Chapter 91 Bark
In the middle of the night, someone sneaked into our yard and checked from room to room. There were vigils inside and outside Mrs. Xu's room.The visitor didn't dare to be too obvious, hid on the roof and looked down, Yue Ba turned into the window and hid under the bed.

A sneaky person jumped on the roof of our house, lifted a tile and looked inside.

Yunzhou sleeps on the bed, Xiaojiao sleeps on the couch, I got into Yunzhou's bed before the visitor uncovered the tile, Yunzhou hugged me in an instant, muttering "big elbow".

He hid another pig's trotter in his arms, he was really carrying a pig's trotter, and he was still thinking about the elbow.

The visitor looked at our room for a while, put the tiles back where they were, and went elsewhere.

At about two o'clock in the middle of the night, four more people sneaked in. The doors and windows of the room were closed, leaving almost no gaps. The four had no choice but to jump on the roof and uncover another tile.

They not only peeked, but also took a rope and put things down, and the position was exactly on the bed.

There is no mosquito net or anything like that in the lower room, and there is no shelter above people lying down.

What they put down can go straight to the bed, or it can be us.

The thing gradually descended, approaching me, the target was very clear, I prepared the 'air' shield, when the thing came down, it immediately stuck to my back.

It's like a Band-Aid with navigation, except I have an air shield so it doesn't stick to my skin.

The qi generated by my ability can stay and not dissipate. While forming a shield, it can also become a qi net to enclose that thing.

The people on the roof didn't notice anything unusual, put the tiles back, and left quietly.

I feel familiar with this procedure. It seems that there were four people outside the door of An Daxia's room that night, and they put things inside.

After the four people left, I got up immediately, wrapped up the "sticky" thing, lit the lamp and put it under the lamp to have a look, and found that it was a piece of pruned tree bark.

When I saw this thing, I was sure that the four people just now were the ones who put things in An Daxia's room in the inn.

In the morning when An Daxia appeared strange, what I saw behind him was this shape.

The bark was cut into the shape of a person, about thirty centimeters high, and the surface was covered with vein-like veins.

This thing is attached to the skin, and An Daxia is wearing clothes. I shouldn't be able to see it so clearly, but although it is a dead thing, it is emitting a kind of 'life energy'.

This energy also has lines and clear shapes, so I thought it was very evil at the time.

In the original world, my understanding of witchcraft is not even superficial.

After inheriting the memory of my original body, I know that there is witchcraft in this world.

But the people who master this technology are very few and almost never show up.

Very few does not mean nonexistent, so when I saw the humanoid dead thing behind An Daxia, I immediately thought of witchcraft.

Otherwise, how can I explain that he has changed his personality by sticking this thing on his back, drinking blood and eating raw meat, and his temperament has also changed.

There is no parasitic thing in his body, and the person is not poisoned.

I don't feel at ease wherever I put such an evil thing.

So it was isolated with an 'air' mask and carried on my back.

The human-shaped bark behind An Daxia was absorbing his energy, but the human-shaped bark covered by the 'air' mask had no effect.

It's like an ornament on my back, and I've purposely draped a cloak over it.

After dawn, the city government was filled with joy. Wan Shize had been married for many years and married a bunch of concubines, but he couldn't bear a son. Now that he has a son, the whole city and even the whole Wan clan will celebrate.

Although the son was not born to the regular wife, it is better than having no offspring.

If he can't give birth to a son, the strange eyes around him should fall on Wan Shize.

There are a lot of women in the backyard, and a son is not as good as a son, so it must have nothing to do with women.

When Mrs. Xu's son was born, Wan Shize breathed a sigh of relief.

Last night was not suitable for celebration, but today it is lively.

The "sisters" from all houses and courtyards came to congratulate Mrs. Xu, and the gift givers almost broke the threshold.

Mo Qiwei also came to see their mother and child. Supplements for the mother and gifts for the child were brought into the house like flowing water.

She never mentioned the theft of the bedroom last night. The things she lost in the secret compartment were all evidence of death, but she looked normal, said some words of concern, and then led people away.

She is really calm, the owner is not in a hurry, let alone me who destroys the evidence.

It’s useless to keep these things, and they can’t be presented to the monarch of Tengxue Kingdom. We are just outsiders and quacks. If we want to follow the court’s procedures, we still want to be the monarch’s cousin. I am afraid that the evidence will be misfired at the initial stage. destroyed.

It's not that such a thing has never happened before. Yuan Bo has read the case files of various countries. It is impossible for the Jiang Hu people to bring down the royal family and nobles through formal channels. There is only one way, which is assassination.

