Chapter 82

Fu's father and son huddled together. This secret room should be a secret that only the two of them know.It takes some work for others to find them, but I can do exactly what I said while taking advantage of this time.

Yun Zhou glanced at me, I nodded, he raised his rolling pin and stepped forward, covered his head and face, and gave them a meal.

"Don't dare, don't dare! Grandpa, spare your life! I will immediately send a signal to tell the support people not to come over."

Fu Jiacai's injuries haven't healed yet, and he can't afford to be hurt again. Fu Yifu is a dry old man, let alone beaten.

They quickly begged for mercy, and I told Yunzhou to stop and let Fu Yifu go out to send a signal.

Before I came here, I asked Mr. Guan about it. Fu Yifu married twelve concubines, but he only had one son, Fu Jiacai. Fu Jiacai was born to his first wife, but his wife died early. Fu Jiacai was spoiled to the brim by Fu Yifu.

Fu Jiacai married his wife at the age of 13, plus four concubines, and more than ten maids in the house.

He is 23 this year, has dozens of wives and concubines in the back house, and has more than a dozen outhouses outside. Countless women have been harmed by criminal means.

However, he has no heirs so far. If he dies, the Fu family will be considered extinct.

I have checked his body with supernatural powers, and it is entirely his own problem that he has no heirs.

But their father and father don't think so, and they still have expectations for their "children and grandchildren".

What's more interesting is their father-son relationship. Fu Yifu also has the problem of infertility, but he is born with this problem!

Fu Yifu went to the courtyard and launched a ball of light into the sky, similar to a monkey jumping into the sky.

It's just that the ball of light stayed in the sky for a long time, and it took a long time before it disappeared.

If there is no one who disturbs us, the Fu family's account can continue to be settled.

Whether it's bank notes, cash, real estate certificates, or land property certificates, as long as it belongs to the Fu family's property, and it's Fu Yifu's money, I want it all.

I sent Yunzhou to call the housekeeper, and asked the housekeeper to gather everyone outside the courtyard.

With the blessing of internal strength, I don't need a loudspeaker to shout.

There are many female family members of the Fu family, and they were crying and interfering with my conversation. I motioned to Yunzhou, and he immediately rushed out with a rolling pin, and whoever cried and beat whoever showed no signs of sympathy.

"Cry again, beat me to death." Yun Zhou threatened with a rolling pin.

When he babbled out two words, others couldn't see anything strange about him.

The women didn't dare to cry any more, they covered their mouths and wept silently.

I nodded in satisfaction and gave them two choices.

The Fu family will fall today, and Fu Yifu and Fu Jiacai will be penniless. They have already donated all their property to me.

I am a generous person. If you want to leave the Fu family, I can share some money with her. If you are willing to stay... you won't get a penny.

Some of the women in the back house of the Fu family were forcibly married, and some were voluntarily married for the Fu family's wealth.

Those who are forced to marry in are of course willing to leave, and they still have money, which is what they wish for.

There was one person who stood up, and it was easier for those who wanted to leave. Those who wanted to leave lined up. I asked the servants to carry out the money box in the warehouse and gave them money. They took the money, packed up their things, and left.

The part of women who voluntarily married in paid more attention to money, and the Fu family would be impoverished. They came to enjoy the blessings and didn't want to suffer, so they also stood in the "leave" team, took the money and left.

As far as the Fu family and father usually behave, it's hard for me to imagine that there will be a woman who has deep affection for them and will never leave them.

The back house was dismissed until dawn, but there was no one left.

As for servants and maids, those who are willing to leave can receive an extra year's salary.

Those who don't want to leave also get nothing.

Most of the family's employees took the money and left, and a small number of nursing home thugs were reluctant to part with Fu's family fortune and were willing to share troubles with him.

These people usually oppress the people together with him, and they often harm the girls of good families. It is better if they don't leave.

I secretly input the 'Qi' silk into their bodies. Through this period of hard work, my sense of my own 'Qi' has become stronger. When the 'Qi' silk enters their body, I can not only control it, but also remotely control it. remote control.

They have to work if they stay. The Fu family's property is a lot, and it took a whole morning to move it all out.

I asked Yun Zhou to go out holding a sign, which said 'free money, please come to the gate of Fu's house'.

Yun Zhou swaggered through the market holding a sign, and shouted out the content on it.

At this time, his internal strength started to work again, his voice was like a bell, and everyone on the street could hear him yelling.

