Chapter 226
Both Sang Xiaoyu and Gao Miaoyu have the physique to hold their breath. If they were not in a hurry today, Sang Xiaoyu would not have said anything.

Not to mention Gao Miaoyu, who got into trouble and hid.

Whether it was an unintentional move or a deliberate move, Jiang Chunhui really couldn't guess.

Gao Miaoyu kept calling Jiang Chunhui, but Jiang Chunhui didn't even want to answer the connection.

Jiang Chunhui knew that even if there was no matter about Sang Xiaoyu, his feeling for Gao Miaoyu was gradually becoming indifferent. Romance was something that he didn't panic about, but became annoyed when it was too much.

Jiang Chunhui walked back and forth in the office. He summed up his past, especially his emotional affairs. He felt that his biggest failure was divorce.

Although the first wife was a bit unruly, she had a single-minded personality. The Gu family loved children, and their biggest hobby was playing mahjong. Their family was not short of mahjong money.

The second wife almost came here for money.

I have tried my best to guard against it, but I still can't guard against it. Such a woman has no feelings at all, and when I think about people like Gao Miaoyu, they are all here for money.

Jiang Chunhui didn't understand why he recruited such people like this, and he felt relieved when he thought about it, because he just likes to use money to seduce others, if he came for money, he would definitely leave for money.

In their boss circle, there is a brother Dong who is in his forties this year. When several bosses eat, drink and have fun together, he likes to participate in it.

Everyone joked that Brother Dong was too conservative, especially Jiang Chunhui, saying that you are not too young, and this life is really going to end with one thing?Isn't that too bad?
Brother Dong laughed, but didn't explain.

Almost everyone wanted to see what kind of person his wife was. They heard that she was the deputy principal of a kindergarten, and everyone booed him to bring his wife.

Brother Dong was tortured so hard by them that he brought his wife to the dinner table at a banquet.

Almost everyone was too disappointed. The woman looked like a well-behaved person, with a good temperament but a little old. Brother Dong didn't mind his wife's appearance at all, and introduced her to everyone with a smile.

A boss asked with a smile, is it because my sister-in-law is older than my brother?The woman smiled and said she was five years older.

Everyone was shocked, the women had ordinary looks and ordinary clothes, but in Dong Ge's eyes, everything was fine with women...

Brother Dong was with this woman, on the surface he was six or seven years younger, but Brother Dong only had his own woman in his eyes.

After this meeting, the bosses were silent for a long time before they got together again, and when they talked about Brother Dong, they couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

This is a real man!
Because Jiang Chunhui likes Sang Xiaoyu, he also wants to be a person like Dong Ge. He hopes that everyone will respect him. After seeing the temptation, his heart can't settle down. He scolded himself more than once, but he always couldn't grasp the critical moment be yourself.

Gao Miaoyu is his secret lover. When he was with the bosses, he didn't bring her out again. Some bosses made a fuss, saying that you want to learn from Boss Dong?Dream it, that's not something you can learn in a day or two.

Jiang Chunhui couldn't do anything in the office, so he kept wandering around, next to a little boy who unlocked the USB flash drive.

The piercing bell rang, and Jiang Chunhui couldn't help shivering. He always felt that nothing good happened.

Gao Miaoyu called the office, Jiang Chunhui picked up and asked her why she hadn't figured it out yet, did she really not remember the password?Besides, you don't have much time, so leave quickly, I'm going to live with a newcomer.

Gao Miaoyu finally realized that the consequences of angering Jiang Chunhui would be serious, that is, he couldn't listen to her explanation, and he couldn't let them go back to the way they were before.

Gao Miaoyu started to fight back.

She sent many "real photos" to Jiang Chunhui one after another, and then threatened him that there was more information.

Jiang Chunhui waved the little boy away from me first, and he finally called back.

Jiang Chunhui told her sternly that he was cracking the USB flash drive and the secrets, and he wouldn't care about these 'real photos'.

Gao Miaoyu said that you don't care that Sang Xiaoyu will care, right?
Jiang Chunhui said that if you didn't provoke her, I might still be afraid of you doing it. Would I still be afraid now?

Gao Miaoyu said, do you think I only have these two tricks?

Jiang Chunhui said that you will use any tricks you have, but I want to see what you can do to me.

Gao Miaoyu said that you forced me. I have been with you for so long and finally saved some money, but you still take it back. Don't blame me.

Jiang Chunhui said, you eat my food and use mine, do you still want to use my money to support the little boy?

Gao Miaoyu yelled that she was wronged, but Jiang Chunhui said that he was dishonest to you, and I would never believe you.

Gao Miaoyu said that I have never done anything to be sorry to you, so you are not...

Jiang Chunhui said yes, we are not in the same rank, why do you compare with me?

Gao Miaoyu then sent another audio file, which was a recording of their chat.

Gao Miaoyu asked him what is the secret of hotel management.

Jiang Chunhui was obviously drunk too much, saying that he used second-hand products as good ones, and domestic animals as wild game... There are too many words in this, if it is really done, there will be such a big profit margin.

Gao Miaoyu asked again, saying that your offline suppliers have been squeezed by you so that they can't get oil or water?

Jiang Chunhui proudly said, "It depends on my mood. Anyway, those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will not perish..."

The key to Gao Miaoyu's question, Jiang Chunhui answered clearly...

Jiang Chunhui was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't remember when he had such a conversation with her, but it was clearly him.

So I asked her what she wanted to do?Show your hole cards?

Gao Miaoyu said, I am the lowest level citizen, if you don’t go too far, we can get together and get together, since you are unkind, I can only be unrighteous, I know what you are afraid of, I want to report you by real name, report your hotel.

Jiang Chunhui said, do you still want to stay in Meilanjiang?

Gao Miaoyu said, the conditions I proposed are not high, just put 50 on my card and I will shut up, and I will not bother you again.

Jiang Chunhui said, this is blatant extortion, are you not afraid of going to jail?

Gao Miaoyu said, this is the only way I can get back my youth loss expenses. I think, you are a big boss, and a mere 50 yuan will kill me.

If I want 500 million, I think my life will be hard to save. I still cherish my life. Don’t crack the U disk, it’s our life trajectory. However, what’s in the U disk is also in my computer.

Jiang Chunhui knew that Gao Miaoyu was really different from others, so he made it clear what he wanted, and he really didn't open his mouth like a lion.

The appetite of the wife and mother-in-law has grown. They want tens of millions and want to kill him. Anyway, seeing him happy makes them unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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