Chapter 165
Having said this, she was silent again.

When the car got on the road, Cheng Weiting didn't seem to have said anything just now, and Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to ask.

Cheng Weiting parked the car next to a small flower bed, put her hands on the steering wheel, buried her head in her arms, and was silent for a long time before slowly raising her head.

She sat up straight, her face was pale, her eyes were filled with tears, her lips were trembling, and that frightening and pitiful look scared Sang Xiaoyu.

She said: "Everything is over. Now I have no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, it is a kind of despair with nowhere to go."

Sang Xiaoyu supported her back with his hands and said, "Don't be too discouraged, everyone in this world can live the same way, just follow your own heart."

Cheng Weiting's eyes were empty, she choked and gasped, and said in extreme sadness: "Xiao Yu, I now deeply understand your state of mind at that time.

I'm like you, I became a loner overnight, everything in the family no longer belongs to me, our love once looked like a joke now..."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't want to think about it. The feeling that she called Tian Tian Ying back then came back to her mind, and she used the four words "life is better than death" to explain it.

At this moment, a thorough understanding made Sang Xiaoyu's heart ache.

Cheng Weiting didn't care about the changes on Sang Xiaoyu's face at all, and was silent in her own misery.

"Xiaoyu, I don't have the face to face people now, I can't wait to see cracks everywhere, and I can get in anytime, anywhere, do you know what is the most painful thing for me?

Just memories.All the memories are related to hypocrisy, the two of us are a joke together, I am running the family seriously, he uses me as a cover, and we cooperate seamlessly.

I used to advertise my happy marriage everywhere, what do you think I should do now?Tell them it was all a misunderstanding?Big misunderstanding! ! ! "

Cheng Weiting tapped the steering wheel with her hands, and said dully: "It's fine to die, but I don't have that much determination, and I still think about my children..."

Sang Xiaoyu said softly: "I understand all this, I have experienced it all, haven't I survived now? You also know how loving your brother and I are, don't you think I was a big joke at the time?

But didn't I come over?Through the haze, there will be dawn, we can only endure, this word is easy to say, but it is too difficult.

Tell me, how did you solve it. "

Cheng Weiting obviously didn't listen to what Sang Xiaoyu was saying, and said to herself: "We went home that day, and I asked him why? He knelt down and said sorry.

Can I just say I'm sorry and let our marriage go by in the past few years?He said that the matter has come to this point, and there is nothing he can do, and he also said that it should be like this, life is only a few decades.

I scolded him, I said you had a great time, how about me?I am a widowed woman, but you are not, you can easily use me as a shield, a fig leaf, you want mountains and mountains, you want water and water..."

Seeing her crying, Sang Xiaoyu quickly took out a tissue.

Cheng Weiting wiped away tears and said: "He actually said that he had difficulties, he said that he didn't want to live in a dark corner every day like he is now, but there is no way.

I said that no matter how much pain you have, I didn’t cause it, but my pain was caused by you alone. Didn’t you say every day that I like the bed?How about you?
Why are you so shameless and call me like a shameless slut, how about you?

I never knew he could be so calm, not at all like any husband I know, maybe he was ready for such a day.

He asked me what the hell I wanted.

I said I want to hear your thoughts.

You don't even know, he actually repeated the old saying, saying that if you just think that I am not satisfied with you in that respect, let me find a caring person outside, but don't be too ostentatious, don't make a fuss in the city, that way They both lose face.

The two of us are so interesting, we use our home as a stage, we act on it every day, I don't have that ability.

Even at such a moment, he still wants to save face. I said, why do I have no chance to pursue pure feelings for you?Want to be sneaky and make people laugh?

Everyone is afraid of being a mistress, but I'm fine. My husband supports me, so will I lose my moral bottom line?What I hate the most in my life is cheating and being a mistress!

He said that he was very guilty of me, and always wanted to make up for me. He said that there was no one in this world who could make him as nice as he was to me. She also said that he had no good way. It could only be like this, in fact, he didn't want to.

He said he wanted to satisfy me, but he really couldn't do it.

I say divorce.

He immediately said divorce for such a trivial matter?You are making too much of a fuss, and he is sure that I dare not divorce him. I am reluctant to part with everything I have now. "

Sang Xiaoyu asked: "Have you really thought about it?"

Cheng Weiting said painfully: "How do you think this person can pretend to such an extent?

I confide in him every day, what about him?It's all perfunctory. Apart from divorce, I really don't know. I really don't know what to do now.

If they really got divorced, how could my parents bear it, and what would my daughter do?And me?There are three children in our family, and now two of them are gone, do I still have to follow in the footsteps of others? "

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You have to think about it carefully, two evils add up and choose the lesser, don't be impulsive."

Cheng Weiting took a serious look at Sang Xiaoyu and said, "How can this world become so impermanent? It's so absurd that I doubt life.

There are only two roads in front of me, one is to leave and the other is to continue to live hypocritically..."

Sang Xiaoyu said with deep empathy: "I thought the same way at the time, why did such absurd things happen to me... There is no way, no matter what happens, you have to get through it, time is the best good medicine."

Sang Xiaoyu seldom thinks about the past now, tearing the wound open again is tantamount to making herself unhappy, and will even have doubts about the life in front of her.

Cheng Weiting looked at Sang Xiaoyu in despair, and asked seriously: "I have always regarded you as a friend, my best friend, no matter what you are like with my brother, I have always regarded you as a confidant, if this matter happens to you, you What should I do, I want the truth."

What happened to Cheng Weiting made Sang Xiaoyu feel emotional, and the past was like a flood that had been closed for a long time.

Just like she is facing Cheng Weize now, the love from the past is still there, but it is no longer with this person, it seems that he has been separated from what he has done, at least Sang Xiaoyu doesn't have any taste of missing him anymore.

She thought for a while, and said carefully: "If it was before the accident, I would most likely bear it, because I, like you, don't know how to face such a difficult matter.

But it's different now. If something like this happens after the accident, I want to live my own life, and I choose to divorce. "

(End of this chapter)

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