Chapter 297
Sang Xiaoyu and Li Junhao arrived in front of their car, Cheng Weize stood beside the car, bowed to Sang Xiaoyu again and said, "Don't have any burdens, I won't beg you."

When Sang Xiaoyu wanted to say something, Li Junhao pulled her into the car and said, "Don't worry about testing Yin anymore, he is not worthy."

Sang Xiaoyu and the others drove away in the car. When Sang Xiaoyu looked back, he found Cheng Weize squatting on the ground.

"That's right! Let him have a taste of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai. This kid is too smooth. Why is their old Cheng family so patriarchal?"

Sang Xiaoyu didn't respond, all she pretended was her mother-in-law's desperate expression, and her father-in-law's pretended calm sadness.

the next morning.

With a sad mood, Cheng Weize took a taxi to the airport under the "escort" of two bodyguards.

Cheng Weize got out of the taxi and stood outside the airport terminal in Meilanjiang. When he saw Scarface waiting here, Scarface put his arms around him and said, "I just found out your surname is Cheng now, why don't you hide it?" Well done, do you think you can escape from my grasp?"

After speaking, he pulled him inside.

Cheng Weize shook off his hand, turned around, knelt down suddenly, and said in the direction of home: "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry for you, my son is not filial..."

Cheng Weize and tears overflowed, this is a feeling of guilt towards home and parents, just when they turned to walk towards the terminal, a white van stopped in front of them like crazy.

Airport security rushed over immediately.

Sang Xiaoyu got off the car first, followed by Li Junhao and Cheng Weize's family members.

Zhao Weiguang saw the manager appear, and immediately drove away.

Sang Xiaoyu held a cash check in his hand, and said to the scarred face: "Brother, please keep someone under your command."

Scarface glanced at Sang Xiaoyu, then at Cheng Weize and asked, "Are you his ex-wife?"

Sang Xiaoyu nodded.

Scarface took the check, and Sang Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "Brother Dao, what you want is 200 million, and I can only make up 180 million now. In order to show my sincerity, I am willing to issue an IOU for you."

Scarface held the money, looked at it again and again, and then asked puzzledly: "You help him? I heard that he made you miserable, you..."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "The grievances between us are our business. There is a child between us, and he has elderly parents. With 100% sincerity, I hope you will keep him. The 20, I Promise to pay it off within three months."

Scarface took the check and scratched Cheng Weize's face again and again, and said mockingly: "You are really not as good as a bitch."

Turning to Sang Xiaoyu, she said, "I really admire you. Asking for money is only one aspect. I can't tolerate people who don't listen to me."

Sang Xiaoyu immediately said: "Brother Dao, I don't know what your surname is, so I can only call you that. Although he left us, he has always felt guilty in his heart. No matter where he is, he can't stay at ease. Brother, please understand him."

Scarface picked up the check, handed it to a person beside him, and then said something, and that person quickly left with the check.

Scarface said: "I respect you as a heroine among women, and I also believe in your sincerity."

He patted Cheng Weize and said, "You don't even know how to cherish such a good woman, but think about how you do it."

Then he said to Sang Xiaoyu: "Forget about the 20 yuan, he doesn't owe me that much, but I have made a deal with you as a friend. I also run a hotel in Fujian, and we may still meet."

Sang Xiaoyu immediately stretched out her hand and said, "It is estimated that I beg you more often. When I serve some seafood, I will inevitably ask you."

Scarface smiled immediately, and said, "That's no problem, as long as my sister is willing, I will provide it to you for free."

Speaking of this, the man who ran out ran back again and said something in Scarface's ear, Scarface immediately became excited, glanced at his watch and said: "I'm leaving, I don't know when I will come again Yes, I welcome women like you to visit me."

Sang Xiaoyu quickly nodded his thanks.

Scarface punched Cheng Weize again and said, "You have met a good man, work hard and act like a man."

Scarface and the others finally left, and they also confiscated Sang Xiaoyu's IOU.

Cheng Weize knelt down to Sang Xiaoyu with a plop, and said, "Actually, I don't owe them anything..."

Li Junhao quit and said, "Then why didn't you say it just now? Why didn't you say it when they asked you for money? Now say this?"

Li Junhao took Sang Xiaoyu and left.

Surrounded by his family, Cheng Weize slowly got into Zhao Weiguang's van, while Sang Xiaoyu took a taxi with Li Junhao and left.

"When will they pay back the money?" Li Junhao asked.

Sang Xiaoyu sighed and said: "It's up to fate, that's what borrowing money is all about now, don't expect to pay it back, who made him the father of the child."

Sang Xiaoyu has been raising money these days.

Cheng Weize's 50 yuan was handed over to his parents. His parents actually sold his house and mortgaged their own house. Cheng Weili also raised some money.

This time, only Cheng Weiting didn't pay a penny, not because he didn't want to pay, but because he had no money, and all their money was invested in the seasoning factory.

They brought together a total of 100 million, and Sang Xiaoyu took out the money that Wang Ximo paid back to her, and lent 30 from the company, which was her maximum authority.

Sang Xiaoyu is also quite scared, afraid that the people under Brother Zheng will find out about this and make things difficult for her, but she has no choice but to go against the trend.

The second day after Cheng Weize returned home, he came to work in Sang Xiaoyu's hotel. Sang Xiaoyu assigned him a position as a senior manager. The task was still to deal with various functional departments, which was exactly the same as in the past.

Cheng Weize took the initiative to ask him to pay him only [-] yuan a month, and use all the rest to pay off the debt.

Li Junhao did the math and said he would have to pay it back for ten years, while Sang Xiaoyu said he would resign himself to fate.

Cheng Weize hardly ever looked for Sang Xiaoyu in the hotel, and the two of them ran into each other in the corridor a few times, just as Cheng Weize wanted to say something, Sang Xiaoyu left without looking back.

From Sang Xiaoyu's heart, this man has no pity for him anymore, he is like a symbol, he has once left a brand in his life.

Because Zhao Weiguang had no money, the business of the seasoning factory fell through. He had resentment towards Sang Xiaoyu in his heart, but on the surface it was justified. He withdrew his money back and didn't want to do anything for the time being, staying with his wife.

Sister Wei didn't hold back at all. It turned out that the condiment factory was sold to a car warranty factory. This industry is everywhere here. Sister Wei said that Zhao Weiguang was finally dumped. This kid's ambition is too great.

Sang Xiaoyu thought, isn't Sister Wei not very ambitious?Wasn't Zhao Weiguang the current Zhao Weiguang when he cooperated with me?
(End of this chapter)

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