a very dark dark guard

Chapter 88 1 Posting Effective

Chapter 88

Yun Zhou pointed to the oiled paper and cloth wrapped around the pig's trotters. He didn't say anything, but his meaning was obvious. It was tightly wrapped and not dirty!Before, he liked to sleep with food in his arms, which made his clothes full of oil, but now he has improved and is smarter, knowing how to wrap it up before hugging.

I just wanted to reiterate that food cannot be brought to bed, when I sensed that someone was approaching our room, I quickly made a silent gesture to Yunzhou.

He could understand the simple gestures, and secretly picked up the pig's trotters and put them in his arms.

I didn't have time to talk to him about something, so I pressed him to lie down, and I went back to the chair to meditate.

Four people came outside, their light work is good, but the target is not our room.

They stopped at the door of 'An Daxia', Ximen Wuhen should have sensed someone approaching, he was already standing at the door of their room, waiting for the movements of the four outside the door.

The people outside didn't know what to do at the door of 'An Daxia', they stood for a while, then retreated.

My ability can sense their existence and know the number of life energy clusters, but I can't see what they did specifically. I only know that they squatted down, maybe they put something in from under the crack of the door.

Maybe it's a secret letter, maybe a token, or something else.

The four of them seemed to be here to deliver things, but one person was enough to deliver things, and no object larger than a book could fit under the crack of the door.

Why do four people come together?
After the four left, the inn fell into peace again, and the residents were dreaming soundly.

Yun Zhou hugged the pig's trotter and fell asleep again, Ximen Wuhen also left the door and went back to the house.

After dawn, 'An Daxia' went out with us at the same time and went downstairs to have breakfast.

He was weird today, he didn't pester Xiaojiao to treat her.

The whole person looked bad, and I saw a strange thing behind him.

This thing is not on his clothes, but inside him, but not a parasitic living thing.

I stared at his back until I looked back down the hall.

Except for Yunzhou, several people on our side noticed that I was staring at 'An Daxia', and everyone looked puzzled, but no one asked.

'An Daxia' didn't seem to feel it, he straightened his body and walked downstairs. When everyone in the hall saw him coming, they got up and invited him to sit with them.

But 'An Daxia' acted aloofly today, no one responded, and sat alone at an empty table.

The residents wondered why An Daxia, who was so approachable and chatting and laughing with them yesterday, ignored him today?

But I can see clearly that his abnormal attitude today has something to do with what is behind him.

This thing is inanimate, but it has a great influence on living creatures.

Although it has no life, it is absorbing the vitality of 'An Daxia'.

I subconsciously distanced myself from him, avoiding him and sitting somewhere far away.

Others couldn't see this thing, someone was still holding hot tea, moved his seat and sat at the same table with An Daxia.

They all praised An Daxia's medicinal spirit, they were full of energy and energy after eating it, and wanted to buy some for their relatives and friends.

An Daxia didn't say a word, and he also dismissed the breakfast served by the waiter.

He straightened his back and sat upright without moving his chopsticks. No matter how dull he was, he felt something was wrong.

The waiter enthusiastically asked if the food was not to his liking, so he could withdraw it and exchange it for something else.

An Daxia turned his neck, stared straight at the guy and asked, "Are there any live chickens?"

The guy was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Our chickens, ducks and geese are guaranteed to be the freshest. They were killed this morning. Would you like some chicken soup?"

An Daxia stiffly shook his head and said, "Serve it directly."

The guy has a really high sense of service, so he didn't ask anything else, he turned around and went back to the kitchen, and brought out a live chicken for An Daxia.

The inn can't keep these things, the experience of high-end 'hotel' guests is the most important, keep some poultry in the backyard, their calls will disturb the guests.

In order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients, all the vegetables, fruits, and meat are delivered to the inn by the suppliers in the early morning.

Residents eat lightly in the morning, and there is not much demand for chicken, duck and fish.

So guys go to the kitchen and get live chickens.

Everyone around stopped what they were doing and watched what An Daxia was going to do next.

He grabbed the live chicken, snapped it, and bit off the chicken's neck.

Blood splashed on his face, and he didn't seem to notice it, sucking the chicken blood.

After sucking the blood, he cut open the belly of the chicken, took out the internal organs and stuffed them into his mouth.

He ate so sweetly that he threw up all the spectators around him.

Only Yunzhou was not affected, because he didn't pay much attention to others when eating, but only to the food in front of him.

Ximen Wuhen was also strange, he stared at An Daxia with great interest, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with eating raw chicken.

