Chapter 204

The mother and daughter got into the car with one bag after another, and Sang Xiaoyu took her to eat.

Sang Xiaoyu took her mother to eat western food.

Little Wooden Horse Western Restaurant is the most famous western restaurant in Meilanjiang. Apart from the frighteningly high price, the service is excellent.

The little Trojan horse is not on the main street full of flowers, but in a high-end residential area. Because of its fame, many people come here especially for it. My mother has long been insulated from the luxurious life, even if it was originally, she would not spend money in this kind of place.

Of course, my mother had eaten Western food, which she ate with Sang Xiaoyu's father when she was young. The Western food in her memory included candlelight and red wine, but it was just a romantic formalism.

Sang Xiaoyu knew that her mother disliked the flashiness of Western food, but she only wanted her mother to enjoy the filial piety her daughter brought her.

It feels so good to pamper your mother.

When Sang Xiaoyu and Cheng Weize were together, she paid little attention to her mother. At that time, she only had her husband and children in her heart. Only during Chinese New Year and holidays would she come to visit her with a big bag of things. When she left, her mother would steal a handful of money from her...

When she was happy, Sang Xiaoyu felt that filial piety seemed to be far away, but now she finally understands that this kind of love is actually reflected in the real life every day. The classmates around her began to hear the news of the death of their parents, and then one after another.

At this age.

Sang Xiaoyu has two college classmates who said on the blog that they want to support their son but would not wait for their relatives... Sang Xiaoyu is most afraid of such a scene, so everything is done according to her mother's wishes.

When Sang Xiaoyu and the others had just walked to the door, a waiter came over at the right time and said upstairs please, Room 88.

Sang Xiaoyu found that the waiters here seem to have been planned out in a unified manner, with the same enthusiasm and smiles on their faces, and when they turned around, the smiles disappeared in an instant, really faster than turning the pages of a book.

Sang Xiaoyu first ordered a pot of fruit tea.

I also ordered a medium-rare steak, as well as fruit salad and a few small green vegetables.

When the dishes came, my mother looked at the small dishes and asked Sang Xiaoyu how much?Sang Xiaoyu said that you are only responsible for eating.

The mother understood it as soon as she heard it, and said that she had forgotten her roots and didn't know how to save more money, because Ziqiao would need too much money in the future.

While eating western food, my mother kept chattering that she was afraid that Sang Xiaoyu would not take good care of Ziqiao, and that she was taking less care of Ziqiao now.

He also said that the shoes just now were too expensive, why don't you want to start a family?
Mother is more and more fond of nagging, especially after she and Uncle Wang got married, she always felt as if she owed her daughter, and she cared more about their mother and son.

Sang Xiaoyu persuaded her, saying that Ziqiao is getting older and he needs his own space, your task now is to take care of yourself, and then happily travel across the whole of the great rivers and mountains.

When it comes to her clothes, don't look like a square dancing aunt, dress colorfully to highlight yourself, clean and simple, and moderately priced, but the shoes are different.

The shoes are to make yourself comfortable, and I also said that you must dress appropriately when you are outside, so as not to be looked down upon.

My mother said that the waiters in the shoe store didn't look at them well.

Sang Xiaoyu said, just don't let these people look down on themselves, this is an era of clothes, and it's not vanity.

Sang Xiaoyu said that the days to come will be the happiest and most pleasant days for her.

The mother didn't think so, she felt that she was no longer needed by her children.

Sang Xiaoyu persuaded his mother like a child, saying that you are the person Ziqiao can't live without, and you are the person he cares most about.

Sang Xiaoyu knew that her mother liked to eat sweets, so she wanted a cream salad, and her mother really liked it. She also said that Western food was not enough, but it tasted really good.

When the steak arrived, she chopped it all up for her mother and took it. The mother was very satisfied and said it was delicious, better than home-cooked ones.

Under Sang Xiaoyu's careful care, her mother's mood finally improved, and Sang Xiaoyu asked her her true feelings for Uncle Wang.

My mother blushed, saying that it is good to have a companion when she is old.

Sang Xiaoyu thinks that her mother likes Uncle Wang, the kind of liking from the heart, that's good.

Sang Xiaoyu feels that no matter how old a woman is, all she wants is to like her, and she can't make do until she reaches that age.

Mother now stays downstairs almost every day, and only calls Sang Xiaoyu when she eats. When Sang Xiaoyu goes upstairs, she doesn't feel that Uncle Wang is redundant at all. On the contrary, she feels very relieved to have him around.

On the other hand, Uncle Wang always felt a little uncomfortable.

In front of her, Sang Xiaoyu never noticed that they showed affection. When Sang Xiaoyu asked, her mother blushed and said yes.

Sang Xiaoyu was completely relieved.

The mother didn't want to let the topic stay on herself, and kept on saying that she had asked someone to help her on a blind date, and that she had a home, and the rest was hers.

Sang Xiaoyu pretended to agree to her mother, saying that after finishing this part, she must consider personal issues.

Sang Xiaoyu never expected that her mother suddenly changed the subject and said, "If you really like Ziqiao's father, I won't stop you. I think you are really kind."

Sang Xiaoyu was a little shocked, you must know that over the years, her mother almost scolded Cheng Weize, and told Ziqiao countless times not to call him father...

It's really not easy for her to say such things now.

My mother had her own life and finally let go of the past, so she also said frankly: "It may not be possible at all."

The mother was puzzled and said, "Don't say that just to please me, haven't you been speaking for him?"

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "How many times have I told you that he is Ziqiao's father, and I can't let the child hate him."

The mother immediately said: "It would be best if you don't have him in your heart. Aunt Wang and I have already told you about someone. I heard that he is a technician. He just got divorced. I heard that he is handsome and good at work. car……"

"Mom..." Sang Xiaoyu said in a long voice, "Mom, this matter is not urgent, don't force me to go on a blind date."

The mother said stubbornly: "No! You must listen to me about this matter. You must meet him before I leave. Look at the people around you. Cheng Weize can't do it. Jiang Chunhui has a family. I have seen Li Junhao since I was a child." Not with him, the person you are looking for must be approved by me.

You are always surrounded by these three impossible men, do you think I can rest assured?This is not only about finding a home for you, but also about Ziqiao's future. "

Speaking of Ziqiao, the mother became emotional and said, "I can't let Ziqiao run away to his grandmother's house anymore. I heard that all three of their children are divorced, and the family education is not good..."

Sang Xiaoyu thought, she was the only one in her family, but her mother gave up the divorce index to Cheng Weize's family.

So he said casually: "I never thought of solving marriage problems through blind dates."

My mother quit immediately and said, "Do you have time to meet other people? Not even one of the three."

Sang Xiaoyu was a little curious and said, "Don't you really like your godson? Why can't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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