Li Junhao quit and said, "Little girl, so you like to hear this?"

Sang Xiaoyu was still laughing and asked, "Really? How long will it take?"

Li Junhao shook his head and said: "Basically kick me out of the house, or it will never end..."

Sang Xiaoyu laughed again and said, "So you like this one, so why don't you change it?"

Li Junhao said: "Being in front of her is because of the change, so I don't always get angry. When I first got married, I almost got angry twice in three days, and it was because she lost my temper. You are already in the late stage. Let's How long have you been married? Is this not the first time for me?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "When you say that, does it mean that we all have to thank your first wife?"

Li Junhao said, "In principle, yes."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "It turns out that everything is an illusion. This is the first time I have experienced your bad temper."

Li Junhao said: "I'm hot for 3 minutes. Really, if you don't get angry, I'll be fine right away. If you really get angry, I guess I'll run away."

Sang Xiaoyu cupped his face with both hands and said, "Don't let this kind of thing happen again, I will be sad."

Li Junhao said: "It won't happen once, I really can't guarantee it, but I allow you to hit me."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I don't want to, so just post it. Once a year, I allow it. This year, you can use it up. You are not allowed to have any more."

Li Junhao became excited again, and said, "Xiao Yu, why do you have such a good temper, in fact, I didn't dare to tell you when I got married, I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to stand my bad temper."

Sang Xiaoyu asked a little strangely: "Why, do you think I have a bad temper?"

Li Junhao shook his head and said, "Your temper is really bad. It's not that I didn't learn it before, but you have changed too much now. I always think you are a woman with princess disease."

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Maybe it was a little bit in the past. I have experienced too many things. I have seen it through. It is meaningless to fight, especially in the family."

Li Junhao thumped his head and said, "Why am I not as enlightened as you are?"

Sang Xiaoyu deliberately glanced at the calendar on the watch and said: "We have only been married for a few months. Although I didn't expect you to be attached to me every day, I didn't expect that you would lose your temper."

Li Junhao said a very philosophical sentence: "No matter how good a couple is, living under the same roof and removing the aura of mystery, they are all ordinary people. I treat you as a goddess every day, and I guess you can't stand it."

Time flies by like the wind. No matter how romantic, sweet or ordinary their days together are, there are always memories. This is something that both of them cherish.

Sang Xiaoyu said seriously: "It's not that I don't know about your bad temper, but I don't know that you treat women like this."

Li Junhao said: "I won't dare in the future, try to restrain myself."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Don't smoke in the bedroom, don't eat without washing your hands, I really can't stand these two things."

Li Junhao nodded quickly and said: "Although you are all stinky, I am willing to listen to you, and if I commit the crime again, if you can't bear it, you can beat me, and I owe it."

Sang Xiaoyu asked curiously: "You are really angry when your wife hits you, can you not fight back?"

Li Junhao also said in a little confusion: "Yeah, I don't know what's going on with me, I let her run away from home a few times..."

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't stand it anymore, she sat up, laughing until the room was full of voices like silver bells that she couldn't control, Li Junhao also half sat up, seeing Sang Xiaoyu laughing, he also smirked.

Sang Xiaoyu asked with a smile, "Tell me about the most ruthless beating."

Li Junhao scratched his head and said, "You know my first wife was short. She jumped and beat me once, and my nose bleed immediately. She still didn't let go of her hatred and wanted to bully her when she said I was fine. No, still jumping up and hitting..."

Sang Xiaoyu patted the pillow with her hands, unable to stop laughing.

Li Junhao asked inexplicably: "Is it that funny?"

Sang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Why don't you control her hand? She is so small, you can't protect yourself?"

Li Junhao said solemnly: "No, I have to let her have enough beatings. Once, as you said, I firmly controlled her, and she howled like a slaughtered pig.

That's not to mention, that night, I slept soundly, I didn't expect a pot bottom to wake me up, she was barefoot and didn't even turn on the light, so I didn't scare me to death.

And she took the pot in the kitchen and slapped me directly on the face. I didn't even bother to put on my shoes at the time, and ran out in slippers. I thought it was a kitchen knife in a daze, but she said it was a pot later. It was a big winter. "

Sang Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Doesn't she love you?"

Li Junhao said: "Do you think she is you? She doesn't like me at all, she beat me to death..."

In Sang Xiaoyu's world, domestic violence is only a matter between men and women, but the stalwart man in front of her has such a sad past, she couldn't laugh, and asked: "Then why don't you leave?"

Li Junhao said sadly: "In order to marry her, our family spent all the expenses. Is it easy to marry a daughter-in-law?"

Sang Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "You two have been married for a long time, why didn't you have any children?"

Li Junhao said: "She is too old like me, and her family is in a hurry. She doesn't like me from the beginning to the end, and she will never give me a child. What she has to do every day is to take care of me. money, and then looked for a rich man outside, and finally found it, and I was relieved."

Sang Xiaoyu asked: "Do you like her?"

Li Junhao shook his head and said, "Although I don't like it, I can still make do with it."

"Do you still hate her for beating?" Sang Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

Li Junhao said seriously: "How can a woman fight? It's just that I don't like her. Let me tell you, some old women are really cruel when they fight..."

Sang Xiaoyu laughed again, and asked him which of the three wives was better?
Li Junhao didn't know how to answer, and said, "Except for the first one, both of you are fine."

Sang Xiaoyu said sadly: "Li Junhao, Li Junhao, you really have too few wives. If you are the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Court of Sangong, wouldn't the two of us be able to compare tonight?"

Only then did Li Junhao realize that she was teasing him, so he scratched her itchy flesh with his hands. Sang Xiaoyu couldn't bear it, and kept hiding, unable to stop laughing.

Sang Xiaoyu laughed enough, begged for mercy and said stop making trouble, really stop making trouble.

Sang Xiaoyu turned off the light on the bedside table and said to go to sleep, it will be dawn if the noise continues, and there are still many things to do tomorrow.

Li Junhao quit. He was not reserved at all, and said eagerly: "You've angered me, and you want to sleep? There's no door!"

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