Chapter 261
Sang Xiaoyu looked at the two dishes and one soup on the table, and whispered, "They are really considerate. It would be a bit awkward if they really eat at the same table."

Li Junhao said disapprovingly: "You are hypocritical, you are full of princess disease, it's just that there are many things that people can't understand in this old Huang's eyes."

Sang Xiaoyu retorted at him and said, "You're just hypocritical, why didn't I see it."

Sang Xiaoyu opened the jar, filled a small bowl, and filled a bowl for Li Junhao, saying, "Why does this soup smell so good?"

Sang Xiaoyu greedily inhaled it with her nose, poking her head to see that there were cabbage and tofu inside, but the taste was very fresh.

She took a sip with a small spoon, and Sang Xiaoyu seemed to be frozen in just this sip. She smacked her lips and forgot to speak.

Seeing her exaggerated performance, Li Junhao directly put his mouth to the bowl and drank it. He looked at Sang Xiaoyu like a fool after drinking it and said, "Is this cabbage tofu soup? This is simply pearl, emerald and white jade soup."

The two of them held the jar in disbelief and looked inside. There were indeed only cabbage and tofu.

There is not even a little oily flower in the soup.

What kind of miraculous ingredients are these, turning this most common soup into the pearl, emerald and white jade soup that Li Junhao said.

Sang Xiaoyu quickly grabbed the spoon and poured the soup into his own bowl at the first time, Li Junhao was not to be outdone, both of them filled the bowls to the brim, forgot to taste the fish, and drank up the soup in a short time up.

Li Junhao continued to say: "If this soup was in our hotel, a can would cost hundreds of 80 yuan."

Sang Xiaoyu stared at him blankly, and the two immediately thought of being together.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "This soup is really amazing. It looks so plain on the surface, but there is a mystery hidden in it. This soup has a mystery."

Li Junhao interfaced and said: "Hey, don't talk about it, petty bourgeoisie like you will get emotional when this kind of thing falls into your mouth, but it's really amazing, don't we two be like Zhu Yuanzhang, we are too hungry Ordinary things as treasures?"

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head, when she wanted to savor it more carefully, she couldn't even pour out some soup base, she said that she regretted wolfing it down, and now she began to miss the taste of soup.

"It's absolutely impossible to just cabbage and tofu." This is the consensus of the two.

Li Junhao said: "I can taste the taste of meat and..." Shaking his head and recalling, he also said that he drank too fast, and he didn't even taste the taste carefully.

Fish for two.

Li Junhao said that this fish is definitely wild, not to mention the small size, the meat is also firm, and it has a chewy head.

Sang Xiaoyu also felt the same way. There were four fish on the plate, and the two of them ate them all.

The size of the fish is not big, Sang Xiaoyu usually likes to eat fish, Li Junhao only ate one.

Sang Xiaoyu was not polite at all, she was always like an unreasonable little sister in front of Li Junhao.

There was a big plate of fried cabbage with meat. The two wanted to eat it clean, but there was nothing they could do. Sang Xiaoyu asked Li Junhao to finish the dish. Li Junhao said that if the soup was still there, he would definitely be able to finish it.

The two quickly finished their meal, dispelling the doubts in their hearts.

Sang Xiaoyu put the remaining cabbage on the tank in the kitchen, and there were many bowls on it.

Sang Xiaoyu wanted to wash the dishes and was looking for water when the woman came out and asked them to rest quickly, saying that they would wash the dishes.

The woman went back to her room, Li Junhao asked her to continue playing, but Sang Xiaoyu refused, saying that she wanted to solve the problem.

After waiting for 5 minutes, the two of them went to Lao Huang's house together.

The people in the room were still eating. A girl, about twelve or thirty-seven years old, was pretty and had a red face. When she saw them coming in, she called Uncle and Auntie.

That boy, the one who pushed the door, was very cute with a tiger head and a tiger head. He didn't say hello, but kept smiling at them.

The family of four ate well.

Sang Xiaoyu asked them to continue eating, and the woman said, "Is one bowl of rice enough? If it's not enough, there are more here."

There is an electric rice cooker on the table, and there is still a lot of rice in it.

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head hastily, but noticed that the dishes on their table were obviously richer than those in her own room.

No soup, no fish.

A plate of pickles, miso, shallots, cabbage, cucumber.

Li Junhao glanced at her meaningfully, and the meaning in that gaze was obvious, that is, Lao Huang seemed honest on the surface, but in fact...he was not that dishonest in reality.

In a large bowl, there are meat, vegetables, fish, and even the shadow of crabs.

Lao Huang instinctively wanted to remove the big bowl, but he was a little embarrassed when he didn't have time.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't care about this at all, just asked: "Eat first, I just want to ask if your soup only adds cabbage and tofu? Why is it so delicious, I want to learn, so I can treat myself when I go home .”

Just as the woman was about to say something, Lao Huang glared at her, and Sang Xiaoyu asked in puzzlement, "Is this a dish with a secret recipe?"

The woman shrugged Lao Huang with her arms, then picked up the big bowl and said: "This soup is not that simple, all the ingredients in it are here."

Sang Xiaoyu was puzzled, and the woman explained: "There are a lot of things that are needed here, and it rained too much today, so we saved two things.

There are chicken legs, fish, crabs, mushrooms, prawns and our unique wild vegetables, plus wild small fish, wax gourd and bamboo shoots..."

Sang Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, and asked, "I...why didn't I see anything?"

The woman pointed to the big sea bowl and said: "It's all here. This thing should be thrown away when it is taken out of the soup, but we are reluctant. This soup was passed down by his grandfather's ancestors. In our generation, we cut corners and cut corners. What’s the matter, but it’s still better than ordinary soup, and we cook seafood ourselves, so it doesn’t take much trouble.”

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the woman with good eyes, and the woman said: "I know you are a restaurant, I can tell you, this thing will be made for you, the person who was sent by Mr. Jiang to stock up, we never gave it to you." I've done it, it's too troublesome, it takes more than four hours to cook, and the effort is all on the fire.

Lao Huang called me and asked me to cook, saying that you guys are very nice, if you are not someone he is satisfied with, he would not show it. "

The woman glanced at Lao Huang, and added: "This soup takes too much effort, and someone has to watch it. The time for each ingredient is different, and someone has to watch it."

Old Huang was laughing hey hey hey.

Sang Xiaoyu was moved, and so was Li Junhao.

Li Junhao felt a little ashamed that he always suspected Lao Huang.

In his perception, as long as they are in business, there is always a bit of treachery, especially people like Lao Huang, who are honest on the outside and beautiful on the inside, such people are the most terrifying.

But seeing people cook such a soup in four or five hours, even if they have any plans, this affection is true.

The most important thing is that people didn't want to point it out. If they didn't ask, Lao Huang would never tell.

(End of this chapter)

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