Chapter 95
Now people who know An Daxia's real face don't tell the truth, and those who don't know 'his' real face can hardly extract useful features from a lot of appearance information.Fu's father and son were guarded by Nanjiu and the others. Someone once approached them and wanted to ask the real information about An Daxia, but Nanjiu secretly frightened them, making them think that they would be cursed to death if they told the truth, so they also treated those people Lying, telling the interrogator the image of An Daxia in mainstream legends.

Believe it or not, we don’t know those who went to ask questions, at least I stayed in Yulan City for so many days, no one recognized me as An Daxia.

Daxia An and I have the same surname 'An', and both come from other places, yet no one has connected us together.

The medical center is temporarily closed, just in time for Nanjiu and the others to come over. They will definitely not be able to live here. I will use the money to find a place for them to stay.

They were very professional, and they all went to the city at once, in batches, in groups, and in groups. Some stayed in hotels, some rented a hut with money, and some were richer and rented a small courtyard.

They dress up as people of different professions, but because they are all women, there are not many identities to choose from.

Yue Ba was worried that Mr. Wei would come back to trouble me, so she offered to follow him.

I thought it would be good to know myself and the enemy, so I let her go.

I went out every morning to show my face to the neighbors in the neighborhood, and then I quietly changed clothes and left the city.

The people in the city thought I was afraid of the ice armor guards and dared not open the door for business.

Some people think that I am not such a cowardly person. Ice armor guards dare to poison me, and even extort a lot of money from them. This is something that ordinary people would never even think about.

People have different views on me personally, but they have a unified conclusion about my future, beheading is certain, but they don't know when it will be executed.

Before I was beheaded, I found her downlines according to the address in Mo Qiwei's secret letter.

There are five abduction dens in Feng Province. The Fu family and his son are responsible for abducting young girls, and there are other places that specialize in abducting/children.

I arrested these people and dealers who helped Mo Qiwei sister and brother to do evil.

Stick the human-shaped bark she prepared for me on the back of the youngest and strongest person.

They were locked in one of them's house by me, and no one could escape. I blocked them with an 'air' wall.

Sure enough, the bark that Mo Qiwei prepared for me is a strengthened type, and the effect is several times faster than that of 'An Daxia'.

The people who got caught chased and bit other people. They were all people without martial arts. They were usually pampered and carried away when they went out. They would sit or lie down when they returned home. How could they escape their lives?
Those with the blessing of bark were extremely powerful, and the people in the courtyard were eaten up overnight.

I trapped the madman until dawn, and when there were more pedestrians on the street, I let go of the air wall and let him run out.

It's just that he has the "qi" that I injected into his body, so his movements become much slower, and he rushes around people but no one succeeds.

Instead, a pedestrian reported to the official, who sent him to arrest him and bring him back to the Yamen.

I let go of Qisi's restraint on him, and he made a big fuss in the yamen, biting the official servant and scratching the face of the official.

These local officials are all Mo Ai's people. They help people and businessmen to do evil. Children disappear in the city from time to time, but they never track them down, and they are perfunctory.

Now that the accomplices are going crazy, it's their dog-eat-dog time, and I secretly manipulate the 'battle situation' to ensure that none of them can get out of the city unscathed.

As a result, the madman was interrupted by the yamen servants, and the official rolled down the steps while avoiding, hurting his spine, and his lower body was paralyzed at that time.

The yamen servants were injured and disabled, and finally tied up the madman.

The frantic man's clothes were torn during the fight, exposing the bark on his back.

There are businessmen coming and going between the cities in Feng Province every day. The big news from Yulan City has spread throughout Feng Province. In a few days, other provinces should also know about it.

In another city other than Yulan City, there was another incident of witchcraft harming people, and people's fear level doubled in an instant.

The person who suffered from witchcraft was taken away by the officers and soldiers from the imperial city. Although he left, rumors of witchcraft spread.

When I returned to Magnolia City, Xiaojiao and the others had already heard the news.

It is said that someone sent a letter back with a pigeon, and people are talking about it. There has never been "witchcraft" in Tengxue Country, and there have been incidents of witchcraft possessing and harming people one after another. What does this indicate?
Yue Ba reported that when I was away, someone sneaked around the medical building and was monitoring the medical building.

Fortunately, before I left, I selected a person from the Yuezi Department to disguise her face, let her be my substitute, and stayed in the upstairs room of the medical hall to pretend to practice.

The surveillance people watched for a day and a night. When I came back, I sent a signal to Yue Ba to tell the substitute to go out and exchange identities with me in the market.

