Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 255 A Warm Summer Day

Chapter 255 A Warm Summer Day

In less than half a year, Zhao Siyue has also undergone earth-shaking changes. She dare not think about the first time she saw Song Yue. At that time, she was really sent into the Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu, and everything she saw was new.

Now, she not only has a good relationship with Song Yue, but also has a good relationship with the waiters in the store, often bringing them some small items.

She and Chen Hui, who delivered the cigarettes, also lived together. The relationship between the two was the sweetest. She told Sang Xiaoyu that the cigarettes were selling well, and she even got a husband...

Half a year has passed, and Sang Xiaoyu is not so nervous anymore, everything in the store is in order, everyone in each position is ashamed to adapt, and the work is also in order.

Sang Xiaoyu found Li Junhao, Cheng Weize and Song Yue. She said that there are some regular customers who frequent us in the restaurant, and some of them even brought some people over.
As soon as she proposed, several people raised their hands in favor. Song Yue said that it should have been done a long time ago. These people should be hugged, otherwise, they will leave when they get bored.

Sang Xiaoyu said that on the one hand, it is necessary to seek innovation in the innovation of dishes, and on the other hand, it is necessary to win over regular customers.

Sang Xiaoyu and the others had a detailed discussion on the size, specifications, and scope of the fraternity, and finally asked Song Yue to come up with a specific plan. Then we will see what the budget is and how to take care of these key guests.

Several people left, only Li Junhao stayed. He said that this matter is difficult or easy to say, and the most important thing is to do these things without any trace.

Sang Xiaoyu told Li Junhao about the addition of special fish, and Li Junhao said that we still need to find the source of goods by ourselves, which is not difficult.

Sang Xiaoyu said that Jiang Chunhui also said that there are several breeding bases in the northern suburbs of Meilanjiang, and the two of them can go and have a look first.

Li Junhao's security company has come to an end, but he immediately changed his career and opened a security equipment store, which has all kinds of security supplies. He put two reliable people and his mother to sit in the town, so he can get away from taking care of mulberry The matter of Xiaoyu Hotel.

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Junhao took out a photo from a book in his hand and handed it to her.

Sang Xiaoyu saw that it was her.

She stared at the picture carefully and remembered that Li Junhao took the picture while she was waiting for Jiang Chunhui in Jiang Chunhui's office.

Sang Xiaoyu was sitting on the rocking chair, holding a cup of coffee, and staring at the afterglow of the setting sun outside the window. The light of the setting sun just hit her face, revealing a golden light.

Her face was like a transparent halo, making her look so thoughtful.

Sang Xiaoyu liked this photo so much, she asked with surprise: "It's so beautiful, you can tell it's me, but it's not exactly me, it's so beautiful."

Li Junhao said: "I was also attracted, I wanted you to see the samples in the camera, but no matter how you look at it, it is a perfect work, so I developed it.

Sang Xiaoyu watched it over and over again, unable to put it down.

She didn't know when Li Junhao left, but Sang Xiaoyu was silent in the beautiful mood of this photo all afternoon.

She called and asked Li Junhao to develop another one, a bigger one, and asked him to give her the negative.

Sang Xiaoyu originally planned to let Li Junhao wash it out and hang it on the living room, but he couldn't get enough of it no matter how hard he looked at it, he was eager to dig out the paintbrush that had been thrown away for several years.

She painted in front of the photo for three full days, removing all the luxury in Jiang Chunhui's office, turning the background into a lush green grass, and her rocking chair into a long white chair.

Sang Xiaoyu felt that she was more satisfied with the painting, because she added the factor of her liking, and she found it difficult to judge her painting skills, but this painting is definitely top grade.

She hung this painting in the center of the living room, and she felt extremely happy every day admiring it.

The fraternity will be held soon.

Sang Xiaoyu found that it was really suitable for Song Yue to do this kind of thing. The plan was planned in great detail. She thought of everything you couldn't think of, and she could also come up with endless money-saving strategies in small places.

She puts everything in place. In her words, she spends the least amount of money to do the biggest thing.

This sorority is to call all the key customers in their store, and let them draw a lottery in a self-service way. Every invitation call made in the past mysteriously said that there will be a big prize.

Many people come with curiosity.

When they saw balloons, ribbons and some gift boxes all over the house, they were actually a little disappointed. Looking at the size of the boxes, they knew that things were not that expensive.

If you come, you will be safe. These people are "big shots" with heads and faces, and you still need to be decent.

First the ball, and then the lottery.

Some small gifts, such as razors, cosmetic boxes, cigarettes and wine, made a head start, and then it was the big scene.

Each invited guest has five lucky draw numbers, and they need to manually draw the lucky prize.

In fact, Song Yue had tampered with the numbers a long time ago, because the order of the lottery drawers was fixed, and it didn't matter if they were changed temporarily. Song Yue had already thought of a way to deal with it.

Fortunately, everything went very smoothly.

The final grand prize is either a color TV or a washing machine or a refrigerator.

This is not a small amount, and the people who get it are very happy.

I don't care too much about the value of these things, but the degree to which I am respected.

The lottery draw ended soon, and then the workers drove the trucks to deliver the prizes of these people home one by one, without the suspicion of gift giving or complicated pushing and pushing.

The prize is your own luck, and many people can accept such a gift.

Jiang Chunhui didn't come.

He has been busy at the construction site.

The house he bid for was under construction. Meijiang Garden was well-known, and the local newspapers and advertisements were overwhelming. Jiang Chunhui said that he wanted to make Meilanjiang No. [-].

The price of [-] square meters is a sky-high price in Meilanjiang, but there are not a few people who buy it. The first phase has not yet been completed, and the appointment for the second phase has already started.

Jiang Chunhui asked Sang Xiaoyu if he wanted a set?This is a golden opportunity, and I can give you the best price for you.

Under his repeated encouragement, Sang Xiaoyu finally bought a 99-square-meter house with an asking price of more than 40 yuan, which is not yet a villa area.

Sang Xiaoyu was so distressed that she regretted it, but now she is dissatisfied with the existing living conditions.

No matter how noble the design of the house is, the mess outside the house still makes people feel dissatisfied.

Jiang Chunhui repeatedly said to buy a house for them to live in, but Sang Xiaoyu knew that Jiang Chunhui might not be firm about this relationship.

Sang Xiaoyu only knew that the house was a bit expensive, but there was room for appreciation.

Jiang Chunhui was so busy with his career that he really had no distractions, which relieved Sang Xiaoyu a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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