Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 230 Household Affairs

Chapter 230 Household Affairs

When Cheng Weiting called Zhao Weiguang, Zhao Weiguang actually refused. No matter what Zhao Weiguang explained, Cheng Weiting didn't listen. She never expected that the "little husband" who had always been obedient to her would actually reject her.

At the end of the day, she was absent-minded and worried about this relationship like never before.

She didn't eat for a whole day, she was forgetful about things, and even had a quarrel with the person who picked up the goods.

After finally staying through the night, she wanted to go home and ask her boyfriend if he really had a change of heart, what about the originally agreed marriage?
Fortunately, Zhao Weiguang was waiting for her at the door in his car at night.

When she saw Zhao Weiguang from the window, her eyes were moist, and she felt that he still loved her.

She deliberately walked forward in anger, Zhao Weiguang called her, but she still left, Zhao Weiguang said: "If you go further, I will go home directly, what are you making trouble? Is it interesting?"

Cheng Weiting was struggling and didn't know whether to go or stop. Zhao Weiguang caught up and said, "Tingting, can we stop making trouble, do you think it's interesting for us to waste all our time on this matter?"

Cheng Weiting didn't speak, but turned her face away.

Zhao Weiguang returned to the car and said, "Go home and tell me what's going on. This is my request to you. If you are still like a child of seventeen or eighteen, we really won't be able to go for long."

Cheng Weiting wanted him to coax her wholeheartedly, but after hearing such words, her heart sank.

She got into the car angrily.

It happened that Sang Xiaoyu's car drove up in front of them.

Sang Xiaoyu said to Cheng Weiting: "Go back and talk carefully, you are not a child anymore, don't make such housework trouble in the store again."

Sang Xiaoyu told Cheng Weiting on purpose, she found it incredible that Cheng Weiting was a good woman, but how could she become so unreasonable when facing love.

Cheng Weiting found that Sang Xiaoyu didn't understand her either, her heart trembled, and when she looked at Zhao Weiguang again, she didn't look at her at all, kicked the accelerator, and started the car.

Neither of them spoke in the car.

Cheng Weiting thought he would say soft words, but unexpectedly, he kept looking forward as if he couldn't see himself.

Cheng Weiting was so sad that she shed tears. She felt that she was no longer valued. The original sweetness was just a moment of pursuit. For a moment, she was heartbroken.

After finally arriving at home, Zhao Weiguang parked the car. Cheng Weiting was about to open the door with the key, when the door was pushed open from the inside. Cheng Weiting was startled, and when she took a closer look, it turned out to be that beautiful little sister.

Cheng Weiting ignored her and walked straight into the house. Unexpectedly, there were two suitcases in the middle of the living room. Cheng Weiting asked incomprehensibly, "What are you going to do?"

"I want to leave here with my brother. I firmly disagree that he found an old woman."

Cheng Weiting was so angry that she couldn't speak all the way, and now she was provoked by this little girl, and she had another attack, and she was about to hit the girl, saying: "Where did you come from, Wei Guang and I That being said, he has lost contact with his family for a long time.”

The little girl was not at all afraid, and said: "We are all related by blood, unlike you, if you leave, you are nothing."

At this moment, Zhao Weiguang came up, and he scolded the little girl first, telling her to go into the hut quickly, and he had something to say to Cheng Weiting.

Cheng Weiting immediately pointed to the girl and said, "You tell her to go away, this is my home."

The girl said to Cheng Weiting viciously: "Your home? If you don't have a home, my brother won't look for you."

After saying this, the girl looked at Cheng Weiting proudly.

Cheng Weiting turned blue, looked at Zhao Weiguang and said, "Did you hear it, did you hear it, this is what she said too, why did you discuss it before?"

Zhao Weiguang forced the girl into the hut, and then warned her loudly, "If you dare to come out, leave, we can't keep you here."

The girl said loudly: "Just go, I will take you away with me."

Although the voice was loud, no one came out. It was obvious that Zhao Weiguang was taboo.

Zhao Weiguang pulled Cheng Weiting into their bedroom and said solemnly: "What do you want? That is my family. Don't you know how to respect my family?"

Cheng Weiting said: "She was the one who disrespected me first. Didn't you see how she treated me? Didn't you say that you have no family? Why did you protect her like this when a younger sister suddenly appeared?"

Zhao Weiguang pushed her to sit down, pulled a chair over himself, and said, "She is my biological sister. I have a estrangement from my parents, but this sister is close. I took care of her when I was young.

I didn't expect that she came here suddenly. Whenever I see a family together, I feel envious. I have a younger sister, isn't it?She is willing to get close to me, should I push her away? "

Cheng Weiting asked puzzledly: "Who told you to push her away, she is coming, do you want to notify me in advance? You don't say anything, of course I misunderstood, do you find it incomprehensible?"

Zhao Weiguang said: "I don't blame you for this matter, it's my fault, but you make trouble outside, which embarrasses me. Our relationship is not easy, especially you.

I am particularly concerned about these things, why do I make such a fuss all over the city?Don't you think about us?Originally, our matter has already been settled, do you still want to turn it up for people to talk about after dinner? "

Cheng Weiting said: "Of course I don't want to, it's just..."

Zhao Weiguang said: "Can you stop being so impulsive in the future, I... I think you are old and mature, and we can complement each other together. Now, I seem to be ten years older than you, and you make me always deal with such things like this." Do you think I'm not tired?

I’m in Meilanjiang, I want relatives but no relatives, I want a house but no house. I want to work hard for a few years to improve our life. Then, I can stand upright like a man. You don’t want a man who stands upright men?Are you willing to let people say that I am a little boy who eats soft rice? "

Cheng Weiting looked at the man who was still immature but more mature than herself and said, "Of course I thought about it, but why didn't you agree to our marriage? Isn't this your original wish?"

Zhao Weiguang said unceremoniously: "You are so immature now, making trouble every day, do you think we can go for a long time?"

Cheng Weiting was a little scared when she heard it, and said, "What? You want to retreat?"

Zhao Weiguang said: "We can't bring up such a topic. When you mention it, you will feel weird. Let me tell you, life is cruel. No matter how good a relationship is, it can't stand your tossing around. If I don't stop it in time, you still don't know what to do." What is the trouble?

Tingting, you also said that it is not easy for us to be together, you are suspicious and make trouble every day, is this still the woman I like?Where have all your maturity and forbearance gone? "

(End of this chapter)

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