Chapter 306 Children
Zhao Chunling heard her say quitting, and asked in puzzlement, "You don't want to do it anymore?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I have agreed with the investor that I will only work for three years. I don't know what to do after three years."

Zhao Chunling was very nervous and said, "I will be valued only when I am with you. I know that I am worthless, and I have no use in front of others."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "There are still two years to go, you have to practice yourself, your work ability is no worse than others, the difference is in interpersonal relationships.

Don't fight against those college students. You must learn humbly what advantages they have. "

Zhao Chunling nodded and said: "But you really don't want to stop doing it. You are making more money now, and you don't have too much to worry about. Some people call you the boss who collects money behind your back. I only understand now that the bigger you do, the more you will The pressure is less.”

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Now it is step-by-step after getting on the right track. There is a special person in charge of everything. It is useless to collect money. The money is not mine alone."

Zhao Chunling said: "You always talk about me. I know that Uncle Li really wants a child. What about you? Either you don't want a child or you don't want it."

Sang Xiaoyu spread her hands and said, "No."

Zhao Chunling said: "I will accompany you to see a doctor that day. Sun Peng of our family knows many doctors."

Sang Xiaoyu asked puzzledly: "I have given birth to a child, why, there are still problems?"

Zhao Chunling also said firmly: "That's not the same, it changes every year, besides, you were seriously ill during this period, it's entirely possible."

Sang Xiaoyu felt that what she said made sense, so she said: "Then let's not wait now, I really want to check it out, if there is a disease, I will treat it, if it can't be cured, I will let you Uncle Li take a concubine, don't Delay people."

Zhao Chunling laughed and said, "I must tell Uncle Li, you must mean what you say."

The two hugged each other and left. Sang Xiaoyu drove to the largest tertiary hospital in Meilanjiang. Zhao Chunling accompanied her for a comprehensive examination.

The result of the examination was that everything was normal, that is to say, as a woman, Sang Xiaoyu had no problems.

Zhao Chunling felt confident, and said, "If you have time, invite my Uncle Li over here to see if he has any problems."

Sang Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "Impossible, his wife had children..."

Zhao Chunling shook her head and said, "You forgot what I said just now, no, you have to check from time to time."

When Sang Xiaoyu was driving, she felt quite relieved. The two had been married for a while, but there was still no movement, and Sang Xiaoyu felt a little headache.

His eldest son thrives like a seedling every day, but Li Junhao is a childless father, no matter how good he is to Ziqiao, he will always have regrets.

Fortunately, the result of the inspection was that there was no problem, at least not with myself.

When Sang Xiaoyu came home at night, Li Junhao had prepared a meal and was waiting for her. Sang Xiaoyu asked him why he came back so early today?

Li Junhao said: "Of course I was excited when I heard that you were going to take me a concubine. I went home and prepared a table of delicious dishes to celebrate."

Sang Xiaoyu stared at him and said, "This Zhao Chunling's biggest problem is that she doesn't have a good mouth. This bad problem will harm her in the future. Do you know why I don't dare to use her too much? It's because of this shortcoming."

Li Junhao held the spatula and said, "Stop interrupting, tell me about my concubine."

Sang Xiaoyu said lightly: "There is nothing to say, you go outside and cast a net, if you see the one in the picture but dare not go forward, I will solve the problem for you."

Li Junhao took off his apron and said, "Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Sang Xiaoyu washed her hands and said, "Of course, once we talk about it, we will do it."

When the two of them came to the table, they both had the light taste that Sang Xiaoyu likes to eat.

Sang Xiaoyu said seriously: "I checked today, and there is no problem. Why don't you say we don't? I'm fine. I already have a son, but I really want a daughter."

Li Junhao served Sang Xiaoyu a meal, and said, "Are you in a hurry? But it's useless to be anxious, take your time."

Sang Xiaoyu looked into his eyes and said, "What will you do if today's examination reveals that I have a problem?"


Li Junhao said without hesitation.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Be serious, what I said is true."

Li Junhao thought for a while and said: "Having a child is something I really... really look forward to, but compared to marrying you, you are more important, Xiao Yu, don't have any psychological burden, we will be overjoyed if you have it, no, I have it You, your heart is not empty at all..."

Hearing this, Sang Xiaoyu was somewhat moved. Li Junhao would not use such words to fool himself, this is what he said in his heart, but he is like this, and his mother is definitely not like that.

The old lady accused Sang and scolded Huai more than once. If Li Junhao was not so domineering, the mother would have embarrassed Sang Xiaoyu a lot. Sang Xiaoyu could understand her mother-in-law's mood, but she couldn't let go of her helplessness now.

Sang Xiaoyu sometimes compares secretly in his heart, the gap between the original mother-in-law and the current mother-in-law is too great, Cheng Weize's mother is kind to Sang Xiaoyu from the bottom of her heart.

When nothing happened, her mother-in-law cared for her very much. When something happened, she used her weak body to resist many arrows flying in the back. But now this mother-in-law likes to find fault. If it wasn't for Sang Xiaoyu's generosity, the two of them would not know How to fight it.

Even Li Junhao felt that his mother was going too far. If he hadn't suppressed his mother, the old lady might have turned upside down.

Li Junhao dug out the inspection certificate from Sang Xiaoyu's bag and said, "Give this to the old lady, and tell me that the problem is with me."

Sang Xiaoyu gave him a hard look and said: "Why are you doing this? I think now, maybe there is nothing wrong with anyone, but I am old, especially me. If you really marry a little girl now, say Maybe I'll be a father by now."

Li Junhao looked at her with good eyes and said: "I said why are you so entangled, think about it, when you were going to be with me, how many times did I go on blind dates?
It's not that I don't want to look for it, but that there is no suitable one. How can I find the little girl without looking for you?Can the little girl fall in love with me if she is blind? "

Sang Xiaoyu said: "That's different. You are also the vice president now, and you are responsible for such a big investment. Now you have capital."

Li Junhao looked at her in disbelief and said, "Are you jealous? What's wrong with you today, besides you can take a fancy to me, who am I? I know my own ability. Brother Zheng owes me a favor, but he You're not an idiot, he put money into it because he was optimistic about your talent.

If I were the boss, he would give me 100 million at the top, and just return my favor. "

Sang Xiaoyu laughed loudly and said: "You have 100 million, and there are countless little girls coming to snatch you."

(End of this chapter)

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