Standing at the door is a sign I asked Fu Yifu to write. The general content is: Today, a hero who robbed the rich and helped the poor passed by here. If you are willing to donate all your belongings to make atonement, no matter you are the people of the city or the merchants in the past, you can come to receive the money.

The remaining nursing home maintained order outside the gate, and asked those who came to collect the money to line up so that there would be no chaos.

I recruited the housekeeper and asked him to invite the construction team in the city. It is a pity that the house of the Fu family is so beautifully repaired and not used as a park.

The housekeeper recruited more than a dozen construction teams from inside and outside the city, and I only told the foreman that they would tear down the courtyard wall and turn the whole house into a big garden. The house can be demolished, and the whole family can rest and enjoy the scenery platform.

In the future, the land of Fu's family will be a public place, where local people and tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, have a picnic or camp.

The title deed of Fu Zhai remains in my hands. As long as I hold the title deed for a day, this land will be a park.

The construction team got the full payment before they did the work, and the foreman was so happy that he couldn't see it.

Nobody was slacking off, they were swinging hammers and doing it with a passion.

In addition to the role of money, I guess there is also an element of "popularity" between the Fu family and his son.

The local people hated the father and son. A foreman told me that when they repaired the house for the Fu family, they didn’t get any money, and several workers who came to beg for wages were severely injured.

To talk about the crimes of the Fu family and his son in Huaicheng, it is enough to write a novel.

I asked the Fu family and his son to kneel at the gate. They figured out how to play "Regret", "Reform", and "Repent". If the performance is not good, I can "help" them.

They have the "qi" released by me in their bodies. If I help them, their pain is guaranteed to be genuine.

The common people heard that Fu's father and son knelt at the gate to repent, and they all came to collect money and visits.

There is also a construction team demolishing the wall behind, and the scene is very lively.

Someone from the yamen said that he wished he could split it into two halves, with one half watching at the yamen and the other receiving money from the Fu family.

So I didn't believe that I was Ximen Wuhen's younger sister, but today I kind of believe it.

According to the people who came over there, the official also knelt at the gate of the yamen and confessed his crimes. For the unjust, false and wrong cases he accepted bribes over the years, for the good people he wronged, and for those innocent souls who have died, one by one, one after another , he listed them all and recited them at the gate of the yamen.

The family members of the abducted girls have been released, and they are the witnesses. The yamen servants beat the gongs to notify the people all over the city to hear the confession of the officials.

The merchants who came to Huaicheng today can be regarded as coming, and no one in the city knows that Huaicheng has changed.

Starting from the Fenglai Inn that was moved to the ground, the government was brought out to collude with the richest man in the area, abducted/sold/women, and the relatives who sued were imprisoned,

If you want to hear the details, please go to Yamen or Fu's mansion.

The plea conference lasted until the early morning lights, and the news gradually spread that some sufferers who had lost their daughters and wives earlier came to Huaicheng, hoping to find them back.

This is also what I have to deal with next. No matter how powerful the Fu family is in Huaicheng, he is still a local rich man.

There must be a bigger backer behind him.

I took advantage of the time when the two of them were eating and resting, and asked who their parents were?
Since he repented and rehabilitated, the two masters must no longer eat big fish and meat, and must get used to being a poor man early.

Dinner is thick noodle pancakes with wild vegetable soup, only salt is added without any oily smell.

The two of them swallowed the rough pancakes with all their strength, and neither of them answered.

"I heard that there is a kind of insect in the north that likes to burrow into the human body and eat human flesh and blood. It can't die within a day or two. This is a painful and long process. Because it is too cruel, I don't usually use this kind of insect. The punishment is only the serious crime of conspiracy and rebellion..."

"An Batian! Grandma An—please spare the little one!" Fu Jiacai burst into tears suddenly, with snot and tears, he wanted to hug my thigh.

"Wait! What An Batian? Who is An Batian?" I asked pretending to be stupid.

"You, you are the owner of Anbatian and Anquan Mountain Villa. You can't be wrong. I remembered that those people said a few days ago, oh, I'm so confused!" Fu Jiacai looked regretful at the beginning , Beating the chest and stomping the feet, crying loudly.

"Yes, yes, I've heard of Anquan Mountain Villa, An Batian, that female devil—a heroine, dressed in black, yin... sunny and cheerful, with high martial arts skills and ghostly methods." Fu Yifu also boasted I come.

They only know me through 'Guard Jia'. The guard Jia praised me, and I can guess those words.

It would be troublesome to reveal their true identities, and it would be okay to let them continue to misunderstand.

It's embarrassing, but luckily I'm facial paralyzed.

