Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 274 Pearl Jade White Jade Soup

Chapter 274 Pearl Jade White Jade Soup

Jiang Chunhui couldn't suppress his anger, and said: "Sang Xiaoyu, don't waste my goodness to you just because I like you and want to give you a future.

Do we seem to be in love now?When I have time, you don't. Have you ever seen a boss as big as me depend on your face and time when he wants to meet a woman? "

Sang Xiaoyu reasoned and said: "I only have one wish, which is to pay off all the debts of everyone, including yours. Even if you are my boyfriend, I don't need to owe you.

If I didn't owe you so much, you wouldn't make it difficult for me like now. You are very good to me, but there are conditions. If I don't listen to you, if I don't do things according to your wishes, you It would be as difficult for me as it is now. "

Sang Xiaoyu's tone was very steady. She didn't want to provoke him, which would be bad for solving the problem. This was what she warned herself when she entered this hotel.

Jiang Chunhui saw that Sang Xiaoyu's tone was gentle, he didn't intend to argue, and there was infinite gentleness in his eyes, so he said gently, "I heard that you were sick, are you well now?"

Sang Xiaoyu snorted and said, "Chunhui, do you know how sick I was in the fishing village?"

Jiang Chunhui said puzzled, "Isn't it just a little cold?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You only know it's a cold, but am I the same as others? Don't you know what my body is like? A small cold can kill me.

You fought with Li Junhao and quarreled with me, but now you think of my illness, did you mention my illness from the beginning to the end?You kept saying that he was my boyfriend, but you only cared about what Li Junhao and I did and how my illness was, you didn't even think about it. "

Jiang Chunhui glanced at Sang Xiaoyu's pale face, and remembered what the experts had said during her operation, saying that her illness needs to rest and rest, not to work hard, otherwise it will suddenly cause a recurrence.

Jiang Chunhui immediately felt a little guilty, feeling that he really didn't take her illness seriously, so he asked gently: "I was wrong, I made Li Junhao confused, tell me your thoughts, if I can accept it, we will also accept it." We reconciled, but Li Junhao must open, this is not negotiable."

Sang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "Okay, let me make a suggestion, whether it is Li Junhao or you who want some rights, you have to wait three months, okay? After three months, I will drive Li Junhao and give you the rights." , don’t you just want management rights? I’ll give it to you!”

"Why three months later? Where is the root of your delay?"

Sang Xiaoyu said with a smile: "I haven't read Sun Tzu's Art of War, and I don't know how to slow down the army. It's just that Li Junhao took over the affairs of the fishing village. Even if it takes time for the handover, I also need to make some changes in management to deal with the situation after your management. coordination."

Jiang Chunhui decided to take a step back and said, "Okay, I promise you, but I don't want management authority, what I want is purchasing authority..."

This was completely beyond Sang Xiaoyu's expectations, but Jiang Chunhui had already taken a big step back at this point. It was not easy for him to do this.

Sang Xiaoyu thought, Li Junhao's incident gave Jiang Chunhui a particularly good excuse, but in fact he had been eyeing him for a long time.

What else did Jiang Chunhui say, but Sang Xiaoyu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Such a good restaurant with such a good atmosphere, let's not spoil him."

Jiang Chunhui tentatively said, "Then how about we have a drink?"

Sang Xiaoyu walked over generously, filled Jiang Chunhui's wine, and said, "Why not?"

The two drank a cup of wine, and the atmosphere was so awkward that even Jiang Chunhui felt that Sang Xiaoyu had to do it.

Jiang Chunhui entered the hotel grandly, and the luxurious office officially started working.

Although there were still three months to go, Jiang Chunhui's shadow was everywhere. Some people heard the news of the changing sky and began to run to Jiang Chunhui's office frequently.

The relationship between Sang Xiaoyu and him is still tepid, busy as before, and it looks calm on the surface but undercurrents are turbulent.

Pearl Jade Soup is on the market.

Sang Xiaoyu called an intern from the kitchen to the office. This kid came through an application. Sang Xiaoyu was very optimistic about him. He was young, but he was smart and pragmatic.

Sang Xiaoyu has observed him for a long time.

He is not part of Jiang Chunhui's party.

There are also factions in the kitchen. Jiang Chunhui supports Sang Xiaoyu. The three chefs are all master chefs. Suppression, it is almost difficult to learn something, you can only cut vegetables and beat them.

The young man is very ambitious, and he has never joined forces with others. Sang Xiaoyu took a fancy to him. He called the young man to the office and showed him the folk prescription.

Before that, Sang Xiaoyu asked a well-known old Chinese medicine doctor to see what the ingredients of the Chinese medicine in the prescription were. The old Chinese doctor looked at it and put forward his own suggestion, saying that only one of them can be kept, and the others should be discarded. drop as well.

This recipe is mainly for curing diseases, followed by umami taste, and he added two kinds of traditional Chinese medicines in it, saying that it has the effect of icing on the cake for the taste.

Sang Xiaoyu heard someone call him Xiaohu every day, but only today did he know that his name is Hu Yuan.

Sang Xiaoyu told him the notes on the recipe, and told him the time and heat. At this time, Hu Yuan knew that he was going to serve this soup alone. Really not much promise.

For three days, Sang Xiaoyu followed in the small kitchen.

They keep groping.

All the ingredients are carefully selected, and those few Chinese medicines are also tried and tried, and finally decided to keep it.

After four and a half hours, someone needs to be watched by good eyes, and it was finally released on the third day.

In order to commemorate the days in the fishing village, Sang Xiaoyu specially named it with a meaningful meaning: Pearl Jade White Jade Soup.

At first, Sang Xiaoyu decided to price a cup at [-] yuan.

Little nonsense is too much effort, and the food village is too expensive, let's set it at three hundred and eighty.

The two tried countless times, and one pot can make eighteen cups. If all of them are sold out, it will cost more than 3000 yuan, but will anyone pay for such a high price?Both of them have no idea.

The publicity begins.

Sang Xiaoyu and the others will conduct a pilot operation first.

For the guests, especially those who are organized by the unit, there is a free small cup on each table. The so-called tasting, if you are interested, then sorry, it will cost you money.

Sang Xiaoyu tasted it again and again, and felt that compared with Lao Huang's soup, the taste of this soup has been greatly improved, and the nutritional content has also been increased.

As soon as this soup was released, it was well received immediately. Some people just don't understand why this cabbage tofu soup is so delicious?There is a feeling of unfinished business.

The tasting was launched that day, and ten cups were sold out, and the rest of Sang Xiaoyu was given to Jiang Chunhui, Song Yue and Li Junhao.

(End of this chapter)

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