Chapter 175
Jiang Chunhui looked at her with confused eyes and said:

"You are a strange person. You have a gentle and docile appearance, a soft temper with a strong temper, and you can be regarded as neat and generous in your dealings. You are neither humble nor overbearing. It is said that it is difficult to change in a lifetime, and you have changed the most thoroughly."

After hearing the praise, Sang Xiaoyu smiled like a flower, and she said: "Haven't you heard a word, suffering is the best school. I have read it, and I have passed it. The road ahead will be extremely dangerous. Take it step by step. Bar."

The two chatted all over the world, about Sang Xiaoyu's past sufferings, and about the difficulties of starting a business now. Jiang Chunhui also said that he has a bright future on the surface, but in reality there are too many people who plot against him.

Jiang Chunhui spoke to her, saying that the dangerous environment in the business world is like the rivers and lakes. You cannot be understood by a woman in a short time. The water here is too deep, and every step is not easy.

Why don't you want to be an elegant woman who enjoys the years?Eating western food every day, ordering a small red wine, and doing beauty treatment, eating delicious and spicy food every day, why do you want to share a piece of the pie in the world of men?

Sang Xiaoyu said that he didn't like his old tunes repeated, and he was not good at sitting and reaping the rewards. It turned out that he had such an idea and was severely slapped in the face by the society.

Jiang Chunhui knew that she was satirizing his original life, so he said that she met people unkindly.

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head, saying that even if the person she met was him, she did live a good life as you said, but will this kind of life last?

Jiang Chunhui quit, saying why not for a long time?

Sang Xiaoyu said that I am really with you, the power of life and death is in your hands, can I be kicked out anytime and anywhere?
Jiang Chunhui said it depends on who it is.

Sang Xiaoyu said that women are not born to please men, such a life is boring, at least I don't want to live the life your wife is living now.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't dare to say anything, for fear that he would be unhappy.

Jiang Chunhui said what your ideal life is like, let me listen, maybe the same can be realized.

Sang Xiaoyu ignored him, but fell into deep thought, and it took a long time to express her ideal. She said that the life she wanted most was to build a paradise, where she would pick chrysanthemums and farm when she was old.

She said that what she likes the most is the rural scenery. She doesn’t need too many people, as long as the people she cares about the most are around. Corn, garlic, and red peppers are hung in the front and back of the house, and the children and grandchildren are full of joy...

Jiang Chunhui said, is there a place for me in your ideal society?
Sang Xiaoyu didn't answer his words, and went on to say that it is best to have a stream flowing around the house, and the place surrounded by water has wild vegetables and mountain spring water...

Jiang Chunhui said, who wouldn't want such a life?But when it does come true, you feel lonely and helpless again.

The two drank until eleven o'clock, and Sang Xiaoyu was a little drunk and a little sleepy, but Jiang Chunhui quit and was still pouring her alcohol desperately.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was really drunk, she was in a daze, and she was very slow in reacting to things.

In front of Sang Xiaoyu, Jiang Chunhui has the self-confidence of a god. He has read many things frequently and knows the intrigues in the business field. Seeing Sang Xiaoyu struggling forward step by step, his heart aches.

Compared with her scheming self, Sang Xiaoyu is still a little flower that has experienced storms.

Sang Xiaoyu drank half of the bottle of red wine, but Jiang Chunhui was still not satisfied.

Don't let her drink liquor.

Sang Xiaoyu said that she didn't touch a sip of baijiu, and she would get high after drinking it. She had suffered a lot.

Sang Xiaoyu published a painting in a local newspaper when she was 17 years old. At an exchange meeting organized by the Artists Association, she was forced to drink a glass of white wine.

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't save face, so she drank with her neck up, but she fell asleep at the banquet in less than 5 minutes.

She was the youngest at the party.

Originally a role to be taken care of, because of this glass of wine, people at the banquet sang, danced and recited poetry...she missed everything.

When she woke up, everyone had almost left, and her teacher reminded her that she must know how to refuse when she said she couldn't drink.

Sang Xiaoyu swore from then on that this was the first time she drank baijiu and it was also the last time.

Since then, she has never drank liquor again.

Jiang Chunhui was working hard today, so he insisted on letting her take a sip.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it is fine to drink by yourself, you should leave immediately, because as long as you drink liquor, you will fall asleep immediately.

Jiang Chunhui said you slept with you, what else can I do to you?
Sang Xiaoyu said that would be hard to say.

Jiang Chunhui said that I drank so much today, can you rest assured to let me go?
Sang Xiaoyu asked if he should call the driver to drive?
Jiang Chunhui said that would be too much trouble, why don't I just sleep here.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "It's fine if you don't leave, I'll go upstairs and sleep, you stay here by yourself."

Jiang Chunhui was upset again, and said, "Is it interesting for me to stay without you here? Am I homeless?"

Sang Xiaoyu said vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Jiang Chunhui said nakedly, "I want you to sleep with me."

Jiang Chunhui walked behind Sang Xiaoyu with the strength of wine, and he hugged Sang Xiaoyu from behind. Sang Xiaoyu was dizzy, resisted helplessly, and asked him what he was going to do.

Jiang Chunhui wanted to hug her, but he couldn't do it.

His feet were hanging in the air, as if he was stepping on cotton. Sang Xiaoyu finally stood up while supporting the table. She got rid of Jiang Chunhui's restraints, told him to leave quickly, and said that she was going to vomit.

Jiang Chunhui still wanted to hug her, but Sang Xiaoyu kept saying, "Don't do this, don't do this, I'm going to vomit."

Jiang Chunhui was a little unhappy, and said, "What's the matter?"

He picked up Sang Xiaoyu again with the strength of alcohol, and Sang Xiaoyu said: "I'll call you if you do this again."

Jiang Chunhui knew she couldn't, so he said, "Call, it's best to call all the neighbors."

Sang Xiaoyu felt weak for a moment. She felt too tired. With such a man like a mountain supporting her behind her, can she let herself go...

But there was a voice in her heart telling herself that if that was the case, she would...

What will happen to her?She really couldn't think clearly, her head was so heavy that she wanted to sleep, and her eyes were so heavy that she could hardly keep her eyes open...

At this moment, Jiang Chunhui's cell phone rang suddenly. In this silent night, the ringtone made people feel particularly piercing, and Jiang Chunhui also heard a sound at the door.

Jiang Chunhui quickly turned off his phone.

Jiang Chunhui saw that he was holding Sang Xiaoyu in his arms, and heard the sound of the door key opening the door, and his mother came in.

Before she reached the kitchen, she said loudly, "Why haven't you come up yet? What time is it? Don't be drunk..."

Jiang Chunhui immediately put Sang Xiaoyu down and lay down on the table pretending to be asleep. Sang Xiaoyu got up with difficulty and said to his mother who came in, "Mom, I'm too drunk."

The mother took a look at the situation and said, "You two pay attention to the influence, you still have a child."

While talking, he helped Jiang Chunhui to the bedroom with Sang Xiaoyu, and kept scolding them for how old they are, and they still drink like this, are they afraid of accidents?

(End of this chapter)

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