"That's right, I'm An...Villa Master An." I still can't say those two words, it's too shameful.

"If it falls into my hands, you just accept your fate." I sneered, and urged: "Give up your upline, of course, you can choose not to tell, the difference is... in my hands, you will be worse than death .”

These days, the exercises are not in vain. I have been able to use 'qi' to imitate the symptoms of poisoning.

Including the feeling of bugs eating your body.

The two were still silent, so I let them experience the feeling of being bitten by thousands of bugs and crawling around on their bodies.

These two people who had never experienced hardship couldn't stand it for 5 minutes, so they recruited quickly.

As long as the head is opened, the back will be smooth.

Anyway, I have said what I shouldn't have said, so there is nothing to hide.

One sentence is death, and one hundred sentences is death.

After they explained, I sent Yun Zhou to watch them. I went to the underground secret room, smashed the black crystal throne, crushed the pieces into powder with internal energy, and burned the court clothes in the small stone room.

I sank the black crystal powder into the artificial lake. After cleaning up the 'evidence' in the secret room, I asked the workers to fill it with soil, and removed the camouflaged wellhead on the ground. Flowers.

I cleaned up the evidence of the Fu family's rebellion, but the two of them couldn't laugh at all.

Because they offended people who couldn't afford to offend, and confessed their uplines.

The crime of treason is too great, if there is a quarrel, the entire Fu family will die.

It is too cheap for them to let so many people, even innocent people, be buried with them.

Fu's house became a 'park' within a day, and everyone in Huaicheng knew that the Fu's house had collapsed.

Those who usually work for the Fu family can escape and disperse.

Those shopkeepers who opened black shops and helped Fu's family to do evil are all guarded by the yamen.

The well-meaning people reminded me that there are people above the Fu family who only deal with the Fu family. I am afraid that I will be retaliated against.

They advised me to run quickly before being caught.

They really think of me as a hero who robs the rich and helps the poor, and as a hero of the green forest, afraid that the superiors will send someone to arrest me.

I sent stewards and guards to the main roads in and out of the city to distribute money on the roads. Every passerby passing by must give out a few silver coins.

The boxes of silver, can't be finished, come to see me.

It was impossible for them to steal it for themselves. Crowds of melon-eaters followed to watch the excitement, and how many pairs of eyes were staring at them.

Without the support of the Fu family, they would no longer dare to play tricks.

The father and son of the Fu family and the official lord jointly signed a pledge, admitting that they trafficked/sold/human beings, and have distributed the money they got to passers-by, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

Whoever's property or shop the Fu family seized will be returned double.

Huaicheng was lively all day long, and celebrated all night at night.

Since An Batian has excellent medical skills, I gave the Fu family and his son a medical certificate in front of everyone.

Fu Yifu was born with a disease, and it is impossible to have offspring. His disease is congenital, and it cannot be cured.

Fu Jiacai was made the day after tomorrow, and his health is broken, so it is impossible to have an offspring.

As soon as the news came out, the whole city was in an uproar, and Yun in the melon field almost choked to death.

If Fu Yifu was born with a hidden disease, then Fu Jiacai could not be his child.

When Fu Yifu heard the news, he seemed to think of something, with a shocked expression, as if struck by lightning.

Fu Jiacai was also dumbfounded on the spot, shaking his head fiercely, muttering that it was impossible, he didn't believe it, I was lying.

"In these years, you must have never asked a doctor to diagnose your illness. Why don't you ask a doctor to come over and have a look?" The doctor will know what is wrong with them. It is not difficult to find out, but it is impossible to cure.

Without them opening their mouths, one person squeezed out from the crowd watching, raised his hand and shouted: "I am a doctor! This old man is a doctor of Hesongtang. There is no fee for consultation. Let me take a look."

All the onlookers knew him, proving that he was indeed a doctor in the city.

He might have some grudges with the Fu family and his son, and he ran up excitedly. Although his beard and hair were white, he ran fast.

The result of the examination was the same as what I said, and the faces of the Fu family father and son were pale.

Fu Yifu muttered in a low voice, when Fu Jiacai's mother married, she was very reluctant. It is said that she committed suicide in her mother's house.

Later, people carried them into Fu's house, and after two quarrels, it stopped.

He thought the lady had resigned to her fate, but he also heard that the lady had a lover, and the two met secretly.

It's just that he hasn't found any evidence. His wife became pregnant in the first month after marriage. He was so beautiful at the time, but it turned out that he was a good friend who secretly communicated with her!
(End of this chapter)

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