Chapter 289
Sang Xiaoyu talked with Brother Zheng for two hours. Regarding the management of the hotel, Brother Zheng also gave his final opinion, that is, he sent two senior managers to help Sang Xiaoyu work together.

He especially emphasized: "Xiao Yu, you are Li Junhao's wife and my most trusted friend. I sent these two people to be top figures, but they must obey you.

As for me, I also want to persuade you, you seem to be not too young, and Li Junhao also wants to have successors, if you want to return to the family, these two people can also stand alone for you, so you don't have the feeling of being left alone. "

Sang Xiaoyu immediately expressed his opinion, saying: "This hotel is where my heart and soul lies. I only hope it will be brilliant. I am still young, and I want to work hard for another two years..."

Brother Zheng asked: "Do you have any unfinished wishes? Let's talk about it."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "When I was in trouble, I owed a lot of debts to people. I have paid off the debts a long time ago, but the debts on human relationships have not been paid off. I want to make myself stronger so that I can really help others." these people."

Brother Zheng immediately stretched out his thumb and said: "I like you like this, you are like Li Junhao, you know how to be grateful and don't forget your roots, then I will help you, you will get [-]% of the hotel's profits, and other people will share [-]%. "

Sang Xiaoyu immediately shook her head and said, "That won't work, do this..."

The man said: "I have the final say, it's settled like this, if you don't want to stay, let them go, I will not interfere with business matters, you can rest assured and do it well."

Sang Xiaoyu said firmly: "Within three years, I will pay back all the money you invested."

The man waved his hand and said, "Don't think about how to get the money back, but think about investing the money to make more money."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Okay, it's not 700 million, it's 7000 million."

Brother Zheng smiled immediately and said, "That's right. Besides, don't you think your current facade is a bit small? Change it to a five-story building at least."

Sang Xiaoyu said with a smile: "I was just about to say, what am I afraid of when I have 700 million?"

Brother Zheng looked at her strangely and said: "That's right, don't be afraid if you have money, spend it wisely, I am optimistic about you, don't have any burdens on you, even if you lose money, it will be mine."

Sang Xiaoyu laughed, she was no longer afraid of the man 20 years older than her, and said, "I can't lose money, I still need 50.00% of the profit."

The man clapped his hands together and said, "That's right."

When Sang Xiaoyu came out, she was full of ambition.

Li Junhao outside was extremely nervous, and Sang Xiaoyu spoke unrestrictedly, but the characters inside couldn't afford to offend. Seeing her high-spirited appearance, Li Junhao felt relieved.

He patted Sang Xiaoyu, and walked in quickly by himself.

When Li Junhao saw Brother Zheng, he didn't have the style of Sang Xiaoyu.

He lowered his head and his waist was not straight.

Brother Zheng asked him to sit down, and said: "This Sang Xiaoyu is a hundred times stronger than you, so you can't be as tough as her? You will be suppressed by her sooner or later if you continue like this."

Li Junhao raised his head, winked and said: "I have been afraid of her since I was a child, and I am still the same now."

Brother Zheng was amused by him, and said: "You, you will never be tough in front of women. What about your ability? When you are with me, if you are like you are now, would I use you?"

Li Junhao raised his head and raised his chest, and said: "That's different. When working, you have to be at the forefront, in front of women... who knows, it's natural."

Brother Zheng asked: "Are you willing to let her be your immediate boss?"

Li Junhao immediately said: "Yes, I am willing!"

Brother Zheng was amused, and said, "How about you swear an oath at the wedding? This hotel will be handed over to you sooner or later. You don't want her to go home and give birth to a son for you?"

Li Junhao was discouraged and said: "Don't dare to mention it, this girl is very powerful, she must take the big idea."

Brother Zheng was so angry that he slapped the table and said, "Call her now and tell her to manage the hotel business. If you have a child, you will go home immediately to take care of your husband and raise your child."

Li Junhao picked up the phone, fiddled with it for a long time and said, "I dare not, she won't listen to me..."

Brother Zheng also smiled, and said: "You, forget it, you can do whatever you want, I'm leaving tonight, you have to help her well, I won't interfere with the hotel, but you can come and ask for help if you have anything to do." I."

Li Junhao nodded quickly and said: "Brother Zheng, you finally came back once, wouldn't it be good to stay a few more days? Also, come to my house and let my wife cook some delicious dishes for you. This girl is good at cooking. "


"This... is possible. She has these aspects... You can also come to my house to have a look. The decoration of the house seems... like a castle, which is very different."

Brother Zheng walked up to him, patted him and said, "I'm happy for you when you have her, live a good life, don't worry too much, love your wife well, after all, a man should put his family first."

Li Junhao nodded, Brother Zheng told him to go back, saying that he would come to Meilanjiang to see him again.

Li Junhao and Sang Xiaoyu meet.

Li Junhao said that Brother Zheng was too arrogant, and his tone was a little excited when he spoke.

Sang Xiaoyu asked him if the scars on his body still hurt?When it's cloudy and rainy?
Li Junhao said that he was healed a long time ago, how can a man let these injuries be brought down?
Sang Xiaoyu put his arms around him and said, "I will love you even more in the future, or you can just go home and I will support you."

Li Junhao immediately shook off her arm and said, "Is what you're talking about human? I'm an upright man, let a woman take care of me?"

Sang Xiaoyu hit him, held him again and said, "Your mouth, you can't change the swearing, don't I love you?"

Li Junhao said: "If you really love me, you can give me a daughter. If you have a daughter, you can be regarded as both sons and daughters..."

Sang Xiaoyu lowered her head and thought for a while and said, "I definitely want a child, just because I'm afraid I'll be old, but it's definitely not now. I just took over the hotel again, and I want to make a difference."

Li Junhao said sadly: "I'm already old, why don't you want it now? My mother..."

"What happened to our mother?"

"She said that if you don't want children, she won't recognize you."

Sang Xiaoyu grinned and said, "Don't worry about it, I'll tame her, she's also my mother."

"Have a baby, and it will be perfect."

"Okay, let's deal with it naturally. If you have it, you need it. If you don't have it, don't force it. It's impossible to go to the hospital and do this and that."

Li Junhao saw her take a step back, and immediately said: "Of course, if you are a chicken that doesn't lay eggs, I won't force it."

Sang Xiaoyu was so angry that she pulled out her hand and started hitting him.

Li Junhao squatted down, hugged her up, and said, "Beat her wherever you want, I won't run away."

From then on, Li Junhao always carried Sang Xiaoyu on his shoulders habitually, as if Sang Xiaoyu was his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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