Chapter 252
Sometimes Zhao Siyue cooks a bowl of noodles for them to earn money for noodles and pickles. These people will bring some soy sauce, vinegar and salt before leaving. Anyway, this shop is much more lively than before.

Zhao Siyue's enthusiasm is enthusiasm, but when it's cold, no one will give her face, that is, she will not pay on credit.

Even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu can't do it.

A few people said they had no money in their pockets because they were familiar with playing cards. Zhao Siyue said don’t buy it if you don’t have money. Shops, sooner or later they will have to pay on credit.

Sang Xiaoyu told her this. Sang Xiaoyu said that you can run the business as you like, but you must never pay on credit. If this opening is opened, your shop will not be far from Huang.

The couple who originally opened the store also said this, saying that there are still more than 20 accounts that have not been returned. Although it is not a lot, it is quite scary to accumulate.

Zhao Siyue didn't listen to anything else, this is what she heard in her heart.

The people who came were curious about how she suddenly had her own small shop, Zhao Siyue didn't tell the truth this time, so let them guess.

There were many people who came, and there were various reasons for guessing. One person even said that she got rich?

Zhao Siyue asked people to take a closer look at her, and said, would a rich man fall in love with a woman like her?

The speaker also laughed, Zhao Siyue's attire is really too ordinary, even worse than the people who came.

With the help of her mother, Zhao Siyue was able to find time to stock up.

She started to deal with Sang Xiaoyu Hotel back and forth.

She was quite apprehensive when she smoked for the first time, but when she handed over the famous cigarettes to the purchasing department, she really knew the strength of Sang Xiaoyu's shop.

Although she didn't make a penny, the profit was quite considerable. She knew that when Sang Xiaoyu deducted all the money, the store would really be her own.

After negotiating, Zhao Siyue went to Sang Xiaoyu's office. Sang Xiaoyu was really there, and asked her strangely if she was okay?
Zhao Siyue was upset, and felt that Sang Xiaoyu was only enthusiastic when she saw her outside, and became unkind when she arrived at her hotel, but now she dared not scold anyone, so she had to swallow her anger.

She took out two Chunghwa cigarettes, handed them over, and said: "I know you don't smoke, but this is my heart, you help me, I will always give something back.

You can give this cigarette to others, of course you don't take it seriously, but my current ability is just like this. "

These two cigarettes were given by Zhao Siyue's mother. Zhao Siyue's heart ached to death, but she felt that her mother's words were reasonable.

There is no free lunch in this world.

What exactly is Sang Xiaoyu planning?Give her something without a bottom line?It doesn't seem like it.

Sang Xiaoyu took the cigarette and said calmly: "Don't always feel that you owe me, I help you out of sincerity, I kept this cigarette, you go to Song Yue immediately and ask her to return the money to you. "

Zhao Siyue blushed, and said: "Aren't you willing to accept it with a face?"

Sang Xiaoyu said calmly: "I don't lack this right now. I know what kind of personality you are, otherwise I wouldn't help you. Therefore, I don't accept anything from you. help you.

One day, when you earn five or six thousand a month, you will send me some cans, and I will definitely keep them. Now, don’t think about these things, I don’t care at all. "

Sang Xiaoyu saw that she seemed a little embarrassed, so she took out the money from her bag and said, "I'll give it to you directly. How is your cooperation with Song Yue?"

When Song Yue was mentioned, Zhao Siyue had a look of grievance. She had long wanted to tell Sang Xiaoyu about her grievances, but Sang Xiaoyu didn't give herself a chance.

Zhao Siyue was finally able to speak boldly. She said, "Why is she so indifferent? It's disgusting to look so high."

Sang Xiaoyu knew that there was also dissatisfaction with herself here, so she said: "Take your time, no one goes smoothly at the beginning, we are all too busy, you just get used to it."

Zhao Siyue took the money, as if she had taken a reassurance. The two cigarettes were really given to Sang Xiaoyu, and she would have no income for another two months and depend on her mother.

But now she has the bottom line and confidence.

Don't people all over the world look down on themselves now?Why don't you live like a human being and make people look up to you?

She felt that she had a chance, and she wanted to become a woman like Sang Xiaoyu.

The person she dealt with the most was a man named Chen Hui from the tobacco company.

Zhao Siyue turned out to be a woman in her 30s from Shangyan. She also belonged to a tobacco company. She was very arrogant.

It's different now. The people who smoked in this store used to have a very good attitude.

The smoker was a man in his 40s, who introduced himself as Chen Hui.

He first inquired about the price of Zhao Siyue's exchange shop. Zhao Siyue said it was [-], and Chen Hui immediately said it was a loss. home is nearby.

Zhao Siyue immediately asked him how much the original store would buy?
Chen Hui said the number, and Zhao Siyue stuck out her tongue. This number was less than half of her original number. It can be seen that there are not many customers, and she has opened the shop for a few days. The people who come to buy cigarettes are tricycles and vegetable sellers. The cheapest kind of smoke.

For some reason, Zhao Siyue has a good impression of this man.

She didn't want to pour beans out of a bamboo tube like in the past and tell all her resources. She wanted to see how envious he was of her.

She opened her mouth to ask for ten sticks of Zhonghua cigarettes, and the man was dumbfounded, what's the situation, can you sell them?

Zhao Siyue also mentioned a few high-end cigarettes, including Yellow Crane Tower, Liqun and some mid-range cigarettes, a total of thirty.

The man looked at her in surprise, and she said that it must be delivered next Monday.

The man did the math and said how much would it cost?

Zhao Siyue suddenly realized that she seemed to be Sang Xiaoyu's upper body, and said lightly: "Don't worry, there is."

The man left, Zhao Siyue wanted to cry, it was the first time she felt so elated, all this was brought by Sang Xiaoyu.

As the demand for cigarettes increased every week, men began to look at Zhao Siyue with admiration, and Zhao Siyue felt more and more that she was not far from success. She even talked about the party in the classmate group, but no one responded.

After all, she still couldn't hide it, she told Chen Hui the truth in the third week, Chen Hui's envious eyes almost fell out, and she also said that she had too many connections.

Zhao Siyue felt that for the first time in more than 30 years, someone worshiped her so much, and the relationship between the two became delicate.

Chen Hui said that his wife died of illness three years ago, and now he has a son.

Zhao Siyue said that she was divorced and had no children.

Chen Hui's eyes lit up, but since her mother was busy behind her, she didn't ask any further questions.

Chen Hui came to help her whenever he had anything to do, and said that it was not easy being a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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