We wore the same clothes and entered a shop, one by the front door and one by the back door.

When I came out again, I was the one who walked out from the main entrance, and my double remained in the store.

The stalkers only stared at the main entrance, not knowing that the store had a back entrance.

Seeing me go out, they continued to follow me, all the way back to the hospital.

The things I bought before the stand-in were in my hands, and Xiaojiao and Yueba also came out to greet me as usual, and took the snack basket in my hand, as if I had never left.

Although I looked like everything was going well, someone still couldn't hold back and sent a killer over.

The third night when the clinic was followed, it was a dark and windy night, Yun Zhou had already fallen asleep, and Xiaojiao was still practicing hard.

The dark guards of the Moon Department were sent by me to keep an eye on the city official's mansion and Mo Ai's mansion.

I can now confirm that the person who injected the 'qi' thread that night was Mo Ai himself.

Because I ran into him on the street last night, of course not face to face, his carriage passed by the market, I was buying chaos at a stall on the street, and I sensed the trace of 'qi', so I glanced into his carriage Eye.

No one in Magnolia City does not know Mo Ai, but when the common people see him, no one dares to look directly at him.

I stared at him blankly, which caught his attention, and he also looked back at me. The moment his eyes met, he smiled playfully, and I was determined.

Both of them have traces of my 'qi' in them, so I feel at ease in my heart.

And tonight, there are three waves of people squatting around the medical hall, to be precise, they are three waves of killers.

Their bodies were full of murderous aura, and their life energy emitted a gloomy light.

Under my instruction, the hidden guards of the Nanzibu, who were hiding in the outer perimeter, attacked the people on one side.

They used hidden weapons, and the three waves knew each other's existence, but they didn't know the existence of the hidden guards of the Southern Character Department, because I hid their aura for them.

The three parties mistakenly thought that the other party had made a move, so they started a scuffle over the medical hall.

There was a crackling sound on the roof, and the tiles were smashed under their feet.

Someone fell from mid-air and hit the medicine rack in the backyard.

Fortunately, the shelf was empty, and the medicinal materials were not wasted.

However, if the shelf is broken, that is also a loss. I was thinking about how to make them compensate this loss in the room.

If there is a fight on the roof of other people's houses, the people will report to the officials early.

But there was a fight on the roof of the hospital, and none of the neighbors dared to report it to the police.

They were awakened by the sound of fighting, and then hid in the house, no one dared to go out to check the situation.

The neighbors now look at me like a troublemaker, any big shot dares to offend, and it will be a matter of time before someone kills me.

They probably feared that someone with an 'official' background would harm themselves if they got busy.

So three waves of people killed people on the roof of the hospital, and there was no one left alive.

In other words, when the officials came to clean up the scene in the morning, they didn't see a single victim.

There was actually someone alive last night. I caught him, asked him what I wanted to ask, and sent him on the road with his companions.

So in the morning when the official sent, there was no one alive, and there were corpses lying on the roof, in the yard, and on the street.

Unsurprisingly, I was invited to the yamen by the official again.

I am very cooperative, I know everything the master asks, but unfortunately I don't know anything.

"You don't know them? Are they fighting in your clinic?" The official obviously didn't believe it.

"It's a coincidence. If I know them, or if they are fighting for me, can they not go into the house? The messengers have seen it all. No one enters the house, and they all died outside the house."

This official post can prove that there are bloodstains everywhere on the roof, backyard, and street, but there is no room in our hospital.

Master Guan's expression changed again and again, probably because he had a lot to say but felt unable to say it.

The neighbors nearby heard it. Those people only fought outside the house. Our hospital was very quiet, and no one joined the scuffle.

People were not killed by me, and there is no evidence to prove that they have a relationship with me, so I kept asking three questions.

The official is furious, but he has nothing to do with me, maybe he wants to beat me up before questioning me.

But after weighing it over, he had to let me go back first. When there is a new progress in the case, he will send me over for questioning at any time.

I can feel that the official is 'afraid' of me. The fact that I poisoned the Ice Armor Guards and plundered their money made me famous.

In Xiaojiao's words, bad people are not afraid of good people, they are afraid of more... powerful people.

The official will soon know that the corpses they brought back have no money on them, and the purses, tokens, and ornaments are all in my hands.

I have all the things to prove their identities, and I also know who sent them.

People from the Golden Gu Society are easier to recognize, their bodies are abnormal and rotten badly.

There are also the people sent by the princess, and the killer sent by Mo Ai.

No matter how stupid the princess is, her position is still stable, and there must be people who serve her.

