Chapter 74
Qiao Guiqiao urgently needs the antidote in my hands.There are two kinds of poison on his body, the poison on the red scorpion tail thorn is not the fire scorpion poison.

Therefore, Ye Fengniang, the man in black and Qiao Guiqiao showed two different symptoms of poisoning.

The first is the loss of mobility and speech, and then black patches and red spots appear on the skin.

Toxins entering the human body through inhalation are slower than pouring directly into the ears and brain.

Ye Fengniang fell to the ground and slowly closed her eyes.

Qiao Guiqiao also threw himself on the table. He closed his eyes and couldn't hold on for a while longer.

I didn't plan to save him, because I'm not interested in the mirror. Either he really doesn't know the whereabouts of the mirror, or he has hidden it. As long as he dies, the clues will be broken anyway.

When others want to find it, like looking for a needle in a haystack, it depends on who is destined for the mirror.

The deceased, Ye Fengniang, and Qiao Guiqiao just formed a triangular relationship. They died together, and the tasks of stealing, chasing and killing, and looking for mirrors were also completed.

I escaped by holding my breath, and the toxin I inhaled was easily cured by using the power.

The lobby fell into a silent atmosphere, with wind blowing in from time to time, and when the poisonous gas was blown away, I asked the proprietress and Xiao Er to come down and pack things.

I opened the corridor door leading to the backyard, and was about to go to the kitchen to ask Mr. Zhang and the others to come out. Yunzhou was very obedient, and stared at the chef cooking.

The cook was complaining incessantly. He was begging Manager Zhang to persuade Yun Zhou not to stare at him like this. Under such 'sharp' gaze, he had already fried two dishes, cut his hands three times, and added six spoonfuls of salt , I won't be able to cook soon.

Manager Zhang said helplessly: "He only listens to his wife, and others can't talk to him."

There was indeed a burnt smell in the kitchen. Seeing me as if I had seen a relative, the cook ran to the door clutching the garlic cloves, wanting to shake hands with me.

I took half a step back and glanced at his hand. He immediately put the garlic cloves into the pocket of his apron, but he didn't reach out, instead he cupped his hands, asking me to take Yunzhou away from the kitchen.

The proprietress and Xiao Er came to get brooms and other cleaning tools.

The proprietress ordered the cook to cook some more delicious dishes. Everyone has experienced a lot today, and she surprised everyone with a treat.

After she finished speaking, she went to the wine cellar to get the wine, and Xiao Er took the big broom for sweeping the yard to clean up the red scorpions on the lobby floor.

This thing is poisonous, so if you want to burn it, you have to wait for the weather to be taken to a place far away from the inn.

The proprietress couldn't wait, so she asked Xiaoer to find a place on the hillside to dig pits, dig deeper pits, and bury them.

But before that, Xiao Er transported the corpses in the lobby to the ice cellar for storage.

Then he used the cart used to transport the corpses to transport the red scorpion, put on his coir raincoat and went out.

The proprietress cleaned the floor of the lobby by herself, washing it repeatedly until she felt at ease.

The lobby was washed and cleaned, and the tables and chairs were rearranged and covered with floral cloths to cover the scars. It was as if the previous life-and-death struggle had never happened.

All the residents went downstairs again, and the cook brought the food to the table, and each table had a jar of fine wine provided by the boss.

The proprietress picked up the wine glass and said a few words, nothing more than words to appease everyone.

The residents were also quite frightened and needed a few drinks to suppress the shock.

They almost lost their lives today, which is equivalent to saving a life, how can they not celebrate?
The meal lasted until ten o'clock in the evening. People who couldn't drink fell asleep lying on the bed. Some people took advantage of the time to go back to the upstairs room to rest, and some had a heavy drinker.

After all the residents had rested, the cook was exhausted and fell asleep leaning against the dish rack in the kitchen.

The three of Yun Zhou and the others were the first to go back to their room to rest, and left after dinner without drinking.

The proprietress will show her skills tonight, and she will never get drunk after a thousand cups.

She drank until no one competed with her, but she still looked slightly drunk.

After Yunzhou and the others returned to their room, I came outside the inn. Ye Fengniang missed, and Qiao Guiqiao was also killed. Did their employers already know that they were dead?
If the real target of both employers is Bao Jing, they will definitely send another group of people.

The heavy rain for many days has turned to drizzle tonight, and it doesn't matter if I don't use an umbrella.

The proprietress asked Xiao Er to clean up the lobby, she leaned against the door and looked up at me.

I sat on the wooden post where the signboard of her inn hung. Sitting in such a place, I need to have good balance and have the level of an acrobat.

