Chapter 135
At the door, Sang Xiaoyu, who wanted to leave, was unwilling to give up. If Ge Yunsheng really cheated, would Cheng Weiting's happy family also disintegrate?
She seemed to be more anxious than Cheng Weiting, she decided to stand at the door and wait for the rabbit. After he came in, would a woman come over?

Sang Xiaoyu also felt a little unbelievable, she wandered back and forth at the door of the hotel, she felt suspicious of every school-age woman who came in, but she didn't dare to make a mistake.

After walking around the door for a long time, she stood by Ge Yunsheng's car, thinking, he must come out, right?When he came out, didn't the woman see it by herself?
At this moment, a young girl appeared in Sang Xiaoyu's line of sight. The girl had a pair of soul-stirring big eyes, a smile like peach blossoms on her face, and her lovely face was full of collagen Egg whites are so tender that water can be squeezed out.

Sang Xiaoyu's heart was beating wildly, it was already winter, the girl was still dressed as cool as summer, with a bright skirt over her leggings, and she was bouncing up the steps.

The girl is only about 20 years old, and she is absolutely lethal to men. Her peach-like figure is even hotter and hotter. Sang Xiaoyu stared at it intently, feeling sad in her heart.

She and Cheng Weiting have already passed away, unable to compete with the girl...

Fortunately, the girl was just standing at the top of the steps like a bunny, when an equally delicate boy chased after her and straightened her beautiful hat, Sang Xiaoyu's heart fell to the ground and started beating normally .

Waiting is tormenting, and Sang Xiaoyu feels a little hungry.

Sang Xiaoyu came to a small supermarket nearby and bought a piece of bread and mineral water. This was the first time in her life that she performed a tracking mission, and she didn't know what she wanted to do.

An hour and a half passed, married woman Sang Xiaoyu, this time is enough to know about men and women.

Ge Yunsheng finally appeared. The strange thing is that no woman appeared, but himself.

He hardly changed at all, his hair was still long and not messy at all.

There was neither joy nor exhaustion from exercise on his face, everything was as usual, as if he simply drank a cup of tea after entering the hotel.

Sang Xiaoyu hid behind the window, of course Ge Yunsheng didn't know her existence, when he inadvertently looked at the window of the supermarket, Sang Xiaoyu's heart jumped out of fright, but she just glanced at her.

Sang Xiaoyu felt a vigilant light flashing in his eyes, even a little bright.

Sang Xiaoyu, who was looking for clues, didn't see anything wrong, which made her feel like she was making a fuss.

Especially since no woman showed up, or was she still in the hotel?
It was she who left before her. In Sang Xiaoyu's impression, few women of his age caught her attention.

Ge Yunsheng took care of his already neat hair in the rearview mirror, and slowly examined his unparalleled appearance.

Only then did he open the door and get in the car, and he just drove away by himself, no woman got into his co-pilot, and no panicked woman followed him after he got out.

Sang Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, did they separate and leave because they were afraid that things would be revealed?It doesn't make any sense at all.

At the same time, I also feel that I am too boring, and I will not do anything after such a thing, which is too stupid.

Sang Xiaoyu looked up at the sky, and there was a dark cloud covering one corner of the sun above her head, which made her feel both hopeful and hopeless.

After waiting for such a long time, she found nothing. Sang Xiaoyu was still happy in her heart. Although she was a little disappointed, she certainly didn't want anything to happen to this beautiful man, but she always felt that something was weird.

When she got home, she was still thinking about it. If she really saw something, would she tell Cheng Weiting?

She doesn't know it herself.

Fortunately, Cheng Weiting hasn't looked for her for a while, which shows that the couple has shown signs of easing up.


In mid-September, the Green Expo was held as scheduled.

It has been four full years since the accident, and Sang Xiaoyu feels that she has changed too much. In just four years, she has undergone sufficient changes both physically and mentally.

Sang Xiaoyu spent 2 yuan to rent the most conspicuous booth in the area, and she delivered the seasoning produced by the factory truck by truck.

As production ramped up, inventories skyrocketed.

Sister Wei is very worried that the excessive backlog will bring pressure to the workshop. They have already turned several factories into warehouses, but the continuous production still makes the inventory press on the top of the head like a mountain.

Sang Xiaoyu insisted on selling these seasonings.

Sang Xiaoyu personally led the team, except for the front-line workers in production who stayed in the factory, and pulled everyone else to the scene. She arranged a warm and family-like environment.

I listed all the varieties one by one, and put my own label on the soy sauce directly pulled from the soy sauce factory, and communicated with the original soy sauce factory, intending to sell the soy sauce.

In the first three days, because of the festival, people were shopping more frantically than ever before, but Sang Xiaoyu's products were only sold sporadically, and hundreds of bottles were sold.

Sang Xiaoyu stepped up her publicity efforts and asked everyone to walk back and forth in the market, holding up the brand of the all-purpose seasoning that she designed in her hand. On the sixth day, a wholesaler finally appeared on the stage.

Some people put on the goods, which made the onlookers see hope. Nearly [-] boxes were sold out in a short time, especially the sauces of braised fish, sweet and sour pork ribs and cold dishes were very popular.

Sang Xiaoyu hurriedly asked to inform the workers that now he started to specialize in the production of seasonings for cold dishes, which has met the needs of the market.

Sang Xiaoyu hit the iron while the iron was hot, and put the electric frying pan at the front of the booth, cooking all kinds of fresh and attractive dishes with seasoning, and the tangy aroma attracted many people to watch.

Some people even thought their booth was a snack. Sang Xiaoyu asked Zhao Chunling to bring all kinds of side dishes to the small table in front so that everyone could taste them.

Many people think the taste is good, buy a few bottles and try it at home.

It will be easier if someone takes the lead, and people will go from waiting and watching to buying, which really steals the limelight.

Sang Xiaoyu found that the group of aunts is the most powerful group, and their publicity has achieved twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, it is the season to buy winter vegetables. Pickled salty garlic is very popular in the local area. Sang Xiaoyu has already launched a series of seasonings for pickled vegetables. After some people buy it, they feel that the taste is completely different from the past, and it is very popular with a small group of people. .

Sang Xiaoyu brought another stereo to promote her own products. Someone complained to her that her place was too noisy, so Sang Xiaoyu had to keep the sound very low.

The shopping frenzy started, and Sang Xiaoyu felt that the retail part was quite scary, and this part was the most profitable, because there was no price difference, Sang Xiaoyu and the others were busy from morning to night, and they hardly had time to eat. When it was time for the meeting, they I have time to take stock.

(End of this chapter)

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