Commander's Destiny

Chapter 28 Under the Lake

Chapter 28 Under the Lake
"Master Bai, do you think the rune on this is similar to the one on the stone gate just now?" Jiang Qianfeng pointed to the round and square symbols on the rune and asked Bai Wuyan.

"Well, it should be from the same era. It seems that the secrets buried here are indeed related to the place of the cave. Let's go, let's continue to find the way in."

Everyone had no choice but to go back and make a long-term plan, but Yao Jingli was still a little unwilling before leaving the passageway sealed by the Broken Dragon Stone, and insisted on searching carefully to see if there were any missing organs.Bai Wuyan looked at her little hand that was still dripping blood, and thought that this girl usually looks weak and timid, but she never expected to become strong all of a sudden when she encountered something that she wanted to solve. Resolute.Forget it, I'll investigate it carefully again, so that she can feel more at ease.

As soon as Bai Wuyan thought about this, he ordered Yao Jingli involuntarily: "Oh, please ask Qian Feng to help you treat the wound quickly, and I will continue to investigate."

After Yao Jingli heard what Bai Wuyan said, she no longer forced herself, and she didn't need Qian Feng's help, she quickly bandaged the wound on her hand.However, no matter how hard Ren Bai Wuyan tried to investigate, he found nothing in the end. This place is indeed a dead end.

Everyone was disappointed and returned to the tile-roofed houses in Taoyuan Village to rest. At this time, the sun rose slowly, and the sunrise was soft and beautiful.I saw the ten thousand dendrobium sky piercing through the sea of ​​clouds in the valley, and the clouds and neon were all dyed in an instant, melting gold for thousands of miles.In a short while, the golden sunlight changed from a golden thread to a golden comb, suddenly lighting up the whole world and everyone's heart, causing the three people in this dilapidated small courtyard to cast a gloomy shadow.Their silhouettes are connected with the shadows of the surrounding trees, extending all the way to the edge of the crescent-shaped lake. The lake is also lit by the sun's rays, and the lake is sparkling. It is a peaceful and peaceful scene. It seems that all the worldly troubles are related to this paradise. Serene places are irrelevant.

At this time, Yao Jingli, who had been sitting in a daze by the low stone wall, suddenly got up, as if the rising sun, which symbolized the beginning of the day, not only illuminated the lake, but also rekindled her fighting spirit.She threw a stone in the direction of the lake with all her strength, and then said to everyone: "Let's go, didn't you just say to see if there is any waterway leading to the ground? I still think the bottom of the lake is the most likely .”

"Do you still think there is something at the bottom of the lake? Then we have to think about how to go down to find it," Bai Wuyan lowered his head slightly, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to get in, and he hesitated for a long time before saying, "I'm water-natured." But it’s not very good, I guess I won’t be able to hold my breath for long.”

It turned out to be like this, no wonder Bai Wuyan suddenly changed the subject when he mentioned the idea of ​​exploring the bottom of the lake earlier, it seems that this time he only needs to pin his hopes on Jiang Qianfeng.

Jiang Qianfeng seemed to feel the scorching gaze of the two of them, and said, "My water skills are not bad. My master taught me, but I want to know how deep the lake is."

"That's easy to say. Let's tie a big rock with a rope, sink into the water in the middle of the lake, and see how long the rope is submerged in the water. But we have to make a raft first." It's a lot of experience.

Yao Jingli saw that the candidates for going down to the lake had been found, and agreed: "Well, this is indeed a good way. If the lake is too deep, we can use ropes to pull you up."

Jiang Qianfeng saw that everyone was counting on him, so in order to get back the face he lost at the Dragon Breaking Stone underground, he no longer hesitated, and said with determination: "Okay, then let's try together and see what's going on under the lake. What on earth is there?"

Seeing that Jiang Qianfeng agreed, everyone split up to prepare and made an appointment to gather by the lake.

Bai Wuyan tied some tree branches into a small raft, then found a big rock, tied it firmly with a rope, and tied the other end of the rope around his waist.

Jiang Qianfeng also found a stone and tied it to his body as a diving device, but the rope was very short and the stone was smaller, which seemed to be a little bit like adding insult to injury.After finishing, he took off his coat, leaving only a pair of shorts on his body. He warmed up on the shore of the lake and did inhalation and exhalation exercises repeatedly.

At this time, Yao Jingli wrapped the machete in linen, tied it with a rope, walked over and tied it around Jiang Qianfeng's waist, and said to him: "Wait a minute, if you use this knife to tie two stones to the handle below Cut off the rope locks. If it is difficult to swim up, tie the rope to the long rope tied around Brother Bai’s waist, and pull the rope down hard to give us a signal, and we will pull you up when we get the signal. Oh yes, if If it’s really too late to cut the rope, just tie the rope with the knot I tied for you, don’t worry, we will definitely pull you up.”

"Jingli, you don't have to be so nervous. Let's put the stones down first to see how deep the lake is." After Jiang Qianfeng finished speaking, he helped Bai Wuyan put a few big stones onto the raft, and then used a self-made The wooden paddle paddled the water and parked the raft near the center of the lake.

Bai Wuyan sank the big stone tied with a rope into the bottom of the lake, and saw that the hundred-meter-long rope sank into the lake section by section following the stone, and finally only a few short meters remained.

"It seems that the lake is 30 meters deep." Bai Wuyan tightened the rope, made a rough estimate, turned around and asked Jiang Qianfeng, "Qianfeng, can you go down this deep?"

"It's no problem, don't worry, Master Bai." Jiang Qianfeng patted his chest to pack the ticket and said, seeing that he didn't say anything extra, he picked up the stone tied to his body, plunged into the lake water, and went to the depths of the lake. Dive down.

Yao Jingli looked at the calm lake, and couldn't help worrying about Jiang Qianfeng who was in the deep water, and didn't know what was going on below and whether there was any danger.

(End of this chapter)

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