a very dark dark guard

Chapter 77 She Delayed Her Secret Guard

Chapter 77 She dragged back her hidden guard
Manager Zhang sat down and took a breath, and then explained to me how the Shuangye Inn is not simple.

There were not many guests there, but the rooms were full.

Moreover, strangers could only live on the first floor, so Manager Zhang and Yue Nanxiang were arranged to live in guest rooms on the first floor.

He has inquired with other residents on the first floor that all the passing business travelers on the official road can only live in the guest rooms on the first and second floors.

The rooms on the third floor and above are reserved for specific guests.

They are neither businessmen nor tourists.

In short, there are no vacant rooms above the second floor of the entire inn.

The guests didn't go downstairs either, and their meals were delivered to their rooms.

Manager Zhang suspected that the Han family secretly raised a group of people for what purpose, but he didn't find out.

He didn't dare to inquire too much, so as not to attract the attention of the Han family.

An old lady who loves to gossip is limited in what she can talk about. If 'she' is too knowledgeable, then the person being probed will become 'her'.

No matter who the Han family raises, the inn has been open for several years, and their plans must be big.

But what I care about is whether it is safe for us to live here temporarily, and will the Han family find out?

Manager Zhang reassured me that Shuangye Inn has never paid much attention to Boss Yue's small shop.

For several years when he didn't exist, Boss Yue went to them when he opened the Shuangye Inn, but they kicked him out.

In the eyes of the Han family, Boss Yue is just a flea that can be easily crushed to death.

The Han family will not come to the small shop to check, and all the merchants who bought goods from the mountains will also go to the Shuangye Inn to stay. They will give these merchants discounts and provide three meals for free, so why would the merchants patronize Boss Yue's small shop.

'Let him fend for himself' is the attitude of the staff of Shuangye Inn towards Boss Yue.

Manager Zhang intentionally revealed to the staff that Boss Yue's small shop had closed, and 'she' took her grandson to stay and found that the shop was closed and the house was empty.

The guy smiled contemptuously, and said that if he had known this would happen, the old man shouldn't hold on.

Manager Zhang disclosed this information, and no one will visit the store in the future.

Several villages in the nearby mountains used to go out of the mountain through the small shop. Later, the Shuangye Inn built a new road for them. Now they go out of the village on the other side of the road, heading towards Shuangye Lake.

The stone road is much easier to walk than the dirt road, and none of the villagers nearby take the original broken mountain road.

Manager Zhang let out a long breath and said that we can finally live in peace for a while.

I originally wanted to go to Yaoyue Terrace alone, but the square mirror suddenly disappeared, and even if I found a way to seal it, there was nothing to seal it.

There is no rush to do this matter, the next step is to go to the meeting place and report a letter to the guards Jia and the others.

I discussed with Director Zhang that the job of reporting letters can only be entrusted to him.

If he leaves, I can continue to protect Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang, but if I leave, he won't be able to protect them.

But it is safer for him to act alone, and he also plans to dress up as an old lady, so that our hunters will not be able to recognize him.

The four of them act together with obvious goals and more obvious characteristics.

Now that the decision is made, I drew him the map of the meeting point and taught him the password to contact the guards Jia and the others.

Just like last time, I went to bookstores and looked for comics.

Manager Zhang took the time to rest, I prepared enough dry food for him on the road, and sent him out early the next morning.

To go to the rendezvous place, he had to walk the deadly mountain road.

It is too dangerous for him to climb the mountain alone. If there is no one to support or accompany him, no one will know what happened.

Facing the two dangers, he chose to take the smooth path, at least his body would not suffer.

After Manager Zhang left, Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang and I spent a few days of peace.

Indeed, no one came to bother us. The dry food was enough for us for a long time. If there was no meat to eat, I would go hunting in the nearby mountains and forests.

After settling down, Yue Nanxiang didn't stay idle. After she got started, her master taught her the basic skills of martial arts, and also taught her the formulas for practicing inner skills.

She has already memorized it, but she has not started to practice. Now we don't have to run and hide, and she has calmed down and started to practice.

My treatment for Yunzhou has never stopped, and the progress was slow and repeated from time to time.

It's true that illnesses come and go like a mountain, and illnesses go like spinning silk.

Sometimes it is hard to get two strands out, and the next day when I open my eyes, it changes back again.

But since Mr. Zhang left, I have been able to take out "a trace" of him every day without repeating it.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Manager Zhang, nor does it have anything to do with the location.

It's not that Yunzhou's condition has changed. After thinking about it, the problem can only be on me.

And the only change in me was that the night when Director Zhang and Yue Nanxiang went to Shuangye Lake, the square mirror suddenly disappeared, and a cloud of unknown gas suddenly appeared in my chest.

