Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 182 Fei Jiani Poisoned?

Chapter 182 Fei Jiani Poisoned?
When the matter of Wang Ximo came out, Fei Jiani's heart was bleeding.

In her perception, her relationship with Sang Xiaoyu was better than her relationship with Wang Ximo even if it ended badly, but she didn't want to take such a big risk, Sang Xiaoyu gave 50 to Wang Ximo without saying a word.

The same 50.

Just to support his career, and his own life is at stake.

In Fei Jiani's understanding, the relationship between Sang Xiaoyu and Wang Ximo can be explained by a casual acquaintance, and it is not as close as she is with Jiang Chunhui or Li Junhao.

My parents moved out of the building a long time ago, and the three of them are now renting a one-story house in the outskirts of the city, and living a poor life of buying coal and stumbling grain.

Whenever she saw her elderly parents go to the back hill every night to pick up firewood branches, Fei Jiani felt that she was a sinner at home.

She seems to be a person who is going forward with a heavy burden. She originally wanted to climb a higher branch to improve her destiny, but she always felt that Sang Xiaoyu owed her, and she wanted her to pay it back, and it was doubled!
Fei Jiani felt that since Sang Xiaoyu was not benevolent, she didn't need to abide by her duty, and she didn't intend to work long with Sang Xiaoyu.

In order to get closer to Sang Xiaoyu's factory, the center is the ingredient room.

The technicians in the batching room don't come often. He has an assistant, 22 years old, and Fei Jiani turned him into a good friend without talking too much.

There is a clear regulation in the ingredients room, that is, no irrelevant personnel are allowed to enter. Except for Sang Xiaoyu and Sister Wei, no outsider can enter the seasoning factory.

Moreover, Sang Xiaoyu and Sister Wei rarely visited this place.

Fei Jiani tried her best to get close to this little assistant, but Sang Xiaoyu and the others didn't care at all.

And every time Fei Jiani came to look for this little assistant, she would call him out at the door.

Through long-term observation, Fei Jiani found that technicians usually like to come to the factory after three o'clock in the afternoon to prepare all the ingredients, and then the assistants will add them to the seasoning in the next morning. just started.

Fei Jiani knew about the technician's visit to the factory that day, and she didn't leave at all when she got off work at night.

When the factory closed its doors at night, she was actually still in her office.

At night, when it was completely dark and the staff on duty had already sounded asleep, she ran out secretly, and by the moonlight, she found the window that had been stepped on earlier.

During the day, the windows in the corridor here are opened every day. Fei Jiani put a piece of soft rubber on the bottom of the window.

She tried several times, but it should not be closed tightly, and the little assistant is obviously not a careful person. When the window was closed at night, Fei Jiani happened to come to him.

Fei Jiani, who had been thinking hard, finally waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She just wanted Sang Xiaoyu to die without a place to bury her.

The matter of Wang Ximo is enough for her to breathe, but because of Jiang Chunhui, Fei Jiani thinks that she still has the possibility of turning over, but if he pushes her into the pit again, and then throws a few big rocks on her, she will probably die up.

This is what she wanted.

Fei Jiani deliberately got along with her little assistant.

During the day when the window was closed, the little assistant closed it a few times, and Fei Jiani asked him to go back to the house to pack his things. Today she was going to invite him to dinner and said that she would introduce him to a girlfriend.

After hearing what she said, the little assistant ran back to the house to pack her things. Fei Jiani covered the window a bit, so it couldn't be seen from the outside that it was not closed.

Everything came true bit by bit as she thought. Although Fei Jiani was flustered, the excitement and excitement still made her feel very interesting, especially when she thought of Sang Xiaoyu's death, she was very happy.

When Fei Jiani and the little assistant walked to the door, Fei Jiani suddenly received a call, saying that there was something to do at night, and asked the little assistant to leave first, and the matter would be dealt with tomorrow.

Although the little assistant was a little unhappy, he left without a trace of doubt.

For this operation, Fei Jiani deliberately put on black clothes that are not easy to be noticed.

In the evening, after midnight, Fei Jiani started to act. Before she acted, she specially bought a bottle of wine to see if Uncle Wu had drunk it again.

When she saw Uncle Wu watching TV with a glass from the window, drinking happily, she even saved the wine.

Fei Jiani had already prepared a flashlight as big as a lipstick.

Fei Jiani started to act.

She put a stone she had found under the window, opened the window easily, and jumped in without too much effort.

There were some washing utensils where they landed. Fei Jiani avoided them lightly and jumped down lightly.

Fei Jiani had seen it from this window in the early days. The windows inside were rarely closed tightly. Although it was an important place, no one took it seriously. She was quite familiar with this place, not just a set of assistants. If so, just observe secretly.

Fei Jiani turned on the small flashlight, looked for the faint light, and went to the back room - the place where ingredients are important.

Fei Jiani came to the ingredients place, opened the refrigerator, took out the ingredients box from inside, and sprinkled the prepared medicine powder into the seasoning box.

It was full of powders that were very similar to her own medicine powder. She stirred it lightly and made it exactly the same as what she saw just now. When she did this, she did it with the light from the flashlight in her mouth.

The medicine powder I prepared is also a white and yellow powder that I found out from my assistant.

Fei Jiani's heart was about to jump out, any disturbance outside made her break out in a cold sweat.

It was because I was so nervous that when I opened the window, I stepped on something and made a lot of noise, which caused the dogs in the backyard to go mad.

Sang Xiaoyu was so frightened that she lay on the ground for a long time without daring to move, and she really didn't have the strength to move, she was completely paralyzed.

After the sound of the dog disappeared, she returned to her office with her sore legs. Her heart seemed to be jumping out, and she didn't even dare to turn on the light.

She slumped on the chair weakly, her clothes were wet with sweat.

She didn't dare to sleep soundly in the room with much fanfare, so she could only curl up on the chair.

The cold wind in the room was blowing in from all around, and Fei Jiani felt her limbs shivering from the cold.

Almost from the first day of Sang Xiaoyu's factory, Fei Jiani was ready to do something, and it was this belief that made her come to work here willingly.

She wants to make Sang Xiaoyu suffer.

She has been looking for opportunities, but she has never found them. In addition, she runs out every day, and there are no good opportunities.

But now, she finally accomplished what she wanted to do, but she also really felt that not only did her relationship with Sang Xiaoyu come to an end, but she was also getting closer to committing a crime.

She didn't dare to think about how she became what she is today. In the dark, she suddenly cried, feeling uneasy because of the helplessness of being abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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