Chapter 18
A group of people filed in, and all entered the passage through the entrance of the cave. After entering, they felt the slight air flow.The firelight shone through the humid air, and the space inside was much larger than they imagined, and the walls on both sides showed some traces of artificial excavation.Sure enough, this is not a natural cave, it is probably part of a large ventilation system.It seems that the clues this time are absolutely true, and it should be where the Wei and Jin tombs are located.

"Brother Bai, look quickly! What are the many black shadows in front of you?" Yao Jingli followed the firelight and pointed at the bud-shaped black shadows hanging down like stalactites on the wall at the top of the passage ahead, screaming in shock.

Bai Wuyan quickly made a silent gesture, and reminded in a low voice: "Be quiet, maybe it's a bat, you wake them up again."

"Is there such a big bat, it's too scary!" Yao Jingli was beating his heart, and couldn't believe that it could be a bat.

The three of them moved forward cautiously, and only when they got close did they take a closer look.The bud-shaped black shadow is formed by the reddish-brown wings surrounded and closed, but its volume is more than three times larger than that of ordinary bats, and it is probably a bat of an ancient species.It seems that the pheasant was scared back by this kind of creature. At this time, no one wanted to find out whether it was a bat or some other animal. They just wanted to pass quickly and stay away from them.

After passing through the long passage full of unknown creatures, the foot began to go downhill.Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of gurgling water, and the three of them followed the sound and continued to move forward, but they still couldn't see any water flow or underground river.But the passage grew wider and wider, until at last the walls on either side were no longer visible.

Bai Wuyan said vigilantly: "Everyone, be careful, let's walk slowly around a little bit, something feels wrong here."

"Master Bai, it's so strange. Where does the sound of running water come from? Why can't I see it if I keep walking?" Jiang Qianfeng asked curiously.

"Don't worry about that much, let's continue to move forward slowly according to the path we can walk."

Although Jiang Qianfeng was puzzled, he still responded and continued to explore slowly. Suddenly he shouted excitedly: "Look, there is a bridge ahead, but there is still no water below."

Hearing this, Bai Wuyan walked a few steps quickly, caught up with Jiang Qianfeng who was exploring the way ahead, and followed his gaze.The bridge is made of bluestone, about one person tall, there are no decorative railings on the bridge, no patterns, not even steps, but the bridge deck looks wide enough for about two cars Horses pass by in parallel, but there are no traces of rivers or waterways under the arch of the bridge, giving people a sense of ingenuity and inefficiency.

"It's strange that this bridge is here alone. Shall we explore the border around it?" Yao Jingli also observed for a long time, and suddenly suggested.

Bai Wuyan agreed, and added: "Okay, let's do this, this place feels very big, the three of us will start from this bridge, except for the way we came here, we will choose a direction to explore, and each time we will walk no more than five Come back and gather in ten steps, and exchange information once, so that you won't get separated, and you can also know each other."

The others had no objection, so Bai Wuyan lit two more torches, distributed one of them to Yao Jingli, and encouraged her: "You choose first, don't be afraid, we are not far away, if there is a situation you can Just run back and assemble, we are all there."

Yao Jingli took the torch and responded, "Don't worry, I will choose the front."

After she finished speaking, she raised the torch, strode up to the stone bridge, walked forward without hesitation, and left without looking back.

"Then I'll choose the left side." After Yao Jingli went forward indomitably, Jiang Qianfeng also made a choice.

"Then take a look and see what we will discover." After Bai Wuyan said to Jiang Qianfeng, he walked towards the left side of the selection.

Yao Jingli had just walked down the stone bridge, and within a few steps, she suddenly regretted it, feeling as if she had been swayed by Bai Wuyan, and she couldn't get off the shelf, so she had to put on a brave gesture.When she looked back at the stone bridge again, there was no one on the left and right sides.

They walked quickly. I am a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, but I have never been to such a dark, damp and weird place.Yao Jingli vomited bitterness in her heart, and became stronger after complaining.

She thought to forget it, and now she went back to face that weird stone bridge alone, it was even more creepy, besides, she couldn’t make up a lie to lie to them about what was on my side, in case they didn’t find it in a while, come here It doesn't match what I said here, isn't that more embarrassing.This place doesn't actually look that scary, except for those bat-like creatures, it doesn't look like a tomb anywhere.Otherwise, I'll go ahead and have a look. Didn't Jiumei's wandering soul say there is another gate? If I find it, the two of them won't think I'm timid anymore.

With her mind set, her steps became more steady, and before she knew it, Yao Jingli counted to fifty.But in front of her eyes is still an endless ground, but there are some strange stone grooves on the ground, the left is a horizontal straight groove, and the right is a different arc groove.And in front of her feet is the junction of the two grooves. The groove is very deep, but the inside is empty, and I don't know what it is used for.

Yao Jingli thought about it, so he went back to gather and share this discovery, maybe they found something there.When she returned to Shiqiao, Bai Wuyan and Jiang Qianfeng had already been waiting there.It sounded like the two had been arguing for a while, and their gazes were filled with anticipation, counting on her to verify who was right and who was wrong.

It was Jiang Qianfeng who spoke first, and it was the first time he distinguished with such a strong competitive spirit: "Master Bai said that he found a circular groove on the ground, and I said that I happened to find a straight groove on my side." , I think the two must be related, but Master Bai said that the two have nothing to do with each other, what did you find there, tell me quickly, and see if you can tell which of us is right."

After hearing this, Yao Jingli described her discovery in detail. According to everyone's analysis, it seemed that the grooves on both sides converged in front.

However, although Bai Wuyan also admitted this fact, he still insisted on his own opinion, so he suggested: "I think it's too early to make a conclusion now, let's continue to explore fifty steps forward in our own direction, come back Say it again."

As a whole, the current situation is indeed a bit blind and unclear, so the debate is meaningless, so everyone continues to explore according to what Bai Wuyan said.

(End of this chapter)

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