It didn't affect my practice, and I didn't feel any discomfort.

Now it looks like it might still help with my healing ability?

After many days of treatment, Yunzhou can speak more and more, and he also learned to take a bath by himself.

Yue Nanxiang is very willing to be his teacher, much more enthusiastic than me.

Teach him how to read and write, teach him to draw, and teach him how to walk.

The two got up early in the morning and went to the yard by the door to stride together, making gestures occasionally, each holding a branch, and huh huh huh.

So I found that Yunzhou's internal strength is much stronger than before.

When Yue Nanxiang stomped, the ground was fine, and when he stomped, the stone slabs on the ground shattered...

It's fine when he's not doing those moves, as long as he puts on the posture, one punch can break a willow tree several meters away, breaking things in the air, making Yue Nanxiang dumbfounded.

I hastily stopped him from practicing martial arts, and was not allowed to practice with Yue Nanxiang again until his mind returned to normal.

He doesn't have the ability to judge now, and he can't grasp the strength well, so he can easily injure others by mistake.

Yue Nanxiang didn't want to practice with him anymore. As a 'master', she was overwhelmed by Yun Zhou's punches. She felt that she lost all face and there was no need to continue teaching.

Yun Zhou couldn't practice martial arts, so he went to the small vegetable garden to water the vegetables, deworm them, and guard the small garden every day.

Half a month passed in the peaceful days, and Director Zhang hadn't come back yet. This morning, Yue Nanxiang dragged a person back from the mountain.

She went to the mountain to dig wild vegetables and mushrooms, but found a person.

This person was seriously injured, and I knew she was a hidden guard at a glance.

Eighteen or nine-year-old girls don't have a piece of good meat on their bodies.

Old wounds embrace new wounds, one layer of scab within one layer of scab.

This time she was wounded by a knife, one in the chest and one in the back.

There was too much blood loss, the wound was not treated, and the poisonous Gu in her body would attack regularly.

On the back of her neck, there is a pattern tattooed on the nape of her neck.

This is her 'nameplate', with her 'master' information and her serial number on it.

eighth month...

I glanced at Yue Nanxiang. There was a pattern on the building of Qunfang Pavilion, which was its logo. There was a crescent moon and a small flower in the middle of the moon.

The pattern on the back of this dark guard's neck is also a small flower in a crescent moon, which is exactly the same as the sign pattern on the plaque and building of Qunfang Pavilion.

And the number Yueba is related to Yue Nanxiang no matter how you look at it.

Yue Nanxiang is the boss of Qunfang Pavilion, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a hidden guard.

It's just that I haven't seen a hidden guard following her before, and there is no hidden guard to rescue her when she is in danger, so I acquiesce that she has no hidden guard.

Manager Zhang's attitude is also a proof. He bet all on me, gave up everything and followed me, as if their master and servant had nothing else to hope for.

As a result, a woman suspected to be Yue Nanxiang's secret guard suddenly appeared, seriously injured and dying.

Yue Nanxiang has completely lost her memory, she definitely doesn't recognize her hidden guard now, it's useless to ask her.

If you want to know the answer, you have to ask Yueba himself.

I don't have the wound medicine, so I can only use the power to heal her.

This man's vitality was tenacious, coupled with timely treatment, his life was saved.

The room vacated by the store was just used as a ward for her. I had no medicine for the patient to drink, and she relied solely on her own recovery.

Fortunately, she was able to bear it physically, and I didn't hold back, and completely healed her injuries.

It also restrained the Gu worm in her body so that it could not make trouble on time.

It can't attack when it should attack, so as to ensure my 'patient' recovers as soon as possible.

It only took two days for Yue Ba to wake up, and her blood was almost drained before.

I was afraid that she would wake up and attack people, so I sealed her dantian with Qi during the treatment.

She can't use her kung fu when she wakes up, and I'm not sure if she can recognize Yue Nanxiang who has turned into a child.

The first thing Yue Ba did when he opened his eyes was to observe the environment, and then check his body.

And the person who was staring warily at the person entering the house, that is me.

I dare not let Yunzhou and Yue Nanxiang appear in front of her first, her brain is not injured, so I tacitly let her remember her identity.

"Hello, I'm a doctor. My sister found you when she went to the mountain to pick mushrooms. You were seriously injured, but I have cured your injury." I preemptively explained the situation.

"Thank you." Yue Ba's voice was hoarse, I lifted the teapot on the table and poured her a cup of warm water.

"Drink it, it's not poisonous." I put the water glass next to the bed, and new flesh has grown from her wound, and she won't bleed no matter how she moves.