She only needs to say that she wants me to die, and naturally someone will share her worries.

I also asked about the situation on Mo Ai's side. The remaining survivors last night were the killers he sent.

Mo Qiwei already suspected that I stole the secret letter, and that the witchcraft she used to deal with me was used on her offline, so she felt that I came prepared and came to Magnolia City to target her.

In fact, this conclusion is correct. I am here to target her. If the source of the one-stop trade of "abductees" is not completely eradicated, women and children will suffer in the future.

Mo Qiwei didn't want to put the 'hostile relationship' on the bright side, so Mo Ai asked someone to do it secretly.

However, there are many people who want to kill me. If they want to participate, they have to compete with others for a while.

Someone was murdered on the roof of the medical hall and blood flowed like a river. This news briefly overwhelmed the enthusiasm for witchcraft to harm people.

Currently there are two hottest keywords in Yulan City, one is 'Doctor An' and the other is 'Witchcraft'.

Doctor An fought against witchcraft puppets, witchcraft harmed people not only in Yulan City, but someone fought on the roof of Doctor An's medical center!
There is also the news that Dr. An poisoned the ice guards, but it cannot be discussed casually because it involves the face of the royal family.

After half a month, no one in the city mentioned An Daxia anymore, and the news about An Daxia was all over the screen.

During the period, there were rumors that Mo Ai was sick and bedridden.

The sorcerers who used witchcraft were not found, and the hearts of the people could not be settled.

No one paid much attention to the city official's brother-in-law's illness.

Only the family members of the person involved were in a hurry, so the city official sent someone to invite me to Mo Ai's mansion to treat him.

I was a little surprised when the messenger explained the purpose of his visit.

Mo Qiwei suspected me and wanted to kill me, how could she agree to let me treat her brother?
After thinking about it, I asked the messenger if the city official's wife knew about it, and did she agree?
The person who sent the message didn't expect me to ask this, so he paused and said, "Of course Ma'am knows, it's just..."

"She doesn't agree." I replied for him.

The visitor nodded, and immediately added: "Everyone has seen Dr. An's medical skills, and you can definitely trust them. It's not that Madam doubts your medical skills. It's just that you care too much about the third son. If you care about it, it will cause chaos."

"She wants to invite an imperial doctor." I guessed right again, the person who sent the message nodded slightly, and wanted to say nice things to praise me, but I waved my hand to stop it.

"For the sake of the city official, I can take a trip, but I can't guarantee whether it will be cured or not. After all, I am a female doctor, and I am good at different fields. If the third son Mo has a difficult delivery, I have the confidence to keep his mother and child safe. Other diseases are hard to say."

To those who wanted to kill me, I had no good words to say to them, and the person who sent the word looked embarrassed and coped with it with an apologetic smile.

The little drug boy has never come to work. He is a child, and I am afraid that something will happen to him here.

Pay him an extra three months and let him find another way to make a living.

If you really want him to come, I guess he is also afraid. The medical clinic is always shrouded in the "bloody storm", and the common people are most afraid of being exposed to these things.

There are no chores in the store, so I can only ask Xiaojiao to help me prepare 'medicine'.

There are no genuine medicines in the medical hall, they are all supplements, but I am going to Mo Ai's residence, it is a waste to use supplements for him, I have to prepare some extra.

I carried the medicine box and went out with the messenger, I know best if Mo Ai is sick or not.

He has the "qi" that I injected into his body, he is not sick at all, it is purely pretending.

Asking me to treat him, he must be holding back bad water and going to pour it out.

In order to pretend to be like him, he has taken herbal medicine that affects the human body. It will not hurt the body, but it will cause some symptoms.

For example, high body temperature, red rash, remaining nonsense, coma and deep sleep are all pretended by himself.

He can pretend, and so can I. I went to his bedside, and under the watchful eyes of the city official, Mo Qiwei and all the servants, I took his pulse.

"Ah... hiss? This..." I sighed, inhaled for a while, and shook my head for a while, making the family members around me fearful.

"Doctor An, who is he?" Chengfu asked with concern.

"Doctor An, look carefully. If it's a misdiagnosis, it's a matter of life and death." Mo Qiwei didn't forget to put pressure on me.

"Third son, the three evils of dampness, fire, and poison have invaded the internal organs. They must be vented first and then replenished. The evils must be vented first. When it develops to this extent, only strong medicine can be used. Saving people is like putting out fire. My lord, madam, hurry up." Let's make a decision, the third son's time is running out."

(End of this chapter)

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