Chapter 277 Breaking
The security guards were at a loss at first, but Sang Xiaoyu clearly told them to remove all the things in the house, leaving nothing behind, even throwing out the wooden planks.

A few security guards look at me, I look at you, I don't know who has annoyed Sang Xiaoyu who doesn't like to lose his temper.

Quilts, mattresses, and pillows were all thrown into the trash can in front of the door, not even the wooden boards of the bed.

Jiang Chunhui came back after eating breakfast.

The first time he saw the bedding piled up at the door where the dustbins were placed, he immediately understood what was going on. He was not afraid, but walked upstairs with a step that would not recognize him.

As soon as he went upstairs, the "garbage" at the door was snatched away by several people.

Tao Xiaotao stood at the door of his office wiping tears.

Jiang Chunhui pulled her into the room and asked her what was wrong.

Tao Xiaotao said that Sang Xiaoyu told her to leave, but she wouldn't give her any money...

Jiang Chunhui said: "What she said doesn't work, so you just do it. I'll see who dares to fire you. I'm the one who has the final say here."

Tao Xiaotao cried and said, "I don't have the face to work here, why don't you arrange me in your hotel? I don't need this month's salary."

Jiang Chunhui was an old man, he knew exactly what Tao Xiaotao was saying.

So she comforted her and said: "If you don't want to do it, then quit. As for whether to go to my hotel, we can discuss it later. Anyway, I won't treat you badly.

I am not reconciled to her treating you like this. You go first, and I will seek justice for you. "

Tao Xiaotao left in great disappointment. Jiang Chunhui didn't give her anything she wanted.

After entering the room, Jiang Chunhui was in a good mood.

When he stood in front of the window and saw that there was nothing left beside the trash can, he wondered if he was going too far?
But he immediately denied it, he just wanted to show Sang Xiaoyu some color.

Sing against yourself, whether there is a good result.

Sang Xiaoyu called.

Satisfied, Jiang Chunhui said into the microphone, "Is there something wrong? I'm too tired. I had a hard time last night, and now I want to catch up on sleep."

Sang Xiaoyu said calmly: "Come here, there are some things that need to be settled."

"it is good."

Jiang Chunhui thought, if you don't show me some color, you won't know how powerful I am.

He suddenly hesitated now, if Sang Xiaoyu said that he agreed to marry him and immediately quit Xingyu Hotel, how would he answer?
Without thinking too much, Jiang Chunhui came to Sang Xiaoyu's office.

Sang Xiaoyu's office had been cleaned by her a long time ago, and she was still annoyed by her restlessness just now. Didn't she fall into Jiang Chunhui's trap?

Just now, Sang Xiaoyu finally thought through a lot of things.

I have always treated Jiang Chunhui as a benefactor, whether it is wrong to him or to myself.

Jiang Chunhui came in without knocking.

Both of them were very indifferent on the surface, but in fact, both of them felt inexplicably uneasy in their hearts.

"Didn't we have a three-month contract? I want to break the contract now."

Sang Xiaoyu spoke.


Jiang Chunhui glanced at her and asked, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Change it to three years, I find that you have no sincerity."

Jiang Chunhui was shocked. He never expected that Sang Xiaoyu didn't mention the matter of men and women, but the future of the hotel.

Jiang Chunhui felt that if Sang Xiaoyu yelled at him as a beast, he would be able to accept it, but no, she didn't mention what happened last night, but all the fire started because of what happened last night.

So he said: "Sang Xiaoyu, are you a dreamer? What's wrong with being addicted to fantasy? It's time to wake up. What you said is impossible, the initiative is not in your hands, and I am now Consider whether to shorten this time."

Sang Xiaoyu picked up the documents on the table, handed them to him and said, "Here is the document you signed, do you want to take a good look at it?"

Jiang Chunhui picked it up, and it turned out to be a letter of commitment.

At the beginning, when Sang Xiaoyu established the hotel, she repeatedly emphasized that he should not participate in the management, and under her coercion, he did sign the pledge.

At that time, what he thought most about was to marry her as his wife. At that time, he was making a fuss, his wife was in trouble, and he had to have a letter of understanding personally presented by Sang Xiaoyu.

One moment and another, now that the difficulties have been passed, that signature is not so important.

Jiang Chunhui said, "You forced me to sign, so I don't count."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "You are still a top boss, you still turn a blind eye to the black and white words?"

Jiang Chunhui: "Yes, what can you do to me?"

Sang Xiaoyu said coldly, "I can sue you."

Jiang Chunhui asked seriously, "Is it true?"


"Sang Xiaoyu, you will pay a high price for your words, do you want to think about it before you say it?"

"Thought it out very clearly."

"You want to play for real? Then I will accompany you. Whether it is the seasoning factory or this hotel, you have filed several lawsuits. Which one is not helped by my lawyer? Now you are going to use this to deal with me?"

Sang Xiaoyu softened her tone and said: "This is not my intention, you forced me! I can increase your dividend by..."

"Come on, you don't need to add this to me. I'm the chairman. So I listened to you to save face. Now you want to sue me? How old are you?"

"Then we'll see you in court?"

Sang Xiaoyu felt that he and Jiang Chunhui had reached a dead end, as long as he didn't hand over power or marry him, he wouldn't let his life stop.

Seeing that Sang Xiaoyu didn't intend to make a joke at all, Jiang Chunhui said coldly, "Sang Xiaoyu, did I give you too much face? Who are you?

Don't think you are still a princess, without me, your princess dream should have woken up, think about your shabby appearance before, if I hadn't rescued you from the dire straits, would you still be running around on the street like a fool What about escaping?
You keep saying that you want to repay your kindness, but is this how you act?How dare you think about taking me to court. "

"Repaying kindness and managing are two different things."

"You didn't understand anything. You can spend recklessly because of my love for you, and now you want to take me to court? Sang Xiaoyu, do you have a bad memory? I'm not only your financial Benefactor, I also saved your life.

At the beginning, if I hadn't invited experts from BJ and Shanghai, do you think you could have escaped?Even if you managed to save your life, would you show off your might alive and kicking?

You can only linger on the hospital bed, this is the reality, without money, you may end up like this, you can forget it, but should you forget it as a human being? "

Sang Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little unsteady in her standing. She held on to a corner of the table and felt the sweat on her face with her left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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