Chapter 200

Sang Xiaoyu didn't care about the pleasantries, and immediately went upstairs and downstairs to look around, and found that Lulu Xiaozhu was much larger than the original Lulu Xiaozhu, and the rent was also within her expectations.

The same place as Lulu Xiaozhu here is a small second floor, there are about fifteen tables upstairs and downstairs, and the upstairs is more spacious.

According to the original layout of the house, it was quite reasonable. Sang Xiaoyu found that there was a small attic on the top of the second floor, where the original boss lived.

She said that this place is not too far from home, but it can also be well decorated, and you can live here if you don't have time to go home.

Seeing that Sang Xiaoyu was very satisfied, Cheng Weize said that this place extends in all directions, and it is surrounded by factories and companies with particularly good profits.

Standing by the window on the second floor, the two of them watched the bustling street with a wide field of vision. Sang Xiaoyu said that he likes this layout, which makes people feel transparent.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't explain why the original boss didn't do it?Is something wrong?
When Cheng Weize heard Sang Xiaoyu say that something happened, he still couldn't hold back his face and said it was nothing serious.

Sang Xiaoyu became serious and said: "If there is a problem with this house, then we can't take it over. If there is a problem with water, electricity, or wiring, it's also a troublesome thing. We must inquire carefully."

When Cheng Weize asked, he had no choice but to say: "The boss of this company is friends with me. I can assure you that there are no problems with the problems you mentioned."

Sang Xiaoyu snorted and asked, "What's the reason?"

Cheng Weize saw that she liked to ask questions, so he dragged her to sit on the stairs leading to the attic on the second floor, carefully took out a tissue, and wiped the stairs again and again.

There is leather flooring on the stairs.

Sang Xiaoyu doesn't sit down, just stand up and talk.

Cheng Weize quit and stretched out his hand to pull her, but Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to sit on the other side some distance away from him.

Cheng Weize said that he only got to know the owner of this store because he wanted to rent a house. In fact, he has always been doing well, but after his son came, everything changed.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't understand and asked what was going on.

Cheng Weize said that the man once told him that he used to be the boss of a company in another city, and then ran away after having an accident in the accounting.

His wife was unwilling to follow him to the end of the world, but he eloped with the company's accountant.

The accountant is ten years younger than him, and he has a five-year-old daughter with him.

The accountant is very capable, and his parents both run restaurants, so he opened this restaurant called Mei's in Mei Lanjiang.

He said that the business is very good, and the woman is with him wholeheartedly, and the life is very comfortable.

But there was a problem with the wife, the family house was sealed off, and the son's job was superior because of his relationship. Once he left, the son would be unemployed.

My son made many inquiries and found out his phone number, so he wanted to come.

He said that he no longer has any feelings for his wife, but it is different for his son.

It's just that after the son came, he especially looked down on the woman around him, and troubled her every day, and he insisted on managing the money, and told his father that you made some money now, but sooner or later the woman will squeeze it dry.

He said that he had no way to coordinate the conflict between them, and the woman became more and more angry. All the money received in the restaurant went into his son's pocket, and the woman quit and wanted to leave.

It was at this time that he wanted to pay the hotel. He said that he was tortured by his son and couldn't go on.

When I approached him, he agreed without a word, but told me not to let anyone know, saying that once his son got wind of it, there was no way they could get out.

I paid a symbolic deposit of 5000 yuan.

Others ran away, but we have been in touch.

At this moment, you are on TV, and I don't dare to open a restaurant anymore. How many people are waiting to see my jokes?
Sang Xiaoyu said puzzledly: "What's the matter with him, he ran away after the store failed?"

Cheng Weize said: "He has to run away. The woman said that if he lets his son go on like this, she won't stay for a day. She gave an ultimatum. If he loses her again, he will have nothing."

"Where is his son?"

"Don't mention it, his son didn't know anything about it, and slept in the attic until ten o'clock the next day. Every day at this time, someone called him to eat, and there was no sound on this day.

My son didn't think anything would happen, but when I came to see the house that day, he found out that my father had sold the restaurant.According to his father, I said that I paid the full amount and asked him to find a house and move out immediately..."

Sang Xiaoyu sighed and said, "What kind of family is this? He just ran away. Aren't you afraid that you won't pay for opening a restaurant?"

Cheng Weize said: "This restaurant does not belong to me, and he is not a fugitive. He just wanted to avoid his son. You don't know. After his son knew that his father had run away, he searched for his father with a kitchen knife and threatened to kill the couple. Dogs and men..."

Sang Xiaoyu was still puzzled and asked, "Is that why he handed over this house to you?"

Cheng Weize said: "He only knew me in Meilanjiang, and he didn't trust others, so he asked me to rent out the house for him. I talked about one a while ago. If you don't want to rent, there will be no more houses left. "

Sang Xiaoyu understood everything now, and asked, "Where's his son? He won't come here every day, it's a troublesome thing."

Cheng Weize shook his head and said: "Impossible, this kid is just a dude with no real skills, and he has no place in Mei Lanjiang.

I called the boss a few days ago to talk about renting a house. He said that his brother said that the son came home and asked his mother for money every day, and the mother wanted to run away in a fit of anger..."

Only then did Sang Xiaoyu feel relieved.

She stood up and looked around.

Cheng Weize suddenly said sadly: "Is this house a bit like Lulu Xiaozhu?

You know why I fell in love with this house right away?It is because it is too similar to Lulu Xiaozhu.

Xiao Yu, the worst thing I did in my life was running away when something happened that day.

You don't know how regretful I am, I wanted to come back when I was on the train, and I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't persuade myself to come back.

I understand a little bit now, I just care too much about other people's eyes, I love face too much, they say face kills people, that's how I am, faced with a mountain of debt, am I picking up trash like you?

Xiaoyu, don't blame me, I know I was wrong, but if I am asked to do something like that, I would rather die than do it, if others see me as downcast, they might as well kill me... This is who I am Main reason for running...

I really despise myself..."

After the accident, Sang Xiaoyu seldom blamed him, knowing that it would be useless, hearing what he said, she also said: "I know your character, but I didn't expect you to go for so long.

I thought you ran away, things have passed for a long time, and if you figure it out, you will come back. "

(End of this chapter)

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