Turn the cocoon into a butterfly

Chapter 299 Start all over again

Chapter 299 Start all over again
Zhao Chunling is married.

The marriage partner is Sun Peng.

Sang Xiaoyu attended Zhao Chunling's wedding, and found that Zhao Chunling's face was flat, but Sun Peng looked joyful, and her mother-in-law was also full of smiles. She didn't have the posture of a strong woman that Zhao Chunling said.

The happiest person is Aunt Bai, Zhao Chunling's mother.

Now she regards Sang Xiaoyu as a savior, and praises Sang Xiaoyu's benevolence to everyone she meets. She said that without Sang Xiaoyu, her daughter would still be playing games at home and surfing the Internet. Now, she is the deputy director, and she can be promoted in the future... …

Sang Xiaoyu's mother and the others all went upstairs, and the neighbors who went upstairs have long since lost the closeness they used to have.

It turns out that your house lacks an onion, and my house lacks a bag of salt, so you can take them directly. Now, there are fewer and fewer people who visit the house, only Aunt Bai, who runs to mother's house when she is free, and brings some small things every day , It seems that what I owe Sang Xiaoyu can't be finished.

Zhao Chunling got married because she had a child. She wanted to get rid of it at first, but her future mother-in-law almost knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that Sun Peng is getting old and it is not easy to have a child. No matter it is a man or a woman, she must stay. .

Zhao Chunling was already pregnant, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was pregnant at a glance. Aunt Bai also explained everywhere, saying that they had already registered and were legally married.

After attending the wedding and having dinner, Sang Xiaoyu and Li Junhao drove home. New Year's Day was coming soon, the weather was extremely cold, and there were two worlds outside the car window.

Sang Xiaoyu sighed and said: "We finally worked hard to get in the car."

Li Junhao glanced at the pedestrians shivering in the cold wind and said: "There are still many ordinary people. If we hadn't paid a huge price, how could we sit in this warm car."

The two were feeling emotional when Li Junhao suddenly pointed to a man who was riding three wheels in front of him and said, "Xiao Yu, who do you think that is?"

Sang Xiaoyu took a serious look, and saw a man pedaling his bicycle with difficulty in the cold wind. There were many things on the tricycle, and it was too dark to see clearly.

A man walks against the wind amidst street lamps.

Sang Xiaoyu finally saw that it was Cheng Weize.

For an instant, Sang Xiaoyu's heart tightened.

Sang Xiaoyu said, "Hurry up and go home."

Li Junhao's curiosity was aroused, and he followed quietly.

Cheng Weize turned left and right into a street, and then stopped. Sang Xiaoyu saw that it was a cloth selling place on a street. Cheng Weize stopped the car and unloaded the car.

He carried the cloth from the car into the house one by one, and through the light, Sang Xiaoyu saw Cheng Weize wearing a military overcoat, took off his mask, took the money from the boss, counted it twice before leaving the door.

Sang Xiaoyu and his car turned off the lights not far away.

After Cheng Weize came out, he blew his nose with his hands and wiped it on his gloves, and then got into the car, Sang Xiaoyu told Li Junhao to leave quickly, so that Cheng Weize would not know that they saw him.

Li Junhao refused, and stood in front of Cheng Weize with one kick of the gas pedal.

Of course Cheng Weize knew about Li Junhao and Sang Xiaoyu's car.

He was stepping into the car when he stopped.

Sang Xiaoyu stepped out of the car.

Cheng Weize took his hands out of his gloves and stuffed them into his cuffs, without any embarrassment.

Sang Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "What is this for?"

Li Junhao didn't come out, rolled down the car window as if he was watching a play.

Cheng Weize glanced at Li Junhao, and said casually: "Make more money, and pay back the money quickly."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You don't have to do this, how much can you earn?"

Cheng Weize immediately said: "It's higher than the salary. I deliver the goods at five o'clock after get off work. I deliver three hours a day. They don't get off work until eight o'clock. Sometimes I can earn hundreds of dollars in three hours. I'm more diligent than others. Boss like."

Sang Xiaoyu thought that he was busy like a spinning top during the day, and worked like this at night, so he couldn't help but think of himself.

Cheng Weize said: "You are capable, why can't I? Yu, I thought I would never dare to do such a job in my life, but now that I think about it, I can't really work for you for ten years, right?

I strive to pay off all the money within three years, and then I can have my own way of life. Now I finally understand your helplessness back then, it is really too difficult.

During the day, the scenery is beautiful, but I feel very empty in my heart. When I think of money, I shudder. It is very good to do this now, so that I don’t have so much time to think about these useless things. Making money is the truth. "

Sang Xiaoyu's expression was gloomy. It was too difficult for Cheng Weize to take this step. If he hadn't experienced these things, he would definitely not have these experiences. Sang Xiaoyu's nose was sour, and he concealed that he should take care of his body, he is not young anymore. Learn to combine work and rest.

Sang Xiaoyu got into the car, and Cheng Weize also pedaled on three wheels and said that there were still three more trips to complete the task today, very optimistic.

Sang Xiaoyu didn't want to say anything after getting into the car, Li Junhao said: "Are you overwhelmed with sympathy again? Who helped you when you were pedaling?"

Sang Xiaoyu immediately said: "There are too many people helping me, if there are no these people helping me, do you think I can come here?"

Li Junhao said unconvinced: "I'm afraid you will mention Jiang Chunhui, this bastard always lives in our lives, and we can even see him on TV."

Hearing what he said, Sang Xiaoyu laughed instead, and said, "He and I are just old classmates now, and the relationship between us... well, it's pretty miserable."

"Forget it, he will always live in your heart, you think I don't know?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "What's the matter, I don't have a relationship with him."

Li Junhao wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back.

Sang Xiaoyu's mind is full of the scene of Cheng Weize pedaling a bicycle, and he doesn't feel good about it, thinking that Cheng Weize was a high-spirited and snow-like executive when he was in the hotel, but now he is a lowly man riding a three-wheeler...

Sang Xiaoyu went to work the next day and made a decision that no one expected.

Originally, Sang Xiaoyu and Li Junhao discussed resuming Cheng Weize's position as vice president and raising his salary after a year, but Sang Xiaoyu advanced it.

She ran to the finance department and announced the news immediately, everyone was dumbfounded.

When Li Junhao heard about it, he immediately ran over and asked her what she wanted?

Sang Xiaoyu said that even if he is a puppet, he is also the first boss, and the master can still do this.

On the contrary, Cheng Weize also ran to Sang Xiaoyu's office immediately to tell her not to sympathize with him, so that he would look down on him even more.

Sang Xiaoyu said it was not sympathy, but you did it.

Everything you do now is within the scope of the vice president. It will be a matter of time before you are given this position, and it is only two months ahead of schedule.

Li Junhao went home and said that he was too boring, dealing with two men who had something to do with her all day long.

Sang Xiaoyu asked if it was still related to Jiang Chunhui?
Li Junhao said that he shows his face on TV every day, why don't you make me feel uncomfortable?
Sang Xiaoyu said with a smile, then don't watch local TV, so as not to annoy you.

(End of this chapter)

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