Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 223 Demarcation Line

Chapter 223 Demarcation Line

Jiang Chunhui also confessed in front of Sang Xiaoyu how clean he was.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "I know a girl, it should be more accurate to say that we met a girl together, her name is Gao Miaoyu, and now she lives in the place where I used to live..."

Sang Xiaoyu watched Jiang Chunhui's face turn from white to red, and from red to white again.

Both were silent.

Jiang Chunhui silently took out a cigarette. In the past, he would not dare to smoke in front of Sang Xiaoyu. Sang Xiaoyu was in poor health.

Now, Jiang Chunhui felt that his old background had been exposed, and he became a little angry from embarrassment.

He exhaled a smoke ring and looked at Sang Xiaoyu silently, his eyes were shining with warmth, the eyes were meaningful and hidden, which made Sang Xiaoyu feel a little terrified.

The words have already been spoken, it is better to say the end.

So he continued: "It seems that you have been together for a while, what is it if she is not your lover? Is this what you mean by keeping yourself clean?
Chunhui, I'm not qualified to ask you, but we have different standards for choosing the other side, so I'll ask you, if I were like you, saying I love you while getting entangled with men from all walks of life, would you still think so highly of me? ?

I, too, like single-minded men, but you are not, and you will never be able to. "

Jiang Chunhui was stunned, he never expected that Sang Xiaoyu knew of Gao Miaoyu's existence.

He stammered: "Who? Who is Gao Miaoyu?"

Jiang Chunhui said, his heart was full of sadness, looking back at the past, his heart was full of resentment and bewilderment.

Sang Xiaoyu said sincerely: "Chunhui, let's stop getting entangled, the ups and downs of the past two years have caused me to suffer and even be kidnapped.

Sometimes it is also my fault. I treat gratitude as a feeling, so I am not so determined to stop you.

We are not people all the way, moving is really not emotion.

Love is so strange, like a rash, you can't hide it, you can't pretend it.

You return to your own life, no matter how colorful your life is, I have no right to blame you.

You have your own life and so do I.

We are impossible, stop wasting time on me. "

It was the first time Jiang Chunhui heard her analyze the relationship between the two of them so seriously. He asked, "You really never loved me at all?"

Sang Xiaoyu said seriously: "It's my fault that I was tempted to treat gratitude as a feeling. I should have told you earlier."

Jiang Chunhui was not reconciled and asked, "If I lose my marriage, is there any hope for us?"

Sang Xiaoyu was a little annoyed. She thought that Jiang Chunhui was with her, and it was good to have a little boundary, but now she finds out that if you accept more, he will be qualified.

She now has a pale and dazed feeling, and she feels that she needs Jiang Chunhui more than ever, whether it is in terms of funds or connections.

But the quarrel between Cheng Weize and Jiang Chunhui at the opening was to warn her not to hesitate anymore, the road ahead is even more dangerous!

She was a little tired, and said weakly: "I've said everything I need to say, I'm too tired today, you go first!"

Jiang Chunhui didn't intend to leave when he came, but seeing Sang Xiaoyu's disheartened face, he was also discouraged, so he could only ask, "How did you know Gao Miaoyu? She was the one who asked you?"

Sang Xiaoyu was both excited and exhausted. What excited her was today's daily turnover. According to Zhao Chunling's analysis, it was almost [-] yuan. What exhausted her was whether such troublesome things would still surround her in the future.

She pulled the quilt off the bed and said, "Is this important?"

Jiang Chunhui nodded and said, "It's very important to me."

Sang Xiaoyu called Zhao Chunling and told her to wash up and go to sleep.

Then he said to Jiang Chunhui: "Ask her, Gao Miaoyu can give you the answer!"

Jiang Chunhui had no choice but to leave in desperation, and closed the door. It was completely silent outside, and the whole city was in deep sleep. He looked up at the starry sky, and felt that tomorrow, no, it would be today, and the weather must be fine.

After getting into the car, Jiang Chunhui was still thinking about what Sang Xiaoyu said. She was about to break up.

He felt that Sang Xiaoyu had changed.

He thought of Sang Xiaoyu's helplessness when she was sick. At that time, she regarded herself as a god, and vivid and vivid scenes in her memory appeared in front of her eyes. Now they have become illusory images, becoming unreal at all.

For some reason, Jiang Chunhui always felt that Sang Xiaoyu could succeed.

This woman is a miracle. Even if she doesn't have herself in her life, she can't stay at home. Even in the wind and rain on the street, she still has very clear eyes.

On the surface, she also has times of weakness, but the perseverance in her bones is what he lacks the most.

She is different from other women, this is why he can't handle it, the more he can't handle it, the more unwilling he feels.

His main dissatisfaction now is not with Sang Xiaoyu, but with Gao Miaoyu even more.

Jiang Chunhui was very angry and drove to the place where Gao Miaoyu lived.

When I arrived at my other home, it was already past one o'clock in the morning, Gao Miaoyu should have gone to bed early.

Without knocking, he opened the door with a key, took off his shoes, and walked gently into the bedroom.

The room was pitch black, Jiang Chunhui turned on the light and found no one in the room.

He couldn't believe that since the two got together, Jiang Chunhui had found her a shop selling luxury goods, and there was no such thing as working overtime or night shifts at all.

Jiang Chunhui turned on all the lights and shouted again, his own voice echoed all around.

Jiang Chunhui didn't come here often, sometimes not once a month, but he never thought that she would be away.

Jiang Chunhui took out his phone and called.

The phone went through, but no one answered.

The more Jiang Chunhui thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more angry he called, the phone was turned off after 5 minutes.

Jiang Chunhui was so angry that he almost smashed his phone. He rummaged around the house like a trapped animal.

He searched all the places, and found that in the big wardrobe, she didn't know if she had added a hidden compartment, or it was there before. He had never paid much attention to such things.

Rigley had an exquisite locket.

Jiang Chunhui searched for a long time but couldn't find the key. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

He found the pliers, and without a second thought broke the little lock.

Inside are some passbooks and jewelry I bought for her.

He also saw a USB flash drive.

Jiang Chunhui was a little sensitive, so he immediately started Gao Miaoyu's computer.

When he found that the computer was locked, he tried various numbers, but he still couldn't unlock it, and even locked the system.

He put the USB drive in his bag.

He blankly looked at the messy house he had turned upside down, feeling a little sad in his heart, he was considered a respectable person in Mei Lanjiang, but he didn't have a feeling that could warm his heart.

His wife thinks about the money in his pocket every day, and so does his lover. The woman he likes is as close as ever, and no woman in the world has ever given him sincerity.

Jiang Chunhui decided to fight back, he wanted revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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