Chapter 67
Courage is on the one hand, on the other hand he must also have this strength.Qunfang Pavilion is heavily guarded by people from Tiangong, it is difficult to get close to here, let alone run to the top of the building without being discovered.

Di Qun is a master of martial arts. He lives on the eighth floor, not far from the roof.

People with deep internal strength have much better hearing, vision, and perception than ordinary people.

The big deal is to run away with Yue Nanxiang on his back and Yunzhou in his arms. If he can't beat those big guys, he can still run away.

For the past few days, I have worked hard to improve my 'leg strength', so that I can be sure of escaping in the event of an accident.

All these things were carried out secretly and quietly prepared by myself.

No matter what others think, as long as I know who I am in my heart.

At night, when Yunzhou fell asleep, I continued to practice. At the appointed time, I opened my eyes, climbed out of the window, and climbed onto the roof of the building.

It was very windy at night, especially when standing on the top of the building. I deliberately changed into night clothes, with tight sleeves, no skirt, and my hair was coiled up, so as not to be blown into a crazy woman by the wind.

The man who was waiting for me on the roof did not avoid this, so when I saw him, I couldn't see his face at all.

The hem of his clothes was flying around, his hair was messed up all over his face, and the fan in his hand was against the wind, so he couldn't fan it very well.

Don't be so handsome in such a strong wind...

Looking at his blue clothes, I don't need to look at his face to know who he is.

When I saw someone coming, I knew why he dared to come to Qunfang Pavilion single-handedly. He has the ability.

"Hero Yin, why don't you come in and tell me?"

"That's fine!" Yin Hanxing didn't hesitate, he stepped off the donkey and followed me into the house through the window.

I closed the window, and he smoothed the hair on his face, folded the fan and put it at his waist.

He entered the room without speaking, and gestured to me.

Some quack code words are common, and one type is gestures.

It is more complicated than dumb language and belongs to the slang in sign language.

He knew that Emperor Tiangong lived on the eighth floor, so he was afraid that the big boss would hear our conversation, so he wanted to communicate with gestures.

I nodded and gestured for him to 'please speak'.

Black language is used to exchange information, which is much more complicated than the content of daily communication.

People who often act in secret will usually learn this sign language slang.

But not everyone knows it. It is said that Yin Hanxing is a child of the four major families, a century-old famous family, and the family will not teach them these things.

Maybe he taught himself when he was traveling in Jianghu, and he began to tell me the purpose of his visit with gestures.

He wants to rescue the trapped martial arts comrades. He has found out where they are being held. He wants me to buy time for him to save people. Specifically, he wants to hold Tiangong Dijun.

He knows that I will treat Lan Caidie tomorrow, and the big boss will definitely accompany me, and I won't leave even if the sky falls.

He wanted me to prolong the treatment as long as possible, preferably after he got everyone out.

(Wouldn't that be a coincidence? He would suspect me of being a mole!) I objected with gestures.

(Are you?) Yin Hanxing asked back.

I have to understand what he said before answering. First of all, I am a distinguished guest of the Lu family, and I have saved Lu Youkang and Lu Mengzhu, so I should be on the side of the Wulin League.

Since he is a member of the Wulin League, it is right to help the famous sect deal with Fuyu Tiangong.

In other words, I should be the traitor.

But now everyone suspects that I am from Fuyu Tiangong, a traitor sent by Tiangong to infiltrate the Wulin League.

(you sparked my thinking about life) I went to the chair and sat down and I answered him (I try) before I started thinking about life.

He got the answer, hugged me, and jumped out the window.

After he left, I deliberately listened to the movement downstairs, no one came in or out.

Worried about my hearing, I used my supernatural powers to perceive for a while, and after confirming that there was no life energy activity, I settled down to practice.

The most important thing is to practice, and then to think about life.

At 04:30 in the morning, I finished my work and opened my eyes, opened the window, bathed in the morning light, and thought about the future.

When Yunzhou woke up, I just thought of a sentence: It is difficult to distinguish between black and white, right and wrong.

Then the whole breakfast time, I was thinking about Yunzhou, is he a good guy or a bad guy?
Deep thinking until the end of breakfast, after the meal I will treat Lan Caidie.

Dijun sent someone to 'protect' Yunzhou, and I quietly injected my 'Qi' into the people he sent.

And before leaving, he left him a box of braised chicken feet and asked him to use it as he pleased.

