Chapter 202 Mother
Jiang Chunhui was originally in high spirits. He felt that since Sang Xiaoyu was going to do it, he was still doing his old job, so returning to the industry he was most familiar with should be able to help her.

But seeing that Sang Xiaoyu was really upset, he changed the subject and said to Cheng Weize: "Why don't you invest in Xiaoyu here. I've been looking for investors for the past few days, and you like this too, why don't you just join in."

Jiang Chunhui is worthy of being a businessman. No matter what his relationship with Li Junhao is, in terms of commercial interests, what he has to do is to serve himself to the maximum extent.

After hearing what Cheng Weize said just now, Sang Xiaoyu couldn't believe what he said, she stared at him incomprehensibly.

Cheng Weize said: "I really don't have much money left. If I want to open a restaurant, I need a lot of loans. There are too many things to talk about..."

Sang Xiaoyu turned his gaze to Jiang Chunhui's face again.

Jiang Chunhui said: "You don't have to look at me like that. If your restaurant wants to grow bigger and bigger, how can you do it with only a few investors? You can just listen to me on this matter, and I guarantee that you will be safe."

Cheng Weize said: "I only have 50 left now, nothing more."

Jiang Chunhui said: "You only have 50, and you still want to open a restaurant? What do you think?"

Cheng Weize said unconvinced: "I want a loan, do you know? Using the country's money to make my own money is my ability."

Jiang Chunhui saw that Sang Xiaoyu was going to get angry again, so he had to say: "That's it. If you want to buy shares, you can use 50 yuan as the unit. You can't do anything less."

Sang Xiaoyu waved his hand and said: "Don't expand it any more, I don't want to make it too big, I don't have the energy."

Cheng Weize asked Jiang Chunhui, how much did you vote for?
Jiang Chunhui said 200 million.

Cheng Weize took a breath and said, "Xiaoyu, you are too courageous. How big is this? How much do you want to borrow from the bank? I did the calculations for this restaurant before, and 150 million is enough."

Jiang Chunhui immediately laughed at him and said, "With your size, it's just a small restaurant, so it's hard to say anything about you. You're used to working in small restaurants."

Cheng Weize was so angry, he wanted to say that Lulu Xiaozhu was not a small restaurant, but when he thought about it, he quickly shut up again, there was really nothing to brag about.

Sang Xiaoyu's mind is not on this, she feels that although it has not yet formed, but what she wants to do must be done, so she said: "You two can invest if you want to, but you can't interfere with my management, that is to say, you two are People behind the scenes, management, I don't want you to restrain me.

You can give me suggestions, but the decision must be in my hands. If I want to obey you two, then I might as well work for you. That way there is no confusion about funds. I don’t want to be a puppet. will do. "

Cheng Weize said: "I want to collect money leisurely, but can you do it alone? You have found me. There are many things about industry and commerce, taxation, and health and epidemic prevention departments. Don't you want an experienced person to deal with it?" ?

I'm not a shopkeeper, and that's all my money. I want to earn more, so let's work under you. I'll take care of all these things.

As for other matters, I have nothing to worry about, everything is up to you. "

When Sang Xiaoyu thought about the troublesome things he just said, his head hurt.

She has run through these departments in the seasoning factory, but it is already a headache enough. Now opening a restaurant is much more difficult than the seasoning factory, so she agreed immediately.

Jiang Chunhui immediately expressed his opinion, "You are too domineering. It's your fault that we don't let us take care of things after paying for it."

Sang Xiaoyu almost turned his eyebrows coldly, and said: "If you really let you take care of things, then I will really become a puppet. Then I might as well go home and take care of the children."

Jiang Chunhui slapped his thigh and said, "What's wrong with taking care of your children? You didn't see those students from Peking University and Tsinghua University with a selfless and dedicated mother behind them? I hope you will go home to take care of your husband and teach your children."

Sang Xiaoyu glared at him and said, "I said it again, now I want to start a business."

Jiang Chunhui had no choice but to say, "Well, I'll take care of superstructure matters, such as banking legal matters. Anyway, if you have anything to do, just call me. I don't have time to work with you."

Sang Xiaoyu muttered to himself: "Let Li Junhao take care of the lower buildings, what about fights, security gangsters..."

Jiang Chunhui said: "You are really a sweet potato, and three boss-level figures are protecting you."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said that her life was too good.

Jiang Chunhui asked Cheng Weize strangely: "How did I find out that you don't bother her much now? Have you figured it out?"

Cheng Weize said: "It's up to me whether to pester her or not, you have nothing to do anyway."

Jiang Chunhui said generously: "It doesn't matter whether I have a show or not, as long as you don't have a show."

Cheng Weize gave a thumbs up and said: "You really can find a way for yourself, even if you really follow Sang Xiaoyu, I don't think you will bring her happiness.

You two are not the same kind of people at all, especially your thick skin, I really admire you, you are a model of selflessness, you know what you can't do. "

Jiang Chunhui said: "How can you understand my world? This is why Sang Xiaoyu left you."

Cheng Weize's face turned gray for a moment, but he recovered immediately. He glanced at Sang Xiaoyu and said, "Stop being single, find someone honest and honest to marry."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and asked, "Did you find it?"

Cheng Weize said that he just met someone on a blind date, and it feels pretty good.

Jiang Chunhui said sarcastically: "People who go on blind dates usually make such bad decisions because they can't find them by themselves."

Cheng Weize said: "I really can't find it, unlike you, you don't need to look for it, and you can't drive away even if you are surrounded by fat, swallows and thin people."

Jiang Chunhui said triumphantly, "That's also my skill."

"Since you have this ability, stay away from Sang Xiaoyu, she doesn't agree."

"That's my past, and I've changed my mind a long time ago."

When Jiang Chunhui said this, his face didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, and he didn't hurt his conscience a little bit. He felt that he was a god in heaven and earth in this respect.

The mother registered her marriage.

On the day of registration, Sang Xiaoyu accompanied her.

Mother wore a new dress that had been in the closet for years.

Uncle Wang also changed his face.

In Sang Xiaoyu's memory, Uncle Wang didn't seem to know how to change a new dress all year round.

After spending a lot of time with my mother, my mother told Sang Xiaoyu that he likes to wear clothes that are soft and not fancy, and often buy several together. People who don't know think that he doesn't change clothes all year round.

The two old men were full of energy, and Sang Xiaoyu was excited and happy when she saw them.

Watching her mother and Uncle Wang going through the formalities at the window, Sang Xiaoyu imagined the scene of her mother and father together when she was young.

She often thinks of her father, and now facing Uncle Wang, this feeling is even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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