Chapter 121

Sang Xiaoyu didn't believe that they argued unreasonably, but she didn't dare to take it lightly. She asked one of the security guards to drive to Huang Daqing's sales point in another county immediately to watch him, in case he used inferior products to pass off as his own.

Huang Daqing is just as Sang Xiaoyu thought, he not only has to set off one wave after another, but also has many twists and turns.

Sister Wei said that this matter is a big one, and I knew there must be something wrong with his sales being so hot. It turned out that he was also in charge of sales in other counties, but I didn't see him have such a record.

When Sang Xiaoyu heard this, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Sang Xiaoyu went to Jiang Chunhui again and told the story again. Jiang Chunhui said that the person behind all this was Fei Jiani. Of course Sang Xiaoyu didn't believe it, but she didn't want to argue with him either.

Jiang Chunhui looked at the panicked Sang Xiaoyu and felt distressed. He felt that she just wanted to prove herself, but she didn't know that there were countless traps and whirlpools in the business world. When she really understood, she would not be as relaxed as she is now. .

He stroked Sang Xiaoyu's head and said, "Don't panic, collect the evidence in your favor, it's not that easy to file a lawsuit, I'm used to it.

You don't have to worry about anything, I have a legal adviser, that is Xiao Liu who you said is a handsome guy, leave everything to him. "

"I...don't I even have to appear in court?"

"Of course, but when witnesses are needed, you still have to attend."

Sang Xiaoyu nodded to make it clear, and then told about Huang Daqing's possibility of giving birth by himself. Jiang Chunhui also calmly said that it's okay, you don't need to worry about it.

Sang Xiaoyu was a little upset, she even wanted to give him [-] yuan, but another voice told her that this hole cannot be opened, once opened, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the prosperous scenes in the factory where people were cheering and the machines were ringing, and the workers were smiling. She felt that no matter how difficult she encountered, as long as she was not discouraged, she could overcome any barriers.

Sang Xiaoyu is not afraid of Huang Daqing's lawsuit, she feels that the truth is on her side, but she is afraid that Huang Daqing will make an issue of her product, which will be a fatal blow.

Soon the news spread. The security guard told him that Huang Daqing had really tampered with the products. First, he raised the price, and second, he might have mixed products from his own small workshop.

When Sang Xiaoyu heard it, her soul went out of her body, and she was so frightened that she quickly called Jiang Chunhui. Jiang Chunhui told her to stabilize and said that he would take someone to rush there immediately. Sang Xiaoyu said that he would go too, and Jiang Chunhui said yes, you wait Me, don't panic, this is nothing.

In Sang Xiaoyu's heart, this is a big deal. She never expected that Huang Daqing would make a fuss. On the one hand, he wanted to file a lawsuit with her, and on the other hand, he really opened a small workshop to produce fake and inferior products. He was well prepared. Come, and be familiar with the road.

This kind of practice of building plank roads in the dark and keeping warehouses in the dark made Sang Xiaoyu feel the cruelty of the shopping mall for the first time.

Sang Xiaoyu got into the car that Jiang Chunhui came to pick her up. She didn't want to say anything along the way. Jiang Chunhui sat with her in the back compartment and kept telling her not to worry.

Jiang Chunhui's heart was also extremely complicated. If he didn't help her, he would be too unwilling to go. Such things would not be a big deal worth mentioning to him; but it was different for Sang Xiaoyu.

If she really doesn't help her, can she lose her confidence in starting a business?Jiang Chunhui didn't dare to try.

Looking at Sang Xiaoyu, who was heartbroken, he took her hand and comforted her, saying, "Don't be afraid, it's nothing, you will encounter bigger things in the future."

Sang Xiaoyu said worriedly: "I'm not afraid of anything else, but I'm afraid that if he sells the next product, won't our product lose its reputation?"

Jiang Chunhui said lightly: "Then what can I do? This kind of thing happens every day. The products I use are often plotted against by others. These are inevitable.

As long as you embark on the road of doing business, you will not be able to have smooth sailing. I am not repeating the old saying. Did you have a little impulsiveness when you acquired it? "

Sang Xiaoyu stopped talking. In the past, Sang Xiaoyu was anxious when they mentioned this topic. Now, she finally admitted her impulsiveness. She murmured: "I want to do something too much, I didn't think carefully."

Jiang Chunhui patted her and said it was okay, and he will get used to it in the future.

When Sang Xiaoyu and the others rushed to Huang Daqing's wholesale point, she was completely shocked.

The wholesale point is composed of two bungalows. In the two houses, except for one with a desk, the others are all their all-purpose seasonings. At least four people are opening the boxes of Sang Xiaoyu’s seasonings, and then put them inside. Pack products that are almost identical to theirs...

In addition to anger, Sang Xiaoyu felt sad and desolate.

She can't accept this reality.

The factory has only been in production for a few days, and they have blatantly forged almost identical products. If users from other counties eat their products and something happens, they will really stand in court.

Huang Daqing was not there, so Sang Xiaoyu hurriedly called him. He said that he was on his way to the court, and the court was about to formally file the case.

Sang Xiaoyu got angry and said, "Don't go to the court to sue us, just live there, I'm going to sue you anyway."

Huang Daqing was in a noisy place, so he might not have heard clearly, and thought that Sang Xiaoyu had softened, so he said, "I don't want too much, just give me [-]."

Sang Xiaoyu finally scolded Huang Daqing, saying: "Hurry up and get over here, I'm at your wholesale point now, I've already called the police, you can wait to be jailed."

Huang Daqing finally understood. He kept asking her where she was, but Sang Xiaoyu hung up her phone, so angry that she couldn't even speak.

When Huang Daqing arrived, Sang Xiaoyu not only called the police, but also notified the relevant departments.

Huang Daqing was dumbfounded when he saw such a scene, his arrogance when he came was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him, and his bullying nature was revealed.

He took off his sunglasses, looked like a slave, took out Zhonghua Cigarettes and handed them to the food inspection department who was working. Xiao Yu laughed.

Sang Xiaoyu really beat him, Jiang Chunhui asked such a villain to ignore him and let the police deal with him.

The food hygiene department asked Sang Xiaoyu if he could pick out the products with problematic quality?Sang Xiaoyu nodded and said yes, and said that her trademark has anti-counterfeiting measures.

The people in the quality inspection department said that all the things will be withheld first, and then she will be notified of what to do next.

Sang Xiaoyu kept nodding her head, but she was in a panic.

No wonder Huang Daqing's sales are so good. He used his own products to bring in his products. After repeated questioning by the police, Huang Daqing, who is strong outside but hard at work, finally revealed the small den of his production.

The police took them away, and when they arrived at the small den, Sang Xiaoyu was dumbfounded. It was a private house located in a small village, and three or five workers were producing "their" products.

The mess in the house is almost unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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