Commander's Destiny

Chapter 25 4 Square Barriers

Chapter 25: The Quartet Barrier
"Just now after you read the inscription, you closed your eyes and rested for a while. According to your temperament and disposition, you have made such a big discovery about the stele. You will definitely continue to explore, and you will never use it as an excuse to stop and rest." Yao Jingli is really careful. Rufa, she noticed the slightest abnormal behavior and words.

Originally, she was afraid that Yao Jingli would be worried, but now that she guessed it, Bai Wuyan stopped hiding it, nodded and continued, "I wanted to talk to you after I found a countermeasure. Now Since you have already discovered it, then I will simply tell you to listen to it, and let's find a solution together."

"Well, Brother Bai, please don't treat me as an outsider in the future, and don't treat me as a child. My experience is not simple. Don't you treat us as teammates who walk together, then no matter what happens in the future You must tell me everything, trust me, I can bear it. You can also discuss it with me, let's face it together and find a solution together." Yao Jingli spoke softly, her gaze Looking at Bai Wuyan firmly, he said.

"Okay, do you still remember the sealing barrier of the Wei and Jin tombs mentioned by Jiumei's wandering soul? The barrier is here, but I don't think there may be a mausoleum under the high stone tablet, maybe she made a mistake. "Bai Wuyan wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by Yao Jingli.

"Wait a minute, Brother Bai, didn't Jiumei say that the enchantment she sensed was guarded by the beasts from all directions? Why didn't we see anything?"

Bai Wuyan expected that most people would have such doubts, so he explained in detail: "Yes, you still remember, it is the sealing barrier of the four-dimensional beast, but the barrier is rooted deep in the ground, and you can't see it with your naked eyes. Arrived. This four-square beast is the guardian auspicious beast of the heavens in ancient times. I used the power of this four-square beast barrier when I helped Jiumei temporarily resist the power of reincarnation. But I just sensed the seal barrier of this four-square beast just now The power is very strong, and it is very important for those who want to set up the formation, so I speculate that the enchantment sealed may not be a mausoleum. We have to go and see what it is. But right now, it should be quite important to break the enchantment and enter the space below. It’s difficult, and I’m not fully sure, so I have to prepare well tonight and try it tomorrow.”

"Then how do I need to prepare? Can I help?" Jiang Qianfeng did not know when he ran from the front to the back. It turned out that he heard what the two of them said just now.

"You, hurry up and prepare some firewood to light the fire. Help finish the grilled fish and feed yourself." Bai Wuyan changed the subject and teased Jiang Qianfeng.

Jiang Qianfeng was neither angry nor annoyed, he was cheeky and silly, anyway, as long as there was delicious grilled fish, he didn't care what Master Bai said.

The three of them quickly returned to Taoyuan Village, found a best-preserved brick house, and got busy in the yard together.After a while, Bai Wuyan dug a stove pit on the spot to pile up firewood later, Jiang Qianfeng found some dry branches from nowhere, trimmed and tied them with Yao Jingli, and used them as supports for grilling fish.

Bai Wuyan saw that it was almost done, and arranged for Jiang Qianfeng and Yao Jingli to divide the work: "Qianfeng will go get some more firewood, and Jingli will sharpen a few more wooden sticks to pierce the fish, and when the fish are caught, we will start roasting. "

Yao Jingli smiled playfully, and responded, "Don't worry, Brother Bai, it depends on whether you catch enough."

"Okay, Master Bai, I'm going to collect firewood now." Jiang Qianfeng was more active than anyone else, he picked up the small machete he used before from the tools, and ran into the woods in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, Bai Wuyan lived up to everyone's expectations, he didn't know how many streams he ran, but with quick eyes and quick hands, he actually came back with a rope and a dozen fish on his back.At this time, Jiang Qianfeng went out to collect firewood for the third time, and when he came back, he could already smell the aroma of grilled fish from a distance, and couldn't help shouting: "It's so fragrant! Why is it so fragrant?"

Although Bai Wuyan was proud in his heart, he still pretended to be careless and modest on the surface: "Because I often go over mountains and mountains alone, so I always bring some seasonings with me, such as salt, pepper and cumin, and eat whatever I want. Get it and eat it."

"Brother Bai is really powerful. Not only is his ability great, but his cooking skills are also excellent!" Yao Jingli's delicate mind really understands Bai Wuyan's arrogance and will not be deceived by his false modesty. In order to satisfy the vanity he needs after hard work, he must boast a lot.

Now Bai Wuyan was embarrassed by the praise, and said angrily: "You haven't eaten it yet, how do you know it's good? Why don't you hurry up and taste it, so many fish can't stop your mouths?"

"Haha, here I come." Jiang Qianfeng responded and ate five big fish in one go.

Yao Jingli couldn't eat any more after eating three small fish. She nestled by the fire and looked at Jiang Qianfeng who was eating big pieces and Bai Wuyan who was chewing slowly. She didn't know why she felt a sense of happiness and satisfaction. If It would be great if we could just be together like this all the time and be happy forever.Yao Jingli chanted repeatedly in her heart, and fell asleep without knowing it.When she opened her eyes again, she saw Bai Wuyan get up and prepare to leave.She called faintly: "Brother Bai, where are you going?"

After Bai Wuyan heard it, he turned around immediately, but what Yao Jingli saw was her master's face, the master held Bai Wuyan's white jade gourd, stroked his beard and said to her: "Since you are awake, follow me let's go."

Just when Yao Jingli was about to stand up and walk with Master irresistibly, she found that she couldn't move her body, and couldn't even open her eyes.Then someone suddenly grabbed my arm, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Wake up." Only then did I open my eyes again, fully awake.It turned out that it was all a nightmare just now, but the real thing seemed to be happening right now.

Bai Wuyan continued: "Since you are awake, come with me. You must have been a nightmare just now. I saw you talking to me with your eyes closed, and I was shocked."

"Ah, is that right? Did I have a nightmare again? What did I say?" Yao Jingli hadn't come to his senses yet, and he threw out a series of questions, as if he didn't understand the situation at all.

"I didn't say anything, just called me and asked me where I was going."

"Oh, where do you want me to go with you?"

Yao Jingli finally recovered a little bit, but it seemed that her words still didn't go through the brain's reaction. Bai Wuyan was confused by her question, and reminded her: "Go to the stone tablet on the high platform, have you forgotten?"

"Oh, yes, I remembered everything. What do I need to do, should I call Qian Feng together?"

Bai Wuyan followed Yao Jingli's gaze, looked at Jiang Qianfeng who was still sound asleep, and said, "Forget it, this didn't wake him up, let him continue to sleep, I'm just going to give it a try, and you can help me later." I protect the law, don't let me be disturbed in any way."

(End of this chapter)

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