However, Yue Nanxiang and Manager Zhang lost their appetites, and when they saw the food in front of them, they suddenly tasted bad.

The two packed their bags and took them upstairs to eat. To protect them, Ximen Wuhen also went upstairs with his share.

I finished eating with Yunzhou downstairs, and the guest vomited, so the guy and the boss quickly came forward to apologize.

I observed the two of them carefully, and found that they were not very surprised by An Daxia's behavior of eating live chickens.

Some points are also pretended, but in fact there is no disturbance in his heart.

The other residents were terrified, yesterday An Daxia was normal, why did he eat live chicken this morning?

The innkeeper's explanation for this is that a strange man in the world must have his eccentricities, and it's not bad if he doesn't eat virgins.

The boss's explanation did not reassure the other residents. They looked at An Daxia's behavior like a monster.

Someone asked to check out, and the innkeeper immediately agreed, and asked them not to spread what they saw, as it would damage the reputation of the inn.

Regardless of whether An Daxia is a monster or not, there is a monster in Fenglai Inn, which itself is enough to affect the business.

The guests who checked out assured the boss that they kept their mouths tight and would never yell around.

But according to my observation, the few people who are leaving are the ones who love to gossip, are they strict?I'm afraid it's not the wind leaking from all directions!

The innkeeper should also know that these people are regular customers, and he will not fail to understand their personalities.

Put some loudspeakers out to let everyone know that An Daxia is a monster?

Is this his purpose?
It's not impossible, one mouth can melt one's gold, one can destroy one's bones.

If everyone spreads that An Daxia is a heart-eating monster, An Daxia will soon change his name to An Motou.

I don't care much about things like reputation. An Daxia is like a big stone, he weighs on people's heads, and he will have many worries when doing things.

An Motou is different, he can do whatever he wants, no matter how bad he is, he can only eat people.

I stopped paying attention to 'An Daxia', and after I had dinner with Yunzhou, I sent him back to the room upstairs, and I changed my clothes again to go out and go around the city government.

When I went out, I happened to meet those guests who had checked out of the room, packed up their things, and were about to load their cars and leave.

When they saw that I had changed my clothes and was about to go out, out of gossiping nature, they looked me up and asked:
"Are you a female doctor?"

In this world, there is no specific attire for male doctors, but there are dress codes for female doctors.

Much like a modern apron, it is tied at the back and the color is pure white. Women of other identities will not wear this pure white apron.

In this world where a good job is worse than a good marriage, women are not very optimistic about the profession of female doctors, whether they are active or passive.

Because you can't get a higher status if you do it for a lifetime.

In the inner house of the harem, they are associated with many hidden secrets, and have always been regarded as a shady profession.

When the residents of Gossip saw me dressed like this, the soul of Gossip immediately burned.

Before I could answer, they started talking on their own.

Said that I don't look like a female doctor at all, but like a woman walking in the rivers and lakes...

They didn't say anything about the female, but it was nothing more than a female devil.

My appearance is equal to my personality, who made the original body a facial paralysis, I can't even put on an amiable smile.

They have seen me and An Daxia quarrel because of medical skills, so they naturally accepted that I am a female doctor.

I wore a white apron and wandered around the Chengguan Mansion, where several streets were very lively.

I pretended to buy medical books and things the doctor would use.

Ask the owner of a nearby store, where can I set up a stall for outpatient visits?

I told them that I was from another place and wanted to earn some money with my skills.

After asking around, the answers I got were no, female doctors can only treat women, and women in this world don't go to the street to see a doctor.

There has never been a medical clinic run by a female doctor on the street, and the palace, nobles, and wealthy families all employ female family doctors.

There are very few female doctors who open clinics and treat diseases alone. Occasionally, female patients go to the female doctor's home to see a doctor.

I inquired for a long time to no avail, and I was not ready to return to the inn until I went shopping until the evening before dinner.

On the way, a middle-aged woman stopped me. She said she was not feeling well and wanted me to treat her.

She invited me to her home, at first I thought she was a human/trafficker, but she invited me without negative emotions.

It's just a little anxious, and her body only has some minor problems, and there is no illness that can make her so anxious.

I felt that something was wrong, so I went home with her.

I pretended to check her pulse, and then told her that she was still in good health, but because of years of hard work, she had some problems with her lumbar spine and finger joints.

Seeing that I was really consulting with a doctor, she asked me if I would have an abortion?
I said it depends on the specific situation, I have to see the patient to be sure.