Yue Nanxiang was in the same room with him, and I also told her to yell loudly if something happened, so I would know where they both were.

Because I also injected my 'Qi' into their bodies, but this 'Qi' is used for positioning.

It's not the aggressive 'Qi', it's my life energy, I find my own 'Qi' by myself, just like satellite positioning.

Yue Nanxiang nodded heavily, with a firm face, and assured me that she would protect the silly brother-in-law.

This generation has been in chaos ever since her degeneration accelerated. She started calling her Brother Yunzhou, but later Liu Yanyan went along with the flow, not saying that I was her apprentice, but that I was her long-lost sister.

In Yue Nanxiang's memory at this time, she had just started for a year, and she was still a child learning martial arts.

Liu Yanyan told her that she had lost her memory, that she was not a child, and that her master went out to roam around many years ago, and before leaving, she told her that she might not come back for decades.

The two of them depended on each other for more than five years. Later, Liu Yanyan went to Yaoyuetai to pursue martial arts development, and she studied business and opened a restaurant.

Maybe she offended someone, someone poisoned her during this martial arts tournament, making her keep shrinking.

Fortunately, I, Liu Yanyan's younger sister, came forward to detoxify her, so she saved her life.

Liu Yanyan told her that if her senior sister was gone, she would follow An Qi, and she would go wherever An Qi went.

Although Yue Nanxiang could understand these words, her reason and emotions were out of touch. She believed that Liu Yanyan hadn't lied to her. She was not a child, but she didn't have the memory of being an adult, those rich experiences, the ups and downs. , she has no impression.

She is still a child in mind and body, but she trusts Liu Yanyan, and even trusts me.

From Liu Yanyan's side, she called me sister, and she put herself in the position of junior junior sister, so Yun Zhou changed from a brother to a brother-in-law.

I didn't intend to correct her, she was still young, if she tried to clarify the relationship, even if she could understand and remember, she would still feel awkward.

From now on, if I call her Shishu all the time, it will not help her to live a low-key life.

Liu Yanyan hoped that the rest of Yue Nanxiang's life would be peaceful and peaceful without any disturbances.

This is exactly my future goal. I recognize Yue Nanxiang as my younger sister and let her live in this capacity.

For this reason, I even changed her name for her. Yue's surname is too special, so she will have to change her surname to An in the future, and change her name to Xiaoxiao.

She likes the new name, we agreed to leave Yuancheng, and we started the new name, bid farewell to the past, and started again.

Dijun's side has prepared the operating room according to my requirements, and Lan Caidie is lying on the special operating table, sleeping deeply after taking the medicine.

The emperor was just as Yin Hanxing said, he stayed outside the door and never left.

Blue Butterfly's craniotomy took a long time, and it took me the first time to do it.

Yesterday, I read some books on the role of Wu, and I dared to start today.

I took out something from the brain of the blue butterfly, and put it in a steamed clean tray.

The material seems to be metal, but people in this era don't get shot in the head and leave the bullet inside.

I deliberately asked Dijun to give her medicine in advance, and then use the ability to create anesthesia/narcosis when she is sleeping.

Because I don't know how her brain's defense system works, if she immobilizes me when I use the power, today's affairs will be difficult.

Getting things out is half the battle, the rest is healing.

The skull is pressed back, the scalp is covered back, and the work is done meticulously and carefully.

The time is indeed getting longer and longer, and I also slow down when treating her incision, and come a little bit.

So slow that I have time to clean the metal and study what it is.

It is shaped like a capsule, but the surface is not as smooth as a capsule, with many protruding small metal points.

"Chip?" I mutter under my breath.

Blue Butterfly's mother is an 'alien'. If I hadn't heard about it in advance, I couldn't figure out why there was something in her head that didn't belong to this world.

But if her words are true, then her mother is by no means an ordinary time traveler.

Probably a scientist coming with full gear.

No, then it can't be called a time traveler, it should be called a time traveler.

But her mother's skills... are obviously immature, the supernatural powers have been stimulated, and people are not normal anymore.

I first treated the damage in her brain, stopped the bleeding, and removed the blood clots.

About half an hour after we entered the 'operating room', the city became chaotic.

Someone came to report to Dijun and mentioned the word 'robbing prison'.

Dijun just arranged for someone to deal with it, but he was still guarding the door.

He looked calm on the outside, but angry on the inside.

I felt a strong killing intent, and part of it was still directed at me.

Maybe when I'm done with my treatment, he'll kill me.

