Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 263 Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Chapter 263
The two were chatting boredly, the rain outside didn't mean to stop, Sang Xiaoyu stood in front of the window, and said that he liked the rain originally, but it would be useless if it kept raining like this.

As soon as it was six o'clock, the woman called for foot washing water, saying that someone needs to pick up the water in this place.

Sang Xiaoyu is a smart person, she understood immediately, and immediately said: "I will wash first, and he will wash after washing."

The woman smiled and told her to wash her face first, then her feet, and the order was the same.Then put down the basin and leave.

Li Junhao said: "Why are you so overbearing?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You can also wash it first, then I won't wash it. You go and catch the rainwater for me, and I will wash it with rainwater."

Li Junhao put the basin in front of Sang Xiaoyu and said, "Come on, I don't dislike you, you can wash it."

Sang Xiaoyu didn't intend to wash her face at all, she frowned and said, "This basin washes both face and feet? Oh my god, it's terrible."

Li Junhao has always been a person who does not give Sang Xiaoyu face, he said: "I still remember when you first started selling seasonings, once I went to ask for money, let alone wash your face and feet at your house, I see you even Don't you wash your face?
The walls of the house are dilapidated, and when I went out, two mice made me escape from the broken basin I kicked over... Are you disgusted now? "

Sang Xiaoyu was so angry that she couldn't speak, Li Junhao laughed and stuffed the basin under her feet and said: "I know you have a cleansing habit, I don't even dare to wash my face, don't be angry, do you need me to give it to you?" wash?"

Sang Xiaoyu put her two snow-white feet into the basin, and the water temperature in the basin was just right, warming her heart immediately.

But she said unrelentingly: "It's no wonder that those in power want to hide everything, because they know too much about the history of beating the emperor of Jiangshan. Do you think it's okay if you don't kill him?"

Li Junhao looked at her feet, his eyes became gentle and blurred, but he concealed his behavior, and said with a smile: "You are becoming more and more like a queen now, don't go any higher, or I will be a master." I am the master, and I am not far from death."

Sang Xiaoyu said with emotion: "You said it was weird. It was the most difficult time. It was really good to be a clean freak, but as soon as the days got better, the problem came back."

Li Junhao's eyes still couldn't leave her feet, and he said in his mouth: "Normal, other people's abnormal things have become normal to you. You are really ever-changing. I admire you from the bottom of my heart. Add five bodies to the ground."

"It's still thundering five times."

Sang Xiaoyu knew he was joking, but it was comforting to hear such words.

Li Junhao is a ruffian-level character. Sang Xiaoyu has never seen anyone he was afraid of or subdued, but only to himself. He dared to hate himself, but he never really hurt her.

When he mentioned the past, Sang Xiaoyu didn't mind. It was not a scandal that could not be mentioned, but the darkest moment in his life. Even if others didn't mention it, he would always remind himself not to forget his roots.

When Li Junhao mentioned the time when he borrowed money, Sang Xiaoyu couldn't help but think of it. At that time, Li Junhao insisted on letting her sleep with him in order to make things difficult for him.

Sang Xiaoyu looked at the diligent man in front of him, and during those dark days, he became warm because of his company.

Li Junhao looked up at her and asked, "What are you thinking about? Thinking of your big mouse?"

Sang Xiaoyu said confusedly: "I remember how unreasonable you were back then. I went to borrow money, but you took advantage of the fire to rape me."

Li Junhao almost sat on the ground and said, "Can you save me some face? I wanted to forget about this a long time ago, but you brought it up again? By the way, I really want to ask you, why did you agree? Are you not afraid?" Am I serious?"

Li Junhao was squatting in front of Sang Xiaoyu, with a stern look on his face again.

Sang Xiaoyu closed her eyes and thought for a moment, "Don't say one thousand at a time, one hundred may be enough. Fortunately, you didn't... Otherwise, we wouldn't be where we are today."

Li Junhao said grandly: "Is that still a man? Let me tell you this, if you didn't agree at that time, we wouldn't be here today. You agreed, but I can't do it. This is the basis of our friendship."

Sang Xiaoyu immediately looked at him with admiration and said, "Hey, don't tell me, you really revealed the essence of the problem. If we really went out of line at that time, wouldn't we be ashamed to death when we meet again now?"

"That's not a man, that's a villain who takes advantage of others' dangers, something Cheng Weize and Jiang Chunhui can only do. By the way, let me ask, have you and Jiang Chunhui made any real progress?"

Sang Xiaoyu was amused, and said: "We talked well, why are you mentioning them? What do you think?"

Jiang Chunhui shook his head and said, "Based on what I know about you, you and Cheng Weize should be on two separate roads, and you definitely won't be able to pass him running away;
Jiang Chunhui, you must be having a little ambiguity with him, and there should be no substantial progress. "

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You are right, you still understand me."

Li Junhao said: "That's what I like about you. If you have anything to say, tell me, what kind of man do you want?"

Sang Xiaoyu glanced at the rain outside, then at Li Junhao squatting at her feet, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "I like Cheng Weize's meticulous care and care, and Jiang Chunhui's spending a lot of money to solve my predicament. Also... I also like your daring bodyguard.

Cheng Weize gave me the impulse to love, Jiang Chunhui gave me a carefree future, and you, gave me a sense of security by being with me... It would be great if the three of you were alone..."

Li Junhao almost turned over the footwashing water, saying why don't you go to heaven?Why don't you put ten people together?

Sang Xiaoyu laughed loudly and said, didn't you ask me?This is my real thought.

Li Junhao stopped laughing suddenly, he raised his head and asked, "Is there really me?"

Sang Xiaoyu was embarrassed and told him to leave her quickly.

Li Junhao squatted in front of Sang Xiaoyu, ready to reach out to wash her at any time.

This rainy night really makes people feel quite romantic, and also a little bit ambiguous.

Sang Xiaoyu washed her feet, and instead of using a towel brought by the woman to wipe her feet, she used the tissue in her bag instead.

The two talked about this passage, and both were a little cautious.

Li Junhao saw that she had finished washing, without thinking, he stuffed the basin under his feet, washed his feet quickly, and asked her if she wanted to wash her socks.

Sang Xiaoyu quickly shook her head, she had seen Li Junhao's stinky feet before.

Li Junhao didn't wash it after thinking about it, saying that he had nothing to do today, and he had to leave even if he gave birth tomorrow.

Sang Xiaoyu stared at him to see where he put the socks.

Just as Li Junhao was about to tuck it under the pillow, he lifted it up to look at Sang Xiaoyu who was disgusted, and threw it on the chair by the door without thinking.

Sang Xiaoyu was still afraid, Li Junhao found a piece of paper, wrapped it up, and threw it outside the door again, Sang Xiaoyu breathed a long sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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