognized the status of the island owner before she was alive, how can I have the right to arrange a marriage for her after death?
"No, she and I... have worshiped."

"Ah?" The big melon fell down, and my head was stunned.

Xiao Beitu took Liu Yanyan's hand and talked about the emotional entanglements of their previous generation.

I didn't expect that the melon bigger than the two of them was still to come, and the original boss was not the daughter of the king, but the daughter of Xiao Beitu? !
Back then, Xiao Beitu was the chief disciple of the famous Zhengdao sect, the hope of the sect, his master placed high hopes on him, and he was also the sect's default candidate for the next head.

But when he went out to practice, he met a girl, and the two fell in love at first sight. Only after their relationship deepened did he realize that this girl was the apprentice of the Jianghu murderer, and she was definitely a villain.

With Liu Yanyan's temperament, she was also a murderous master when she was young.

So even if her master is not mentioned, she is not a good person recognized by a decent family.

The combination of the two was naturally opposed by Xiao Beitu's master, so they eloped and had a wedding in the wilderness mountain village.

On the night of the wedding, Xiao Beitu's master brought a group of brothers to find them. His master didn't do anything to Liu Yanyan, but forced him to die. If they dared to continue the wedding, he spilled blood on the wedding scene.

Xiao Beitu was brought up by his master, who treats him like a teacher and even a father.

It was impossible for him to watch his master commit suicide in front of him, so he had no choice but to return to the sect with his master.

He wanted to delay the attack, but Liu Yanyan couldn't bear such 'abandonment'.

She was dressed as a married woman and stayed alone in the dilapidated thatched hut, feeling that the love that the world pursued was nothing more than this.

Looking at the background of Xiao Beitu going away, she only left one sentence: I will not wait for you.

Then he left the village, Xiao Beitu turned his head three times at every step, only to feel that he was very flustered after hearing those words.

A few months later, he took the opportunity to escape down the mountain gate and returned to the village. As expected, the house was empty.

He searched everywhere, but he heard that a certain prince had brought back a woman who was as beautiful as a fairy.

He knew that the prince was Liu Yanyan's suitor, and Liu Yanyan had always rejected him.

But the prince is still infatuated with her, an internationally certified lick/dog.

In the end, the goddess returned, and the goddess gave birth to a daughter for him, and then left the palace.

But when it comes to this prince, although he loves Liu Yanyan wholeheartedly, he already has a wife.

Even if Liu Yanyan wanted to find someone to marry, it was impossible for him to be a concubine.

Because of her departure, the prince was overly sad, and fell to the root of his illness.

She has always regarded the daughter she left behind as the apple of her eye, and loved her to the point of morbidity.

Later, his wives and concubines gave birth to several children for him, but none of them received his love. He gave all his father's love to Liu Yanyan's daughter.

Later, when he ascended the throne as the king, this daughter was the eldest princess. She was the king's only favorite princess, and her status was higher than that of the prince.

"Don't you think your daughter looks a lot like me?" Xiao Beitu asked suddenly.

Hmm... I didn't see it, but the original boss looks a lot like Liu Yanyan, and the mother and daughter are [-]% similar.

However, Xiao Beitu should have confidence in this matter. Liu Yanyan was three months pregnant when she visited him.

After Liu Yanyan went to the palace, she gave birth to a daughter within a few months, and the timing just coincided.

He had inquired from the midwife hired by the palace that the child was born at full term, and if the daughter belonged to the prince, the timing didn't make sense, so it must be a premature baby.

He ran to Yaoyuetai, wanting to see Liu Yanyan ask her for forgiveness, and beg her to change her mind.

However, Liu Yanyan made up her mind not to see him again, nor to have any entanglements with him.

His crazy behavior made his master completely disappointed in him, saying that he had disgraced the sect, abolished his martial arts, and expelled him from the sect.

He wanted to go to the palace to recognize his daughter, but he was afraid that the prince would kill their father and daughter in a fit of anger.

I had no choice but to hold back my longing, determined to become stronger, and when I became strong enough, I could take back my wife and daughter.

He is a man with no martial arts, how can he become stronger without taking shortcuts?
Going evil was his only option at the time.

I can't judge whether his choice is right or not, after all, it didn't happen to me.

Just being a listener, listening silently, waiting for him to finish speaking, and then transporting Liu Yanyan's body outside the city to be cremated.

She had already showered and changed clothes before she left, and tidied herself up.

She is not a ostentatious person, and has few acquaintances in the world, and I don't think she would like to be sent off by a group of insignificant people.