"Thank you today, Dr. An." The proprietress leaned against the door, her head was red from drinking, her neck and face were red, but her eyes were clear, without a trace of drunkenness.

"The debt of favor cannot be owed, and the proprietress will give the money if she wants to thank her."

"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away, everyone will go their separate ways tomorrow." She turned and went back to the lobby, and walked to her own room.

This is a smart man, knowing that it will be difficult to live a peaceful life if he continues to stay here, he plans to leave.

The proprietress took down three gold ingots. She didn't say why there were three, but I understand that she, Xiaoer, cook, three people, three lives, three gold ingots.

I took it away and put it away, and she went back to pack her things, and also asked Xiao Er and the cook to pack their luggage.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky cleared, the air after the rain was fresh, and the smell of vegetation surrounded the inn.

The proprietress announced at breakfast time that she was going to close the store, and all the people staying here were temporarily staying, and there were no long-term guests.

As soon as the mountain road resumes traffic, everyone will leave.

Since they were going to be separated completely, and they had gone through life and death together, the atmosphere in the inn was unprecedentedly harmonious, and they all laughed it off if there was any conflict between them.

Two days later, the mountain road will pass, those who should go south should go south, and those who should go north should go north.

The residents in the inn, the proprietress and her two buddies also left home with their luggage on their backs.

Although the proprietress was reluctant to part with the "real estate" of the inn, she was more worried about her own life, and she was reluctant to part with it.

Not long after we left, there was smoke rising from the direction of the inn, as if it was on fire.

The proprietress and the three of them are going south. She has relatives by the sea, and she is planning to visit relatives.

I looked at the mountain road that had just resumed traffic, and asked Director Zhang to carry Yue Nanxiang on his back, and we left the main road and walked to the mountain path.

Manager Zhang asked, "Why did we climb over the mountain?"

I looked in the direction where the smoke was rising, and said, "I'm afraid there will be pursuers."

He didn't ask any more questions. When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we could see the location of the inn. The inn had burned down and turned into a pile of ruins.

A group of people in black light armor walked quickly towards the winding mountain road.

You can tell by watching them walk that they are good at lightness kung fu, so I told Manager Zhang to stop and find a place to hide.

They hid in the woods, and I crawled into the grass on the edge of the cliff.

Below the cliff is the mountain road. When the group of black-armored men walked on the mountain road, every time they encountered a passer-by, they would hold down their shoulders to see what they looked like.

Obviously they were looking for someone, they just didn't know who to look for.

If my hunch is correct, they should be looking for someone from the inn.

The four of us were the last to leave, because the proprietress said that she couldn't take the food in the kitchen, and anyone who wanted to take it could take it.

The other guests found it bothersome. Considering that there were no snacks on Yunzhou and Yuenanxiang roads, Manager Zhang ordered these ingredients to be processed in the back kitchen.

He fried peanuts, melon seeds, and some dried fruits, and popped rice and corn into popcorn.

Resting now, he took out these snacks and distributed them to Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang.

I lay down in the grass and stared at the Heijia people below. They chased all the way forward. At their speed, as long as the residents in front stopped to rest, they could catch up.

When they walked over, Manager Zhang asked me in a low voice: "Who is it? Reaching for the stars?"

I shook my head: "No, it seems to be the guard of some country."

Manager Zhang wondered: "Didn't the proprietress leave a book explaining everything? The dead and the murderer are all in the ice cellar. Don't they believe it?"

I looked at the background where they were going away, turned my gaze back to Manager Zhang and asked:
"Have you heard of the Sifang Mirror?"

"Of course I've heard of it. It's the treasure of Yaoyuetai Township Mountain. Liu Yanyan smuggled it out this time when she went down the mountain, and handed it over to the Emperor of Fuyu Tiangong." Director Zhang replied.

It is not surprising that Qunfang Pavilion is occupied by Tiangong.

I asked again: "Then do you know the function of the Sifang mirror?"

"This...not very clear." Manager Zhang shook his head: "It is said that it can help people greatly increase their skills."

"There is an immortal medicine in Yaoxian Valley that can greatly increase one's power. After taking it for several years, the effect is not bad."

"Do you know what it's really used for?"

"It's scary to say it, but it's better not to say it."

"Hey, you mentioned it but didn't make it clear, why? You need to pay me to listen to the rest of the content?"

"That's right, the following content is paid content, but Director Zhang is an insider. I can tell you the truth. The Sifang Mirror is not for helping people practice martial arts. It is an evil mirror that can capture people's souls. I can't die, but I'll just become... similar to him." I murmured at Yunzhou.

"Oh? Master Yun was taken away by that evil mirror?"

