Chapter 82
It will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock tomorrow, thanks to everyone's support, strive for 3000 words per chapter, less water, don't call me short, this size is not short!
Let's talk about the rules of adding more, because the practice of Yiyang finger has reached a bottleneck, so...

It starts from one, stands on three, completes on five, prospers on seven, and ends on nine!

Monthly ticket: monthly ticket [-], [-], [-]... plus one change.The following one thousand and thirteen thousand, if there is, it will be in units of thousands!
Book Friends Circle: If the conditions do not allow, you can bubble up the discussion posts in the Book Friends Circle, sign in, and the rules for adding updates are the same as above!

First order: The first order will be added in units of thousands!

Recommendation: If the recommendation ticket reaches [-] on the day, it will be updated.

Forget it, the leader, don't dare to think about it, otherwise, no matter how low it is, you will have to start with three chapters, and if there are too many, you will be afraid.

That's it for the time being, if there is any reason to add more, welcome to leave a message!

In the next five days, we will strive to guarantee four chapters.

Normal updates resume after five days.

Finally, thank you book friends for your support, and thank the editor-in-chief for your suggestions!
There will be two chapters after 12 noon tomorrow, and two chapters in the evening. Today is gone, so farewell!

(End of this chapter)

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