At first, I just wanted to make money

Chapter 606 The birth of a miracle

Chapter 606 The birth of a miracle
Currently, Timmy's film DVD sales have declined significantly.

Such is the environment!

Only the "Ning Hao Trilogy" set, sales rose...

Oh, "Ninghao Trilogy" is released by Zhonglu Warner, which includes three movies "Incense", "Mongolian Ping Pong" ("Green Grass") and "Crazy Stone"...

After "Stone", Ning Hao gained a lot of fans.

Of course, in terms of total volume, it can’t compare with the big-selling "Old Thousand"...

"Old Thousand" was released for one month, and the sales volume exceeded 30!
Already the highest this year...

Among the domestic movies in the summer vacation, the only ones that sold more than [-] discs in terms of discs alone were "Fuse", "The True Colors of a Man", "Life Events", "Crazy", "Blockbuster" and "The Unspeakable Secret"...

Once "Glory of the Tang Dynasty" was released last year, it sold more than 200 million DVDs in two months.

It's only been a year, and 50 copies has become a hurdle!

Hehe, the more difficult it gets, even the DVD player can't be sold anymore, who will buy discs?

"Then... isn't the audiovisual copyright gone?"

Shen Xudong smiled: "It's okay, when's video platform is launched, the price of new media copyright, that is, network copyright will definitely exceed today's audio-visual copyright!"

"...So, you want to be a video platform?"

"I didn't do it, but I thought the online copyright quotations of those video sites were too low... Let's say "Wulin Biography", for 80 episodes, they only quoted 10 yuan. Do you know how many advertisements "Wulin Biography" brought to PPTV income?"

Chen Xi nodded: "...It seems to be 200 million?"

"Well, this is also the reason why other video platforms illegally broadcast "Wulin Biography". When the policy is issued, PPTV will be self-sufficient by distributing copyrights alone!"

"Then we can also surpass Tudou and Youku?"

Shen Xudong shook his head: "You think too much, we can't afford a copyright war..."

"Copyright war?"

"That's right, after the regularization of the video sites, the major video sites will definitely grab the exclusive broadcasting rights, right, I think they can call out a single million for a single episode, anyone is possible!"

"How is it possible... TV stations don't even dare to bid a million dollars for a single episode!"

" will know when the time comes," Shen Xudong acted as a prophet, and then asked Zhao Linhai: "Have you finished writing the script of "The Temptation of Going Home"?"

Hearing this, Zhao Linhai immediately put on a bitter face: "It's finished...I originally planned to write it myself, but after reading your script outline, I really can't write it down...I found five screenwriters to write it together."

Chen Xi was very curious: "Why can't I continue writing?"

Zhao Lianhai took out a thick script: "You will know after reading it!"

Shen Xudong reminded: "Look at the plot summary on the first page..."

Chen Xi opened it and couldn't help but read it. Lin Pinru, a gentle and virtuous young woman, experienced betrayal by her friends, cheating husband, accidental miscarriage and falling into the water. She met noble people to help her, and eventually grew into an independent and strong urban woman who gained true love. story…'

There is also Shen Xudong's inscription: "A comprehensive work that integrates revenge, cancer, drowning, miscarriage and all the bloody plots!" '

"...I'll go, you actually write something like this?"

Shen Xudong grabbed the script: "The ratings are definitely high!"

Chen Xi was speechless: "This is too vulgar, when did you become so Low?"

"It's not Low, I want to try a bloody drama..."

"Okay, how many episodes?"

"...Episode 65...Let's use Guo Fan and Su Lun as directors!"

"...Guo he okay?"

"It must be done!"


Well, let Guo Fan direct "The Temptation of Going Home", the starting point is not too high!

Well, just kidding, it is impossible for Shen Xudong to ask Guo Fan to film "The Temptation of Going Home" just for his own bad taste...

The most suitable director team for a bloody drama like "The Temptation of Going Home" must be Taiwanese directors like Lin Tianyi and Wang Wei who are good at shooting local dramas!
Lin Tianyi's masterpieces "True Love Without Regrets" and "A Million Bride", director Wang Wei's masterpiece "Unforgettable"...

That's right, they are all the kind of big family dog ​​blood ethics drama...

This is called a professional counterpart!
As for the actors... Zeng Li will definitely play the leading role, and the male lead... I guess I have to find Ling Xiaosu, other actors can't act like that!
Ellie...Li Caihua seems to have come to the mainland to develop...

It depends on the situation, Zhao Linhai is in charge of this episode, and he can use whoever he wants!
The company also has young women actors who often cooperate, Qin Lan and Yan Danchen are not bad either.


Here in China... it's fairly calm.

"Embroidered Spring Knife" smashed the box office for two consecutive times, and "C+ Detective" is really no match...

Of course, because the handicap is relatively cold, even if it is two consecutive championships, the total box office of "Xiu Chun Knife" is 6700 million...

Next week, "The Sun Also Rises," and next week, "Fame"...

It is estimated that it will be difficult to break through [-] million!
However, it has exceeded expectations, and "Xiu Chun Knife Prequel" can be approved...

The domestic market is calm, and the North American market has experienced a miracle!

At 9:17 a.m. local time on September [-]th, Joseph Drake went to work, opened the door of the office, and saw Jason Bren talking on the phone...

Joseph Drake can understand Jason Blum, who has been busy with the release of "The Ghost Story" since the end of last month...

Well, the distribution company is Lionsgate, but Jason Blum is solely responsible for it-the way is to order and then expand the release.

To be honest, the situation of "Ghost Story" is not very good. In the early screening, the box office of 12 theaters is only 3000 US dollars!

Not to mention comparing it with "The Blair Witch" of the same type, even "Dead Silence", which was released at the same time, is far inferior!

Oh, "Dead Silence" is the first horror film directed by director Wen Ziren after joining Universal, and the cost is 2000 million US dollars...

The first weekend box office is only 680 million~
Obviously a failure, but it has surpassed "Ghost Story"...

Subsequently, "Ghost Story" was expanded to 33 theaters, with a single box office of 6000 US dollars...

160 theaters, single theater box office breaks [-]!

Last week, 760, the box office of a single hall still exceeded [-]...

Everyone knew that Ghost Story was a success—the $2000 million publicity bill paid off!
This week, the number of screening venues for "Ghost Story" successfully reached 1945!
Ghost Story is Jason Blum's first project after joining Fantastic Studios...

Joseph Drake made a cup of coffee before sitting down. Jason Bren hung up the phone and rushed to him, shaking his shoulders excitedly: "It worked, we made $2200 million last weekend..."

Well, "Ghost Story" was shown on the fourth weekend, and the box office soared to 2200 million U.S. dollars. After 24 days of screenings, it climbed to the top of the box office chart, with a total box office of more than 6000 million U.S. dollars!
This is a miracle.

Joseph Drake was also delighted: "...really...congratulations!"

"...Congratulations to Shen, let's give him a call!"

"Jet lag, it should be early morning over there..."

Jason Bren is already a little crazy: "So what in the early morning? A production of 1.7 US dollars was exchanged for 6000 million US dollars... a work that is likely to exceed [-] million. Do you think he will be unhappy to hear such news?"

"...Okay, then you fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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