Chapter 59
Three days later, Sang Xiaoyu found Aunt Bai from the neighbor's house and asked her daughter Zhao Chunling to be her waiter.

When Aunt Bai heard Sang Xiaoyu's words, she was so happy that she almost cried.

I have a daughter who is incompetent. After graduating from technical school, she has been unemployed at home. Except for going to Internet cafes to play games, she just goes home and sleeps.

She has shown off her record of not closing her eyes for three days and three nights in the Internet cafe more than once, and she wants to set a new record...

Aunt Bai's husband passed away very early, and her doting on this daughter has hurt her, so it's hard to control her now.

When Aunt Bai was in her 40s, she once fell in love with an honest and responsible man. In front of this arrogant and willful daughter, she scolded him and ran away. Since then, Aunt Bai has never thought about it again.

Zhao Chunling is 22 years old this year, and she is pretty good-looking. Her hair is dyed old age gray, and her clothes and trousers don't catch the eyes of normal people. But she is a maverick, and she doesn't like to talk to people. Just nod.

The little girl is just not used to dealing with people, her nature is still good, Sang Xiaoyu feels that she is also quite powerful, not a timid person.

Although Aunt Bai is a big trumpet in the mouths of the neighbors in the neighborhood, she is definitely a warm-hearted person. When Sang Xiaoyu's house had an accident, she gave 1000 yuan, and Sang Xiaoyu was very grateful to her.

Mother disagreed with letting Zhao Chunling do it with her, saying that if she had even the slightest thing, Aunt Bai would exaggerate it. Sang Xiaoyu said, that's just right, I don't have to be afraid if there is nothing wrong.

The mother always felt that Jiang Chunhui was uneasy and kind, and her daughter would fall into his tiger's mouth if she was not careful.

Aunt Bai was very happy, but Zhao Chunling refused to say anything, so Sang Xiaoyu had no choice but to come to the door in person.

Aunt Bai clasped her hands in a bow, hoping that Sang Xiaoyu could invite this god out.

When Sang Xiaoyu went to their house, Zhao Chunling was about to go out, and Sang Xiaoyu stopped her to talk to her.

The little girl looked dissatisfied and said, "I won't go, what can you do to me?"

Sang Xiaoyu said: "Are you going to stay at home all your life? Your mother has to pay for the money online. Can your mother stay with you forever?"

Zhao Chunling actually laughed and said: "Something happened to your family, and you pretended to be bitter and bitter. Who are you pretending to show? I didn't see you become a god in a counterattack. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me and give you Be a waiter? I might think about it if I become your boss, don't waste my time, I'm going online."

Sang Xiaoyu said: "You know how difficult it is for your mother, right? Even if you earn money online, you are considered an adult, you don't even understand this, do you?

Your mother talks about you asking for money every day in front of outsiders, do you think you have a bright face? "

"Whether it's just my business, what's up with you?"

"Don't you want self-esteem? I can see your heart from your appearance. Your heart is particularly eager to be recognized and respected by others, and you also deserve to be respected.

You are studying accounting, which is also a good craft. I heard that when you were in the class, your academic performance was top-notch.

If you work with me for a period of time, maybe you can really become a boss. Even if you are not a boss, there should be no problem in being a financial accountant. "

The ice began to loosen, and Sang Xiaoyu first moved her with kind words, and then encouraged her.

"Then I won't be a waiter, but an accountant, okay?" Zhao Chunling stared at her intently.

Sang Xiaoyu said: "I don't know the specific situation yet. You are my neighbor and the person I trust the most. If I need anything, I still count on you to help me. I don't know the specific arrangements in the store yet." , but you must have a part-time job in finance, your salary is higher than that of another waiter, and I still rely on you to turn around."

Sang Xiaoyu praised her so much that she let her down her arms. Sang Xiaoyu chased after the victory and said: "There are computers and network cables in the store. When you are not busy, you can hand it over to me, and you can also go online at any time."

It was too attractive to her.

Although she runs to the Internet cafe every day, she is too weak. When asking her mother for money every day, she seems to be squeezing toothpaste in a box without toothpaste, and her mother scolds her for a while every day.

"I have a bad temper. If we don't do well, I'll leave with a flick of my sleeve. Don't blame me. I'll put my ugly words first."

"I have a good temper, let you go." Sang Xiaoyu said.

When Zhao Chunling finally agreed to go to work, Aunt Bai almost knelt down for her, saying that she had solved the biggest problem in her life.

Sang Xiaoyu's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She's on her way.

She redid her hair and wore the high-end fashion that Jiang Chunhui bought, and she felt that she was back on the track of life before the accident.

"Jiayuan" famous wine, tobacco and tea store is located in the bustling city center.

The lobby on the first floor is clean and bright, and there are two beautiful little girls who are shop assistants, one is Aunt Bai's daughter, Zhao Chunling, and the other is a girl hired temporarily, Zhou Chengcheng.

The first floor is a variety of famous wine.

Liquor includes Maotai, Wuliangye, Shuijingfang, Fenjiu, Beidacang and other well-known national brands and local famous liquors.

There are all kinds of red wine, including imported from France, famous local products and new XJ products.

Part of the counter near the stairs on the first floor is smoke.

All famous cigarettes are available in one go.

Upstairs is tea, which is also various and unique.

Jiang Chunhui really didn't lie. Just for his own hotels, [-]% of the purchases came here, especially alcohol and cigarettes.

The handover was not hindered in any way, and Sang Xiaoyu didn't even see the original staff. Zhao Chunling fell in love with this working environment at first sight. There is an office and lounge in the back. Zhao Chunling said that she wanted to live here at night because it was too far away from home.

Sang Xiaoyu was afraid of her safety, so she said it was okay.

Next to the wine store is a pharmacy, which is also on the second floor. There are people on duty in it, and it is convenient to buy medicines at night. Zhao Chunling quickly got acquainted with the person on duty, and said that their resting place is connected. Take care of each other.

After discussing with Aunt Bai, Sang Xiaoyu agreed.

What Zhao Chunling wanted was to use the computer at night, but Sang Xiaoyu was embarrassed to refuse, and the internet fee was not cheap, so Zhao Chunling said that she paid three hundred a month.

Sang Xiaoyu finally agreed.

She can use the computer at the front desk as she pleases, and there is also a business computer in the office for accounting and data. Jiang Chunhui told her that no one else should use it except herself.

The computer has a password.

Sang Xiaoyu gave Zhao Chunling access to the ledger, and she could understand it quickly, and said she would study it at night.

From theory to practice, Sang Xiaoyu knew that it would take some time for her, but overall, she made the transition very well, and Sang Xiaoyu was very satisfied. She didn't say a word of harsh words at home.

After Sang Xiaoyu took up the job for a month, the business has flourished.The main reason was that she didn't rely solely on the customers Jiang Chunhui provided, but mobilized herself and walked out of the store.

She used the original sales contacts to further expand the business.

(End of this chapter)

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