Chapter 387
Seeing that Chen Nan brought back another beautiful young lady, Yuan Yin felt very speechless.No wonder I turned my back in the morning and disappeared, so I went to flirt with girls?In this poor and remote place, is it possible to seduce such a beautiful woman?

Hmph, this guy's luck is too strong.

When Liu Linzhi saw Yuan Yin, she immediately said excitedly: "Yinyin, this sister is called Zhang Hongyue. You don't know what happened just now, it was so exciting!"

"Stimulation? Tell me quickly."

"Brother Nan and I were digging sweet potatoes in the field just now. Suddenly, a group of bad guys chased Sister Zhang and passed by us. Brother Nan beat the bad guys to the ground without saying a word, and beat those bad guys to the ground in a few hits. It's so brave, I feel Better than my brother!"

Liu Linzhi's expression was very excited.

"Brother Nan is already amazing! By the way, do you have a brother too?"

"Yes? My brother is actually pretty good, but he's far behind when compared with Brother Nan. How angry, my brother is too disappointing!"

"I have the same idea."

Yuan Yin felt that she and Liu Linzhi became more and more attached to each other.

They all have a powerful brother, but they are not as good as Chen Nan.

Liu Linzhi felt that being with Chen Nan was very exciting, and she could come into contact with different new things every day, which was an experience she had never had before.

This made her extremely excited.

Of course, it is impossible for other men to forcibly drag Liu Linzhi, who didn't even eat breakfast, to the field to break corn and dig sweet potatoes.

Not to mention taking her to catch fish and shrimp in the river.

Why are you willing to let Miss Liu's family do such rough work?
But Chen Nan was willing to let her do more tomorrow.


Next, Liu Linzhi personally bandaged Zhang Hongyue's wound.

Seeing her open the medical box, she couldn't help but fiddle with it.

The attitude is very professional, but the technique is very amateurish.Just use a cotton ball to dip some alcohol. Either the cotton ball falls or the alcohol is scattered all over the floor.

It looks very strange at first glance.

"Come on, let me learn!"

Chen Nan couldn't stand it anymore.

As a genius doctor, he couldn't bear this amateurish method.

In less than 2 minutes, Chen Nan completed the disinfection and dressing of the wound.

Acted very professionally.

"Thank you little brother, you are so good at fighting, and you are so proficient at treating wounds, you are really amazing!"

Zhang Hongyue's tone carried a trace of admiration.

Hey, there is still a trace of gratitude.

Zhang Hongyue: Favor value -5
Current love value -90 points.

Looking at the dummy text that appeared in front of his eyes, and seeing Zhang Hongyue's grateful expression, Chen Nan was a little dazed at first.

Holding grass?

Saying thanks with your mouth, but lowering your love value in your heart?
Why didn't she play her cards according to the routine?
Immediately afterwards, Chen Nan was overwhelmed with admiration.

If the system hadn't greatly shown that you had lowered your love value by 5 points, I would have thought you were sincerely grateful to me.

Emotions, anger, sorrow and joy are invisible?

Worthy of being a powerful actor.

You can't tell what's really going on inside of you from your face.

However, I kindly bandaged your wound, why would I lower my love value?
Could it be because of Yuan Yin?

Chen Nan guessed right.

Although Zhang Hongyue didn't like Chen Nan, but after seeing a beautiful little loli in the room, she directly hammered Chen Nan's scumbag attributes.

Think he's a scumbag.

She was very indignant about this: He used to be a scumbag for adult women, but now he doesn't even let little lolis go?
And it's just two of them!

What's more, he also made these two little lolis feel like sisters.

Is this the rhythm of sleeping together?

The two little girls look like girls of conscience at first glance, do you have the heart to do it?
It was originally a hostile relationship. After seeing the nature of Chen Nan's scum, why should the love value be lowered?
She doesn't like scumbags.

He even swore to himself--

I must expose your ugly face!

Seeing a scumbag who loves another, do you think I don't understand your mind?
Rushing to bandage my wound, you want to take advantage of the opportunity, right?

Sooner or later I will ruin you.


Zhang Hongyue sneered from the bottom of her heart, but there was still a look of gratitude on her face.

Except that she didn't follow the routine when talking about work in the field, Chen Nan's other reactions were actually within her expectations.

If Chen Nan wasn't lustful, she wouldn't have come to his house so easily.

However, she did not despise her opponent because of his lust.

After all, the layout of the film and television city is really awesome!

Moreover, he didn't have a lot of brushes, dare to provoke Wang Shao in public?
At this moment, Zhang Hongyue was even a little nervous.