Yin Hanxing came to Yuancheng, but did not attend the Lu family banquet. I thought about the changes in the four major families, and thought it had nothing to do with us.

Unexpectedly, today I joined forces with him to stage this scene of rescuing the hostages.

Yin Hanxing will not do anything unprepared, he is not a reckless man.

In my opinion, the jailbreak shouldn't take long, and whether they succeed or fail, it won't take long.

However, the turmoil in the city grew louder and louder, and it was no longer as simple as robbing a prison.

"Doctor An? How is the treatment going?" Dijun finally couldn't hold back, and asked in front of the door.

"Just halfway through the treatment, don't worry. The human head is different from the limbs. If you are not careful, you will be permanently disabled and you will become a fool."

He didn't know if he listened or not, he called one of his subordinates to come over, gave an order, and that person went upstairs.

I guess he went as a hostage. If the big villain boss is benevolent, is he still a villain?
He exudes a gloomy and violent aura, a man dressed in gold, but his aura has nothing to do with sunshine or shine.

Sure enough, that person was going to bring Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang over, but unfortunately he didn't see anyone, he said that Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang were not in the room.

Not only that, but all the guards at the gate were eliminated.

"Are you prepared?" Dijun squeezed out the words through his teeth. What he wants to do most at this moment is probably to kick the door panel and rush in to twist my head off.

"Dijun took Yun Zhou and Ah Xiang as hostages, why can't I threaten you with Senior Lan?" At this moment, the wound on Lan Caidie's head has healed, and she would not die even without me.

And I injected my 'Qi' into her body, no matter whether the emperor let me cure her, Lan Caidie's life and death are in my hands.

He ordered people to search, find, and arrest, and they must tie back Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang, even the disabled.

I only prepared weapons for Yunzhou, and didn't teach him to escape. Besides, there are guards on every floor. He and Yue Nanxiang fled. If he wants to escape, he can only jump out of the window...

The emperor was furious outside the door, but he didn't dare to kick the door in front of him.

It is true that he loves Blue Butterfly, and it is true that he kills people like hemp.

Except for Lan Caidie, he would take anyone's life whenever he wanted.

He ordered someone to send an order that all escaped hostages be killed.

He doesn't mind destroying the entire martial arts world, he doesn't need to surrender, agree and follow, he wants to kill all disobedient people.

I'm worried for Yun Zhou, he is a real fool, and he leads Yue Nanxiang who has turned into a real child, where can the two escape?

Will you find a place to hide?Do you know where it is safe?
The best case scenario is that someone took them, they didn't escape by themselves.

The sound of shouting and killing outside the building was loud, and it was another bloody battle.

The people under his command came to urge him several times, either to take advantage of the chaos to leave and go back to the Tiangong base camp, or to command his subordinates to fight and go to the front line.

"You go, I will leave when you leave, don't worry, senior blue has no vendetta against me, I will not hurt her life." The big boss stepped on the floor outside the door, pacing back and forth, anxious Extremely, I can hear that he wants to 'take care of the overall situation', but he can't leave his lover behind.

"I want to take a look at her." Dijun put forward the condition.

"Okay." I pushed the blue butterfly to the door, and the door opened a crack, and people outside could see her.

She was breathing evenly, and the wound on her head had already scabbed over.

I wiped the blood for her. There are no tools for blood transfusion in this era, but my ability can temporarily activate the person's own hematopoietic system and temporarily accelerate hematopoiesis.

So the appearance of the blue butterfly doesn't look too bad.

Seeing that his lover was safe, the emperor left angrily. Before leaving, he put down his harsh words and told me to be careful, and I must hide it after I left. If he finds me, he will definitely tear me apart.

I let out a long sigh, arranged the blue butterfly, and walked out of the 'operating room'.

Taking hostages and hurting other people's loved ones, this kind of thing has been done before, and I have done it in the original world.

If you speak harshly to such a person, he will really, will kill the one he loves.

But attacking Blue Butterfly now will only irritate him and make him take revenge on the world even more crazily, which is of no benefit to me.

I only left a hidden danger in Lan Caidie's body. I hope I don't use it in the future, who knows, just look at the performance of this big boss.

My "qi" is dormant in the human body, mixed with her own qi, she will not die, my "qi" will not dissipate, it is harmless when not activated, once activated it will kill people in seconds clock thing.

I went back to my room on the ninth floor to find that our luggage was gone.

Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang escaped completely, and now even I don't know where to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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