Chapter 221

The boy was about 20 years old, pointed to the hair on the plate and said, "What should we do? Are we disgusting? It's still called a high-end hotel, with this level and such service?"

Li Junhao stood in front of him calmly and asked, "Are you sure you found this hair from the vegetable?"

The young man permed his hair red, and said arrogantly: "Could it be on my head?"

A few people around immediately burst into laughter.

He has red hair on top of his head, and he is almost bald all around, except for a bunch of red hair like a cockscomb rising on the top of his head.

Sang Xiaoyu saw the calm demeanor of several child-sized boys, and knew that they were repeat offenders.

Such a child is at an age that does not know the heights of the sky and the earth, so it is difficult to mess with.

Li Junhao pointed to the top of the restaurant, and said: "There are 36 probes in our store, just to guard against people like you, go to the back kitchen to see if there is anyone with long hair? And they Everyone wears a chef hat."

The redhead was a little confused, but said emphatically, "We don't know the process by which the hair fell out, but it was indeed found in the dishes."

Li Junhao clasped his fists and said with the look of their adoration: "Brother, why don't you please go upstairs with me? There must be your image on it."

The red-haired man who was called Big Brother was a little confused, and didn't understand what it meant.

So he asked: "What? You want to be rough on me? We are not easy to mess with."

Li Junhao said: "Don't dare, I want you to go upstairs to cooperate and see how the hair got into the plate."

As soon as I said this, a person came down from the upstairs, and it was Zhao Chunling who was in a hurry.

When Li Junhao came, he asked her to adjust the video on the computer.

She asked the redhead and a few boys to go upstairs, and said that it was clearly seen from the computer upstairs that one of them put the hair in the dish with his own hands...

Zhao Chunling stared at them for a while, pointed to one of them and said, "Yes, you did it."

The boy looked at the redhead in fear, and Li Junhao said, "I don't want to make things difficult for you, so settle the bill quickly, and we'll settle the bill. If you still want to play tricks, go straight to the police station."

The red-haired boy was obviously the leader, and he finally compromised in the face of Li Junhao's majestic gaze.

A few people didn't plan to pay at all, and they panicked when they saw this posture.

The redhead said to make it together, and he must make it together.

Li Junhao saw that they ordered about 200 dishes, so he casually said [-].

Several little boys looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and involuntarily put their hands into their pockets.

No one took out 20 bills, all of them were more than [-] and [-] yuan. Some people even took out the steel coins and threw them on the table and jumped up and down.

The pockets of the brothers were all emptied, and Li Junhao said they were still short of 80 yuan.

Li Junhao said, do you need to call someone, or ask your parents to come over?
The red-haired guy immediately froze, and the big brother called him a kiss.

The other boys, seeing that the boss was terrified, also sued for forgiveness, and even said that they would stay on the line today so that they could meet in the future...

Li Junhao waved his hand and told them, don't think about eating like this in the future, something big will happen in the future.

Several people ran away in a hurry.

The redhead ran away last, Li Junhao called to stop him, he was very frightened, and asked what's the matter, Li Junhao took out 50 yuan and said take it, how can he go home without a penny?

The red-haired man clasped his fists very righteously and said, "Brother, if you have something to say in the future, I promise to make it easier..."

After speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

The foreman looked at their backs and said, how could they let them go so easily?In the future they will come to the Hoho people.

Li Junhao said that what he is most afraid of now is not people in their thirties causing trouble, but those in their [-], [-]s and [-]s. They are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and they don't know what fear is.

Sang Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and she said to Li Junhao: "Well done, thanks to you, there are a lot of troubles."

Li Junhao smiled and said: "We are a security company, and we face more things than you every day. Don't be afraid, I will support you."

Sang Xiaoyu said thank you again.

Li Junhao said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "I might as well open my own small company in your building, so that I can take care of both."

Sang Xiaoyu said seriously: "I think it will work!"

Li Junhao said: "Your place is too small, if I change it to a bigger place, I will always do it."

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was too tired, so she asked Li Junhao to go home and rest quickly.

The restaurant was so busy that it was almost twelve o'clock, and the talent was gone. Sang Xiaoyu and the waiters were too tired to speak. Sang Xiaoyu still let go, girls who are too far away should not go home, and they will spend the night in the store. Well, the danger has been avoided.

They didn't go to work until ten o'clock the next day, and Li Junhao suggested that he send them back one by one, so that they could be safe and have a good rest.

Sang Xiaoyu felt a little sorry, saying that he had been busy all day, and Li Junhao said that he is a big man, so what is this suffering?
Lee Jun-ho goes out, and the girls follow him into a van.

Sang Xiaoyu chased him out, saying that he must pay attention to safety, fatigue driving is too dangerous, and he can also take a taxi.

Li Junhao didn't listen to her, and said you should go back and have a good rest, do you need to worry about this matter?
Sang Xiaoyu asked Zhao Chunling to stay by her side, and they could only deal with each other in the attic overnight.

Almost everyone left one by one. The chefs complained that they were too tired. Sang Xiaoyu said that it might only be a matter of opening for a few days, and it would not be possible for a long time. If the fire continues, she will adjust the shift as appropriate .

In order to encourage them, Sang Xiaoyu asked the people in the accounting room to add an additional 09 yuan when they worked overtime beyond 30:[-].

With the encouragement of one hundred yuan, these chefs were satisfied, and they left one by one.

Everyone left, and the room fell silent. Sang Xiaoyu supported her waist and said that she was too tired. After all, Zhao Chunling was young and in good health. She said that if it was like this every day, we would really send it off. Drying a restaurant is much better than seasoning up.

Sang Xiaoyu asked how much she charged me today?

Zhao Chunling said that it has not been calculated carefully, but it can be 10,000+ anyway.

Sang Xiaoyu said that it was just running water, not counting the cost.

Zhao Chunling said that there is no time to count, anyway, there are a lot of them, and the seasoning factory can't make so much money in a month.

Sang Xiaoyu went to the door with her to close the door, and first closed the outside rolling door from the inside. Sang Xiaoyu said that since he earned so much today, I promise to give you 1 yuan.

Zhao Chunling was stunned, and the hand holding the door stopped and asked, "Why? You don't even let me work as the accountant in charge, so why reward me with so much money?"

Sang Xiaoyu took the hand and yanked down on the door, but the door didn't move at all. It turned out that someone outside blocked the door.

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't see, only saw a pair of feet outside the door, she asked vigilantly: "Who?"

(End of this chapter)

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