After killing, he still has to bear the consequences of being chased and killed by court masters and Jianghu killers.

People in the Jianghu are not stupid. If they want to kill an important person, they should do it as secretly as possible, so that they can't find the murderer if they want to.

These big men will not give them a chance, so they have many masters around them, guards, shadow guards, and shadow guards, who follow around the clock.

For example, the one next to Wan Shize is definitely a master with one against a hundred.

The ones in Mo Qiwei's courtyard are much worse. With such great power in Feng Province, it is said that the defense level around her should be higher than that of Wan Shize.

Could it be that she still has a hole card?
Reminiscent of the four people who put the bark last night, I didn't see that thing sticking behind anyone else in this mansion, and it was clearly running towards me.

I have no other enemies in this mansion, unless Mo Qiwei finds out that I am An Daxia.

Whether it's new or old hatred, there is no one else who kills me except her.

Assuming those four people were sent by her, she didn't know that I was An Daxia, and mistakenly took the fake An Daxia as the real one, so she sent someone to kill him, then she just wanted to repeat the old trick last night.

If I turned into a blood-drinking and meat-eating monster, it would be worse than offending the princess. She had every reason to beat me to death, because I lived in Mrs. Xu's courtyard.

In case I guess cannibalism...

Wouldn't she want to kill two birds with one stone?
Let me eat Mrs. Xu?
All kinds of conjectures can't be confirmed, the human-shaped bark doesn't work for me, and I don't know what it feels like to stick it on.

But the news about An Daxia's cannibalism spread on this day.

The city government is busy preparing to celebrate the birth of the young master, and the news of An Daxia's cannibalism spreads wildly outside.

On the eighth day of the month, I went out to do errands for me, and when I came back, I heard people talking about it.

She made a special trip to Fenglai Inn to verify the veracity of the rumor.

She said that there were indeed dead people in the inn, a few residents, whose blood had been sucked dry and their internal organs had been emptied.

Looking at the shape of the edge of the wound, it looks like a human tooth mark.

Yuan City has been abolished, and now the Jianghu people commit crimes again, and there is no special organization to deal with them.

It can only be sent to the government office first, and it will be handled according to the rules of ordinary people who commit crimes.

An Daxia was caught in prison. He is average in martial arts. If many people work together to round him up, he can be subdued.

The death of three residents at the inn was no small matter. In the world of ordinary people, killing three people at once was definitely a felony among felonies.

When someone is setting the pace in the city, An Daxia becomes a fake good guy and a real monster.

The good deeds "he" did in Huaicheng were suspected to be conspiracy, and the "he" cannibalism in Yulan City became his new label.

For a while, even if he was released from prison, the people in the city would spontaneously organize to deal with him because they were afraid of his cannibalism.

The black hands behind the scenes must have achieved this goal, turning good people into inhumans without doing anything themselves, as long as the heroes are turned into street rats, and it will be a matter of time before they die under the chaos of "self-protectors".

If the hero An is in Huaicheng to make his name known to the world and eliminate harm for the people, then 'he' will be furious.

All the hard work was in vain, and the good reputation accumulated in a few days was wiped out overnight.

Fortunately, I am not punishing the Fu family father and son for the sake of becoming famous in the world, let alone for a good reputation.

Everyone scolds An Daxia, what does it have to do with me, Dr. An?
Mrs. Xu had no free time all day, so she fell asleep before dinner time when she was too tired.

The children couldn't stand the torment even more, Wan Shize ordered that no one should be allowed in to disturb their mother and child.

Mrs. Xu told Yao Ma that she must thank me well.

There are always other people in her room today, and she has no chance to talk to me alone.

Yao Ma came to me with a wooden box, which contained four gold ingots.

I asked Xiaojiao to accept it. This is not only money for delivering the baby, but also money to save the lives of their mother and child.

The person who put the bark must have hoped that I would be like An Daxia. Today I acted for everyone to see. I didn’t eat or drink for a day and said that I didn’t feel like watching the food. I wanted to drink blood and eat raw meat.

No one in Mrs. Xu's courtyard noticed my words and deeds. They were so busy, but those who cared would definitely hear.

At night we rested as usual, and on the eighth day of the month we went to Mo Qiwei's to listen to the wall.

I took a small notebook and calculated how much it would cost to cultivate the land of the Demon Cult.

When he came back in the middle of the night on the eighth day of the month, he said that a group of strange people lived in Mo Qiwei's courtyard.

She didn't dare to get close to them, and only vaguely listened to their speeches. It wasn't her own person, but they seemed to be from overseas.

I boasted that she did a good job, and being safe is the most important thing. It is okay not to hear the news, but you must not let yourself be exposed.