She asked me a few more questions, such as where is my hometown?Where did you work?How long have you been a female doctor?

I feel like I'm interviewing, and I don't know if she will really check my background and details.

So I answered her half-truthfully, I used to work in the nobleman's house, but later that family suffered disaster, I was living outside, I wanted to go to the north to find opportunities, passing by Yulan City, I wanted to earn some travel expenses.

When I went shopping, I bought some props, such as the plaster whose logo I had torn off, and I bought it on the side of the road.

I put the plaster on the woman's lumbar spine, and at the same time healed her with supernatural powers.

The effect is naturally immediate, effective on the spot!

The woman turned her waist repeatedly to squat back and forth, and the previous discomfort completely disappeared.

Don't look at advertisements, look at the curative effect.

There are facts in front of her eyes, even if my identity is unclear, she at least recognized my medical skills.

Then her husband came back, and she asked me to treat her husband's illness. Her husband had a mild headache, and I put a plaster on it, and his headache was cured immediately.

I only charged a small consultation fee, after all, my purpose is not to treat diseases.

Back at the inn, Yunzhou and the others had already eaten, and they were quite frightened in the morning. Those tenants who had not checked out did not go to the lobby for dinner, and ate in their own rooms.

An Daxia was no exception. The buddy sent two live chickens to his room.

After a while, the man brought out two more hollowed out chicken carcasses.

The news that An Daxia had stayed at Fenglai Inn spread throughout the city the next day.

Naturally, there is also the explosive gossip about him drinking his blood and eating his heart.

In the morning, the buddy brought in three live chickens, and saw An Daxia's appetite getting bigger and bigger every day.

If he just eats chicken, there will always be bold people who are not afraid, and the timid have already scared away.

Those who hold the idea that he has nothing to do with him as long as he doesn't eat living people still live in the inn.

It also included our group of five.

It's just that I don't think it's safe to live in the same space as An Daxia.

So Ximen Wuhen stayed with Manager Zhang and Yue Nanxiang 24 hours a day to ensure their safety.

I didn't go out either, I was in the room with Xiaojiao and Yun Zhou.

Seeing Yue Nanxiang practicing hard at such a young age, Xiaojiao was also encouraged. She started practicing in the morning and did not rest until meal time.

The superficial kung fu she learned in Biyipai, if she practiced solidly and well, she could beat those thug guards around Fu Jiacai.

The learning enthusiasm in our two rooms was high, Ximen Wuhen and Yue Nanxiang were practicing in their room, and Xiaojiao and I were practicing in our room.

Manager Zhang and Yun Zhou are in charge of resting and playing.

After dinner, the man came up and said that someone was looking for me outside the inn.

She was a middle-aged woman in her 40s, and the guy said she looked like a servant from a wealthy family.

I thought of the woman who treated her yesterday, sent Yunzhou and Xiaojiao to Ximen Wuhen, I took the female doctor's apron and went downstairs.

Waiting outside the door of the inn is the woman who invited me to her home for treatment yesterday.

She wore a cloak on her forearm, and when she saw me coming out, she was even more anxious than yesterday, and hurriedly said that a patient wanted to invite me to her home for treatment.

It's just that her family's situation is more complicated. I hope I can go in with a cloak, so that people won't see that I am a female doctor.

I put on my cloak and followed her to the back door of the City Hall.

It was her husband who opened the door, and they exchanged glances. Her husband let us in without asking any questions.

I finally entered the city government office, and walked in a well-behaved way according to the woman's instructions, not looking around.

Occasionally, on the road, you will meet maids and servants who sweep the yard or pass by with things.

They all knew the woman and greeted her, and some people looked at me curiously and asked 'who is this'.

The woman said that I was her distant relative and came to her for help when the family had difficulties.

We stopped in front of a small courtyard in the backyard. There was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old maid waiting outside the door, and when we saw the woman, she called Yao Ma.

The woman asked how her wife was doing?
The little maid looked sad and said that Madam kept complaining that her stomach hurts.

The woman led me into the small courtyard, and the maid then closed the courtyard door, and she stayed at the door to guard.

I followed the woman into the inner room, and there was a servant girl guarding by the bed.

The woman sitting on the bed hummed softly, covering her stomach with her hands in pain.

Her forehead was covered with sweat, and her face was very ugly. The woman hurriedly asked me to show this lady.

When I entered the house, I knew that the patient who came to see me was the pregnant woman who fed the cat last night.

(End of this chapter)

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