Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 236 Moral Kidnapping

Chapter 236 Moral Kidnapping
Zhao Siyue wanted to go back, but someone snatched her cell phone and said, "Why do you care about her, she just can't eat grapes... don't interfere with our drinking."

Zhao Siyue thinks about it, she has nothing to do with her, why bother to get along with her because of Sang Xiaoyu?

She picked up a glass of drink, took a sip, and cursed in her heart: look at my mouth...

It was eleven o'clock, and several girls were clamoring to go home, but the boy was drunk, so Sang Xiaoyu asked Li Junhao, who hadn't drunk all this time, and the people from the security department to send him home safely.

The boy wants to drink and continue to drink, and Sang Xiaoyu is going back.

Jiang Chunhui said that this is a special day and I must send you back.

Sang Xiaoyu said no, but Jiang Chunhui refused, and the boys refused to let Jiang Chunhui go, but Jiang Chunhui knew that Sang Xiaoyu was unhappy, so he had to explain.

Song Yue managed to find free time, she pulled Sang Xiaoyu and was about to speak, when Jiang Chunhui appeared behind her like a ghost, asking her what she wanted to do?
Did Song Yue say that he should not report on work after so long?

When did Jiang Chunhui say this?

Sang Xiaoyu gave him a push and told him to drive quickly. Jiang Chunhui left dissatisfied, not forgetting to tell Song Yue not to put eye drops on me.

Song Yue briefly said a few words about the hotel, saying that everything was normal and there was nothing wrong with it, but she was too pessimistic about Jiang Chunhui and asked Sang Xiaoyu to stay away from him.

She said that this man is definitely not a gentleman. He has a problem with his eyes when looking at women. He looks like a playboy at first glance, but don't be moved by his false feelings.

Sang Xiaoyu patted her on the shoulder and said that I knew about it, and that you worked so hard and it was nice to have you.

Sang Xiaoyu managed to get away. She said that the child couldn't take it anymore, so the classmates let her go and insisted that Jiang Chunhui come back immediately.

Sang Xiaoyu said that he had drunk and should not drive, but Jiang Chunhui refused, saying what is this little wine?
When the three of them walked to the door, Li Junhao, who happened to send someone back, came back.

Sang Xiaoyu said that Jiang Chunhui should go back, and I will ask Li Junhao to send me.

Jiang Chunhui immediately became upset, and said, "What day is today? How can I let someone see you off?"

After speaking provocatively, he glanced at Li Junhao.

Li Junhao said: "How much do you drink? You are not afraid of safety, he still has children, forget it, I will send you away together."

Li Junhao squeezed Jiang Chunhui away and drove over to the van. Jiang Chunhui saw that Sang Xiaoyu and the child had gotten into the car. He had no choice but to rush over and sat next to Sang Xiaoyu. Ziqiao had to run to the co-pilot's seat superior.

After getting into the car, Jiang Chunhui immediately pretended to be asleep. During the journey, he pressed his head on Sang Xiaoyu's leg, and Sang Xiaoyu was extremely uncomfortable. When she was about to get home, her leg was completely numb, but she was also gritting her teeth. persevered.

Ziqiao had already slept in the car.

When approaching the door of the house, Li Junhao muttered a few words, saying why the road hasn't been repaired yet?

Sang Xiaoyu's house is a resettlement house, located on the edge of the urban area. Because it is a resettlement house, there is still some garbage around it that has not been cleaned up. During the day, many places are where small vendors sell goods, which looks dirty and messy.

Sang Xiaoyu said that no one really cared about it, and he just dealt with it this way, and he didn't know which department to contact.

Li Junhao said that if possible, it is better to change the place, this place can be regarded as dirty, messy and poor.

Sang Xiaoyu smiled wryly and said, "Let's forget it, I just moved upstairs, so I'm content."

When she got home, Sang Xiaoyu immediately hugged the baby in her arms. She struggled a little while hugging, so Li Junhao took it.

Jiang Chunhui woke up immediately and insisted on holding the baby, Li Junhao told him to stay in the car, but of course Jiang Chunhui refused to listen, Li Junhao handed the baby to Sang Xiaoyu, and pushed Jiang Chunhui back into the car.

Jiang Chunhui struggled to get down, but Li Junhao suddenly changed his face and said, "What time is it, can you stop making trouble?"

What Jiang Chunhui wanted to say was intimidated by Li Junhao's aura.

He stood in front of Jiang Chunhui and told him to sit back obediently.

Jiang Chunhui still wanted to act wild, but when he looked at Li Junhao again, his eyes were fierce, preventing him from having a calm and unflappable attitude in the face of danger, Jiang Chunhui shrank back.

Li Junhao turned his back to look at Sang Xiaoyu, and said softly, "Is that the only way to agree?"

Sang Xiaoyu hesitated to speak, seeing that Jiang Chunhui was about to get out of the car, so he hurried upstairs with the child in his arms.

It took Jiang Chunhui a long time to realize. Why should he be afraid of Li Junhao?So he yelled loudly to get out of the car. Li Junhao had already locked the door, got in the car and started on the road.

Jiang Chunhui asked angrily in the car: "Are you jealous? I can see that you appear to be harmless to humans and animals, but in fact you are ambitious.

You have your own job, so don't meddle in it all the time. If your company goes bankrupt, I can give you a decent job, but it's definitely not here.

Let me tell you, I am the chairman of this hotel.

Li Junhao snorted softly with his nose and said: "Even if I beg for food, I can't ask for your head. Who cares what you are, I don't care about your face."

Jiang Chunhui got angry and said, "I'll tell you to leave tomorrow."

Li Junhao didn't bother to pay attention to him, and kept staring at the road ahead, as if he didn't mean to say it to him, saying: "You have to have that ability."

Jiang Chunhui asked unwillingly: "Do you dare to say that you don't miss Sang Xiaoyu in your heart? If you don't, I will let you go."

Li Junhao asked him to sit down first, and then said slowly: "Whether you are worried or not has nothing to do with you. I can do better than you. Look at you. You know that Sang Xiaoyu can't agree, so you use yourself as her benefactor." Come and kidnap her."

Jiang Chunhui said very proudly: "Do you still know that I am her benefactor? Just know. Do you think anyone can be her benefactor? That requires strength."

Li Junhao scoffed at this.

"Stay away from her, she can't like you. Just watch, I will kick you out sooner or later. I don't believe that I, a chairman, can't even decide on such a small matter." Jiang Chunhui said unwillingly.

Li Junhao said: "Whether she likes me or not is a matter between the two of us, and has nothing to do with you. Just don't always do things that put her in a dilemma."

"I am willing, can you control it?"

Jiang Chunhui whistled triumphantly, and asked Li Junhao to drive back to the hotel, saying that his classmates were still waiting for him.

Li Junhao looked ahead, it was early morning, only occasionally one or two cars flew by, he said thoughtfully: "You two are not suitable together, one is water, the other is oil, even if If you were to be together for 100 years, you would not be able to merge into one."

"I don't believe it's useless to cut these things. I just want to show you. When we get married, you guys have to shut up."

Jiang Chunhui said fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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