The night was uneventful, and nothing strange happened until the morning.

Madam Xu's room kept hearing the sound of a baby crying, but there was no one to comfort him.

The nanny was found a long time ago, she knows everything, and she is a relative of Yao Ma, so she can definitely be trusted.

Yao Mama and the few maidservants in the yard are also loyal to Mrs. Xu, there shouldn't be a situation where the little prince cries and no one cares about him.

When I walked out of the room, Mrs. Xu and the others were still alive, their life energy was normal, and they were just sleeping.

The child cried like this, but she didn't wake up?

I explored outside the courtyard and found a group of people standing not far away. They were standing still, neither asleep nor sick.

There are a few masters among them, the strength is not weak, if they work together and I don't have supernatural powers, maybe I can't beat them.

I walked into Mrs. Xu's bedroom, first comforted the young master, and then checked the health of several people in the room.

Mrs. Xu, nurse, maid, and mother-in-law are all sleeping.

The nurse and maid slept in the outer room, the mother-in-law guarded the inner room, and Mrs. Xu slept on the bed. They were not poisoned, but they seemed to have taken something similar to 'sedative'.

They are in abnormal sleep, and the body itself secretes such a large amount of "paralyzing" substances, which is already excessive.

I dissolved the excess sleeping substances for them and patted them awake.

Mrs. Xu was startled when she woke up and saw me in the room. I asked her to help me and shouted.

Seeing that the little boy was sleeping in the cradle without incident, she wondered why I came into the house?
I told her that the young master was crying and screaming just now, and they were all asleep in the room, and no one heard them. It was because someone drugged them to make them sleep soundly, maybe they wanted to harm the young master.

Mrs. Xu was shocked, and the nurse hurriedly picked up the young master and fed him.

The medicine in her body has been cleaned up by me, and it will not affect the little son.

Madam Xu was startled and screamed in unison.

Sure enough, those people waiting outside the courtyard moved.

A woman knocked on the door outside the courtyard, and kicked open the door and barged in after just two knocks.

Shouting while running inside: "What happened? Madam Xu, young master—"

Hearing her yelling, it seemed as if she knew someone was dead inside.

Behind her was a group of servants, nurses, and those experts.

I laid a 'Qi' net on the passageway through the door, as long as you step into this yard, you will be drawn into your body by 'Qi'.

Those masters reacted quickly, and immediately retreated when they felt something was wrong, and retreated outside the threshold.

I closed the door to Mrs. Xu's side, and the windows were also tightly closed.

The people in the courtyard didn't know what happened in the house, and they couldn't move after entering the courtyard. They all fell to the ground and couldn't make a sound.

People outside the courtyard could only see them lying motionless on the ground without saying a word.

But the people outside did not give up. Instead, they beat gongs and drums to attract more people.

They all shouted that something happened to Mrs. Xu and the young master!
As if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, his voice quickly spread throughout the whole house, and anyone who could come ran here.

Mo Qiwei and Wan Shize were also among them, and Wan Shize brought the hidden guard beside him.

I sent a secret signal to Yue Ba, telling her to visit Mo Qiwei's courtyard again.

This time I put on the 'air armor' for her. Her body is protected by a layer of air shield, which makes her invulnerable to weapons and bark people.

I suspect that those weird people in Mo Qiwei's yard are wizards from overseas.

The bark man is their masterpiece.

Everyone in the whole house came to watch the excitement, including the cook and the toilet dumper. Only those weirdos didn't show up, and they couldn't show up. Now is a good time to investigate.

After Yue Ba left, Mrs. Xu's yard was fenced off.

The little boy was full, and I used my powers to comfort him into a deep sleep.

He didn't wake up because of the chaos outside, so someone worried, saying that the young master was afraid that something had happened, otherwise how could the newborn baby not make a sound when he heard such a noisy movement?
I stood at the door, listening to what the people outside were saying.

Mo Qiwei and Wan Shize walked outside the gate, surrounded by everyone, and sent someone to shout inside.

Because someone told them that whoever enters the yard will fall to the ground, and there must be a mechanism in the yard, telling them not to come in.

There are a bunch of people lying in the courtyard, which is the best proof.

The people outside didn't respond to how they called them, thinking they were dead.

At this time, Mo Qiwei said to Wan Shize that she felt that I was of unknown origin and should not stay in the house.

But I was too cunning to show my feet, and Mrs. Xu trusted me so much that she wanted to keep me.

She was worried about the safety of Mrs. Xu and the young master, so she arranged for someone to guard outside the courtyard, but she was a step too late.

(End of this chapter)

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