The acting skills of those big guys who shouted and shouted before were too exaggerated.

Add money?

There are no doors!

Just adding drama to them indiscriminately will be punished.

What a major mistake!
I don't know if Chen Nan saw through it.

No matter what, she didn't dare to rush for quick success and planned to lurk for a long time.

Judging from her investigation during this period, the forces behind Chen Nan were hidden so deeply that they couldn't find any useful information.

Obviously, this is a very strong opponent!

Never take it lightly.


In fact, Chen Nan's backer is himself, and there is no power behind him. It would be really strange if he could find out anything.

Playing a trick to create something out of nothing?
But Wang Shao is not a fool, he can't be fooled.

Just say that Chen Nan has no backing?
Wang Xufeng would not believe it.

It's just that one person can fight alone, and he can spend nearly four trillion yuan in funds at a young age?The layout of Nanqin Film and Television City is so tight this time, can he do it alone?Moreover, he also wants to seize the Shenzhou live broadcast platform and the cosmetics market.

Without the support of the team, how could he be so thoughtful?
Behind Chen Nan, there must be an extremely mysterious chaebol!

This is Wang Xufeng's preliminary judgment.

It is also the reason why he has not done anything to Chen Nan for a long time.

He has never fought a battle he is not sure of. Before he finds out the details of the opponent, he usually stays put and rarely makes a move.

Wang Shao's judgment affected Zhang Hongyue's judgment.

It made her dare not act rashly.


Looking at Zhang Hongyue, who became more and more beautiful after taking a bath, Chen Nan licked her lips, like a hungry ghost, and couldn't wait to send out the invitation again: "Miss Zhang, why don't you come to be my personal secretary, I think you very suitable!"

"Brother Nan, how can you do this?"

Yuan Yin was very dissatisfied, this must be too hasty.

Looking at her beauty, you want to hire him as a secretary?

Still a private secretary!

If you have nothing to do all day, that's okay... Don't you know that the profession of secretary has a special meaning?
I bother!

Unexpectedly, brother Nan turned out to be such a person.

Yuan Yin gave Chen Nan a hard look.

Liu Linzhi was also speechless.

Just now on the road, he said that it's fine if he disagrees, but now he wants to recruit Sister Zhang to be his personal secretary?

Men are indeed big pigs.

No matter how good Nan Di is, it cannot change this fact.


"Thank you Mr. Chen for solving my work problems!"

This time, Zhang Hongyue didn't dare to play this trick again and wanted to refuse it.

And the title immediately changed from the little brother to Mr. Chen.

Getting into character is quick.

"I just don't know what industries Mr. Chen has under his name? What kind of work do I need to do?"

Zhang Hongyue asked very sincerely, as if she didn't understand Chen Nan at all.

"I'll tell you about this later."

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Yuan Yin was a little dissatisfied: "Sister Zhang, your decision is too hasty! You don't even ask what brother Nan asked you to do? Are you not afraid that he will sell you?"

"No! Director Chen saved me before, how could he be a bad guy?"

As expected of a professionally trained person, his reaction was very witty.

The rhetoric comes at your fingertips, and there is no need to look for it all over the mountains and plains.

Liu Linzhi's love value is not as high as Yuan Ying's, so she doesn't taste much: "Hehe, Sister Zhang made a correct decision! Let me tell you a secret, Brother Nan is a legend! He is far richer than you imagined, no I know how many people want to be his personal secretary, or even his secret lover."

Chen Nan snorted, "What does the little brat know? Don't talk nonsense!"

Without waiting for Liu Linzhi to refute, he continued to Zhang Hongyue: "Now I will assign you a task, and you will officially start working if you can complete it."

Another test?
Zhang Hongyue was a little nervous: "What task?"

"follow me!"

After Chen Nan finished speaking, he went straight to the rooftop on the third floor.

Indescribably chic and comfortable.


When it comes to tolerance, Chen Nan has always been very careful.

Zhang Hongyue hurriedly followed.

Since she is a private secretary, she will naturally have some private topics and help with some private matters, so she cannot speak in front of everyone.

Zhang Hongyue understood this.

The bottom of my heart is fully prepared.

No matter how difficult this task is, she must find a way to complete it.

In this way, he gained the trust of Emperor Nan, formally became his private secretary, and obtained his core secrets.

The third floor rooftop.

Chen Nan stood with her hands behind her back, staring at the scenery with both eyes, without speaking.

Zhang Hongyue stood with her hands down, silent.