She picked up the cup, hesitated for two seconds, and downed it in one gulp.

She looked down at the wound on her chest, no wonder she showed a puzzled expression, her wound was extremely deep, the mortal body was cut like that, it was impossible to grow new flesh in a short time, and the blood scabs fell off naturally.

"You don't need to think too much, your injury healed very quickly, this is not a hallucination, because I am a miracle doctor." These words came from my own mouth, no matter how sincere the tone was, it sounded like a liar.

"The miracle doctor's medical skills are really powerful. Dare I ask the miracle doctor An, how is my Yuezun safe?"

"Cough, Yue Zun? Yue Nanxiang?" My paralyzed face became slightly hot. The lie I made up just now was purely superfluous.


"She... is the one who picked you up. You know about her being poisoned, right?"

"Yue Zun's poison hasn't been cured yet?"

"It's solved, but there is no way to return to the original state. Of course, this is not necessarily a bad thing. She is young again, returning to her girlhood, which is equivalent to rebirth."

"Is it the poison detoxified by the divine doctor?"


Yueba jumped out of bed upon hearing this, and wanted to kneel down to me.

As a modern person, I couldn't bear this, so I hurriedly supported her, not letting her kneel down.

"There's no need to perform such a great gift. She paid me to detoxify her. It's not like I'm treating her for nothing. If I thank you, I'll accept it. There's no need to kneel down."

Yue Bagai handed over her hand to thank her, I readily accepted, and asked her if she was Yue Nanxiang's secret guard?
She nodded and answered: yes.

"Why weren't you in Yuancheng a few days ago?" Because if she was there, if Yue Nanxiang was in danger, she would definitely show up to protect her.

"Yue Zun sent his subordinates to search for the antidote, no matter whether they found it or not, they would return according to the stipulated time."

"When you returned, you found out that something happened in Yuancheng, and the Qunfang Pavilion was empty?"

"It was burned and turned into ashes. This subordinate received a signal from Chief Security Officer and followed him all the way here."

Roar?Manager An left a code along the way?I didn't find out!

But it was unavoidable, he went alone to relieve himself on the way, and I couldn't follow him, he should have left a secret signal for Yue Ba when he relieved himself.

"Then who cut you down?" I was worried that someone would come after us and find the shop where we were hiding.

"I found some suspicious people ambushing around. I thought they were going to hurt Moon Lord, so I killed them all."

"How many of them? Did any escape?"

"Eighteen people, no."

When Yue Ba said the word 'no', there was a hint of pride in her tone.

"Your Yue Zun doesn't have the memory of Yue Zun now, you can recognize her, but she doesn't remember you anymore, you have to be mentally prepared." I want to call Yue Nanxiang in and introduce her subordinates to her.

"Genius doctor!" Yue Ba stopped me, shook her head and said, "Don't tell me who I am, just let her think that I am a stranger."

She paused and explained: "Since she doesn't remember, why bother her with the past. It's rare to live a carefree life. I'm willing to protect her secretly as a stranger."

"Then thank her, she was the one who dragged you back from the mountain." In this way, the two of them had an opportunity to get to know each other again.

I asked Yue Nanxiang to come into the house, saying that I was entrusting the patient to her care. I went to the mountain to have a look, but it was actually a chance for the two of them to talk.

Yun Zhou was catching insects in the small vegetable garden. I told him to be careful. When I was not around, if someone dared to hurt them, he would not show mercy.

He can understand this now, raised his fist and shook his head, nodding heavily.

I followed Yue Nanxiang's route of picking mushrooms, and she found that there was still blood on Yue Ba's place, but Yue Ba was not injured at the place where she fell to the ground.

After she was injured, she walked for a while, and finally lost a lot of blood and fainted.

I followed the bloodstains and found the place where she killed her.

There were quite a few eighteen corpses, but the corpses could no longer be identified. They were not dragged away by wild animals, and no insects, ants and flies approached, because their bodies were poisoned.

"The Golden Gu Society... is really difficult." I checked their weapons, and found that they didn't use poisonous weapons, this time they all changed to ordinary weapons.

Is this trying to capture us alive?
Also because they changed their strategy, Yue Ba regained his life.

It was just an ordinary trauma and not poisoned, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hold on until Yue Nanxiang dragged her back to the shop.

Golden Gu will have a special tracking method, I knew this a long time ago.

They can find even the most hidden places in the world.

I thought the continuous torrential rain a few days ago could clean up our tail...

I walked around the area. It hasn’t rained in the past few days, and there are only footprints around the corpse. Except for the footprints of the bloody woman on Yue Ba, there is no second pair of footprints leaving this place.

(End of this chapter)

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