So we didn't hold a funeral, and the only people who went to cremation were me, Yue Nanxiang, Xiao Beitu, and Yun Zhou, who couldn't be left alone at home.

The ashes were put in a jar, sealed, and placed with my pile of luggage.

The other villains felt particularly sudden about her death.

Of course Liu Yanyan would not tell them that her time was numbered. She passed away suddenly, and others couldn't believe it for a while.

I then explained that something went wrong in her practice and she left very suddenly.

It's a common thing among villains, and they're quick to accept it.

Xiao Beitu already knew the news of his daughter's death, and now his wife is gone.

I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel that his hair is even whiter, so white that it will shine.

He might also want to talk to Liu Yanyan about his daughter, but Liu Yanyan had already given up on him, and she didn't want to say a word to him, she just wanted to be a stranger.

Now that he has no chance at all, the girls will no longer be able to listen to him.

As Liu Yanyan's apprentice and his daughter's subordinate, I naturally became his confidant.

He talked about his helplessness. He was closed on the island for 15 years and missed many things in the world.

He didn't have the strength back then, but now he has it, but he can only use this strength to inquire about their mother and daughter, and in exchange for stacks of papers, he can't compensate them and reunite the family.

His life on Biyi Island is probably no better than Liu Yanyan's life on Yaoyue Terrace.

He is a useless person who has just entered the Biyi Sect. If he does not peel off the skin and bones, he will not have the opportunity to climb up.

That island is actually similar to Yaoyue Terrace, you can't come in and out at will, you can only come out after you go in, you can only climb to a certain height.

The story of their family can be written into the Jianghu storybook, but the story is someone else's story after all, I just listen to it.

I have things that I want to worry about, for example, when Liu Yanyan's backer is gone, someone will come to seek revenge on me!
On the way back to Qunfang Pavilion, a group of monster-looking guys rushed out from the side of the road and blocked our way.

"Your surname is An?" the leader pointed at me with the bone knife in his hand and asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Brothers, she is the murderer who killed the eldest lady, and cut her body into thousands of pieces to avenge the eldest lady!"

"I'd like to see who dares to touch my apprentice." Xiao Beitu rushed to speak before me, moved a step, and stood in front of me.

Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang didn't understand what was going on, and I sighed secretly.

Liu Yanyan passed on all his martial arts to me, and taught me martial arts formulas. It is true that he is my master, he is Liu Yanyan's husband, and it is not wrong for me to call him master. This does not mean that I am his apprentice!
But he is the head of the Biyi faction, and his apprentice must also be a disciple of the Biyi faction. What he practices is their martial arts. The problem is that I don't have one...

The villainous halo on me is getting more and more, from now on, I'm afraid I won't be able to wash it off even if I jump into the Yellow River.

"Who are you? Dare to meddle in the affairs of the Demon Castle?"

"The owner of Biyi Island, Xiao Beitu."

Ah~ I covered my face with the tone of the big boss, thinking that if I demolished his stage at this time, the people on the other side probably wouldn't believe it.

The people in Demon Fort obviously knew that I worshiped Liu Yanyan as my teacher, and once Liu Yanyan died, they ran over to seek revenge.

"Liu Yanyan is the wife of the island owner, and her apprentice is also my apprentice." Xiao Beitu explained to them.

I suspected that he wanted to put his relationship with Liu Yanyan on the surface, and mentioned me by the way.

The people in Yaobao don't seem to know much about Biyi Island, they just regard it as an ordinary sect.

They weighed it up and decided to kill Xiao Beitu together.

"Who cares who you are! Meddling in the affairs of the demon castle, damn it—" The leader winked, and the surrounding subordinates immediately raised their knives and slashed over.

Xiao Beitu blocked me with his arm, and I took advantage of the situation to pull Yun Zhou back a few steps.

He stands in the front and fights with someone. I personally saw him catch the sword with his bare hands, twist off the sword, and then grabbed the opponent's throat with one move. In a few breaths, the person in his hand turned into a mummified corpse.

He threw the person away and looked for another target.

Two unlucky ghosts were hit in a row, and the others dared not approach him again.

It's just a dream to get rid of the boss and the others!
Seeing that they couldn't beat them and wanted to run, Xiao Beitu touched the ground with his toes, flew forward and used lightness kung fu to catch up with each other, and within a short while, there were more than a dozen mummified corpses on the road.

The boss was the only one among them with deep internal strength, he slapped Xiao Beitu with a palm, and then... his internal organs were ripped apart.

(End of this chapter)

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