After a while, Chen Nan suddenly said: "Give me your bank account number!"

"Chen Dong, I haven't added your WeChat yet."

"Then add WeChat first, and send it to me after adding it."

Although Zhang Hongyue didn't know what Chen Nan wanted her bank card number for, she still did so.Talk less and do more, this is the minimum requirement for subordinates.

But she was secretly wary.

Could it be that he wants to investigate me through the bank account?

This is too small for me!
How could I make such a low-level mistake?
Make sure you can find nothing.


30 seconds later.

Zhang Hongyue received a reminder text message from the bank: "Your bank account ending in **** has received 100000000 Shenzhou coins..."

At the same time, virtual characters emerged.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the first consumption of the No. 25 tool man, and getting an initial reward of 10 points of dandyism.Currently, there are 495 points of playfulness in total. Do you want to use it? 】


Chen Nan flatly refused with her thoughts.

Zhang Hongyue said that she was confused.

Directly transfer [-] million to me?
Didn't play the cards according to the routine?
What does he mean?
Is it the activity fund for this mission?
But if you transfer [-] million to me when you just met him, aren't you afraid that I will abscond with the money?Or, is he planning to use this [-] million yuan to test me?

If you don't understand, then ask in person.

Asking for instructions more, reporting more, not pretending to be smart, not self-assertive, are the basic requirements of a good secretary.

"Chen Dong, you are..."

"Spend all the [-] million in one day, this is the first task I give you! At this time tomorrow, report the results."


Zhang Hongyue's open-mouthed boss was nothing but dumb.

Following Wang Shao's side, she has seen a lot, but she has never seen such a weird request when a company is recruiting.

What is this routine?
Is it just spending money?
Not only that!
According to her understanding, although most of the things Nandi did seemed to be nonsensical, in the end she found out that they actually had a lot of meaning.

So this task is by no means simple, and there must be deep considerations!

Can't figure it out?

Then keep asking.

"Chen Dong, are there any restrictions on spending the [-] million yuan? For example, you can't buy a house, you can't buy a car, you can't buy stocks, you can't repay the loan, etc. Or, do you want me to write a reasonable investment plan first?"

Zhang Hongyue analyzed the problem from a professional perspective.

However, she could not help but think too highly of Chen Nan.

What investment does he know?
"Don't be so troublesome! It's not investment, it's just consumption. There are no restrictions, you can spend it however you want!"

Chen Nan spoke very seriously and seriously.


Zhang Hongyue was speechless once again.

She is a professional-level auxiliary talent, and her task is to help her boss make her business bigger and stronger.Therefore, every sum of money will be viewed from the perspective of investment.

But she couldn't understand Chen Nan's test task at all.

Is this a waste of money for me?
It's definitely not that simple!
No matter which boss's money does not fall from the sky, it is impossible for employees to spend money indiscriminately.

Unless he's out of his mind.

But Nandi's brain is not only healthy, but also far smarter than many people.

Then, he is testing.

Test my loyalty, test my ability to make money.

There is no need to say more about loyalty, I am absolutely loyal to Wang Shao!

If the mission is not completed, there is no way he would take Nandi's [-] million and run away.

Needless to say about earning ability, I have already proved myself in the Wang family.

The key is that the speed is not easy to grasp: if you perform too well, it will make Nandi suspicious; if you behave too incompetent, you will worry that he will look down on me.

How can I be a little bit stronger than the mean?

Zhang Hongyue's mind was about to explode.

I find this task too difficult.

I secretly admire Chen Nan in my heart.

As expected of the Southern Emperor, he stumped me by assigning a random task.

Seems to be more powerful than Wang Shao?

How did Chen Nan know that she would think so much?
He really didn't mean to test her ability, he just wanted the 10 points of dandyism.

One hundred million is not much different from one hundred in his eyes.

What's more, he decided to take down this tool man.

By then, won't all hers be mine?
So no matter how much you spend now, it’s not a loss.

"The first task has been issued, just report to me about the results at this time tomorrow. This matter must be kept secret, otherwise it will be regarded as a failed assessment."

After finishing speaking, Chen Nan left the third-floor rooftop lightly.

Only Zhang Hongyue was left alone in the wind.

She felt ten thousand alpacas running past her heart.

What the hell do you mean?

It's too inscrutable!

He wanted to make a phone call to ask for instructions from Young Master Wang, but he was also worried about being exposed.

Forget it, let's wait until we leave here.

Don't shoot guns, work quietly.

In front of such a powerful figure as Nandi, one must remain calm and never show any flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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