"Your divergent thinking is strong enough. I would say that it is similar. In fact, there is a difference. Yunzhou can speak and think simply, but the person whose soul has been captured cannot. He is just a walking dead."

"What's the difference between that and killing him?"

"There is a difference. Some people cannot die. They can neither die nor live well."

"The way to make people become like this is not only using the mirror, but other means can also achieve the effect."

"It is possible, but if the soul taken away by the mirror cannot return, it means that it cannot be cured, terminally ill, and has no solution."

Director Zhang reluctantly accepted my explanation, and I really didn't tell him all the secrets of Baojing.

Capturing souls is just one of the functions of the Sifang Mirror.

It is called the Sifang Mirror, and its biggest function is to capture the Qi of the Quartet. I don’t know what the Qi is. It may be the Qi of Fengshui, but it is good luck anyway.

Sifang, that is, this continent, the good luck of the entire continent has been absorbed by it. One can imagine what the situation of the four countries will be like at that time.

Therefore, it is not the Zhenshan treasure of Yaoyue Terrace, it is an evil thing that was suppressed by experts in Yaoyue Xianshan a long, long time ago.

For some reason, Liu Yanyan destroyed the seal, brought it out, and handed it over to the emperor of Fuyu Tiangong.

Are they trying to join forces to destroy the continent?
In the ancient books a long time ago, this thing was called an evil thing. In the past 100 years, it has been passed down as a treasure, and it is said that the one who wins the mirror can win the world.

Ou Yong and the others desperately wanted to snatch this precious mirror from Liu Yanyan's hands. They must have heard this saying and believed it.

To control the entire continent, martial arts people think, let alone the monarchs of the four countries, and those dark forces hiding in every corner.

The employers of Zhaixinglaoyuelou and Qiaoguiqiao only sent them here, probably because they were afraid of making too much noise and attracting others' attention.

It's not yet time for a large-scale melee due to the treasure mirror.

However, it may not be long before that time comes.

"Director Zhang, do you know Feng Shui?" I suddenly had an idea.

"No." Manager Zhang replied without hesitation.

"Ai~" I sighed deeply, looking at the surrounding mountains, thinking that maybe I can find a suitable mountain top and occupy the mountain as king?
"What is the genius doctor worried about?" Mr. Zhang sighed when he saw me, with a nervous expression on his face.

"The world is going to be chaotic, we have to make plans early."

"Not farming anymore?"

"Plant, it must be planted, or we will all starve to death."

"so serious?"


Yun Zhou didn't know if he understood the word 'starved to death', he put the peanuts in his mouth back into the snack bag, tied the bag tightly, and tied it back to his waist.

It took a long time for us to walk over the mountains. Fortunately, we were not in a hurry. When we were tired, we stopped to rest, eat and drink.

When it was dark, we camped in the mountains, and no wild animal dared to approach the camp without me.

After walking for a day, I heard someone shouting on the mountain road, saying that a dead person was found.

I asked Mr. Zhang to stay on the mountain. I went down to check and saw five people dead on the mountain road.

Their burdens were still on, and I recognized them at a glance as residents of the inn.

Killed with one knife, the killers have the same technique, and the shape of the wound is the same depth.

Blood stained the road, other passers-by stopped to watch, some ran to report to the police, others waited here, some were protecting the scene, and some were just watching.

I walked forward, walked a few miles, and found several more corpses.

No need to look any further, the guests who came out of the inn, as long as they came to the north, they would be caught up by the team and killed.

The same goes for those heading south.

I turned back up the mountain, and now we can't go down the mountain.

The Heijia people looked at the faces of passers-by one by one, indicating that they had information on the appearance of the residents.

Who gave them the information?

No matter who it is, the four of us in the inn are the best to recognize, because no one of the other guests is on their way with their children.

I temporarily changed my route, decided not to go north, and turned west, to the border of Jiushuang Kingdom.

At least there are acquaintances over there. Thanks to Mr. Zhang, he made snacks from the surplus food in the inn and took them on the road. We have been walking through the mountains, and we dare not go to places where there are people to stay or eat. It is all about these foods that kept us going for several days.

When the people in the inn chatted with Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang said that we were going to the north and returning to our hometown to farm.

If there are 'traitors' among the guests, the Heijia people probably already know that the four of us are going to the north, and will look for them all the way, and he won't feel relieved if we are missed.

Detour to Jiushuang Country, we can still go to the north, but the road is not easy to walk, there is no road, all dangerous mountain roads.

But no matter how dangerous the mountain road is, it is not as scary as the human beings with knives, looking for you everywhere, and preparing to hack you to death.

(End of this chapter)

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