Chapter 42
"What dream?" Jiang Qianfeng asked curiously again.

"He dreamed of a green dragon, which was the little green snake he had rescued. It told the little boy that he must wait for it at the junction of the river that has not been dug early tomorrow morning. And let him see a huge flower. When the dark cloud just floated overhead, it ran towards the Yangtze River along the route that had been planned to open the river. Then it told the little boy, no matter what happened, never look back, and don't let other people know what happened In the end, in order to make the little boy believe in himself, the dragon took a dragon scale from his body and left it to him."

"After the little boy woke up, he saw the dragon scales and believed everything. It turned out that the little green snake came to repay him after growing into a dragon. So, he obeyed his instructions and asked others not to go out, while he himself He rode his horse and came to the appointed place. Sure enough, a huge dark cloud floated over his head not long after. The little boy remembered what Qinglong said in his dream, so he rode his horse fast and ran along the planned route to the Yangtze River. .”

"And behind him, a bright flash of lightning flashed out of the dark cloud, and then there was a crackling thunder, and a moment later, the wind blew up, it rained heavily, and there was a deafening tremor The little boy knew that the little green snake that had turned into a dragon was coming, and it was opening a river for itself. He really wanted to look back at the little green snake that he hadn’t seen for a long time. However, he remembered that the little green snake was in the dream He was warned in the book not to look back. So he held back the thoughts in his heart, and rode his horse and galloped like the wind. After running for some time, the little boy finally ran to the edge of the Yangtze River. He thought that the river should be opened It was almost done, he could take a look at the little green snake, so he turned his head, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the water flowed into the newly opened river channel and became a meandering river, and the little green snake that was still opening the channel was completely gone. Its huge eyes are like lanterns, its sharp teeth are like blades, and its blue scales are like battle armor. Although the little boy is scared, he thinks, I saved it anyway Little green snake, what is there to be afraid of? I have been thinking about it all these years, and it must also miss me. So he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch Qinglong, and Qinglong even lowered his head to let him caress .”

"However, because the little boy didn't listen to Qinglong's warning, he turned his head and saw Qinglong who had become a god, which violated the regulations of the heavenly court, so at the moment when they reunited after a long absence, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color. Qinglong was nailed to the bottom of the river, making it the dragon god of the river, and could never leave the river. When the first thunderbolt hit Qinglong, the little boy jumped into the river to help Qinglong carry the back It's just that this sky thunder is really powerful, how can a little boy with naked eyes be able to bear it, the first sky thunder caused the little boy to pass away in a short time, and the second sky thunder made the little boy even more so The little boy has to go through the reincarnation of destiny for ten lives, and each life in this reincarnation of destiny is very miserable and wronged, and in the tenth life, he will be deeply obsessed, and it is difficult to enter the reincarnation."

The old man burst into tears, as if he had experienced it himself. He choked up for a while, and continued to growl: "Who am I, you ask? I am the little green snake that was saved by the little boy. You actually said that I am not Dragon God, who is this dragon opening the river to commemorate?"

Now it's Bai Wuyan's turn to know what's wrong: "Since you said that you are the Dragon God, why is the Dragon God we saw earlier different from you?"

"The me you saw before is a little different from what I am now. It's actually because the boy's tenth life ghost just happened to be attached to me at that time. I did all this to help him!" Once it came out, not only did everyone's doubts not be resolved, but more doubts began to take root in their hearts.

Bai Wuyan went through the ins and outs of the matter and the known information in his mind again, but he still couldn't understand, so he couldn't help asking: "You mean, you let him possess you, and then taking away the statue and engulfing Mr. Qin are both To help him?"

"That's right, letting him possess me and swallowing the statue is all to help him, but taking Meng Zhangjun away was an accident."

"But that little boy, why does he have to feel sorry for those white iron statues?" Zhai Lingxiu was still immersed in the story just now, and still called the tenth ghost possessed by the Dragon God a little boy.

"It starts with his tenth life." Dragon God saw that if he couldn't explain clearly, these people in front of him would definitely not be willing to help his benefactor, so he continued to explain: "That little boy's previous ninth life Although he died with injustice in his miserable life, fortunately, his obsession was not that deep, so he was reincarnated smoothly and entered the next life. But in this tenth life, his grievances can be said to be earth-shattering, and people and gods are all angry. If you want to tell who his tenth life is, you must all be familiar with it, and that is General Yue, the famous anti-golden general of the Song Dynasty."

"Ah? It's actually General Yue." Even Yao Jingli was quite surprised when she heard that it was General Yue, but after thinking about it, she found that there were many inconsistencies that were difficult to figure out, so she simply asked: " Then why did he borrow the hand of your Dragon God to take away those kneeling statues of enemies who wronged and mutilated him?"

"These kneeling statues are all because the people of later generations respect General Yue who served the country loyally, and are resentful about his unjust death, so they all vent their anger on the treacherous little people who killed him. "

"Things are indeed as Dragon God said, but you haven't answered my question yet."

Yao Jingli pursued her desperately, and the Dragon God saw that the little girl must break the casserole and ask the end. Although he felt helpless, he still told the whole story.

"In fact, those kneeling statues placed in Yuewu temples in various places are nothing more than that. They won't have any bad influence. My benefactor naturally hates them. It's just that the kneeling statues placed in front of my mother-in-law's tomb are very important to my benefactor. , is really a big mistake.”

"Oh? What's wrong with that?" Zhai Lingxiu asked puzzled.

"That's right, you may not know something. This mother-in-law died here with the army in the spring of the sixth year of Shaoxing, and General Yue was killed by a traitor in Lin'an in the 11th year of Shaoxing. Although the mother-in-law knew it, she didn't know what happened later. I thought my son would continue to serve the country faithfully, and I only hoped that he would shed blood on the battlefield and die for the country in the future. But if this kneeling statue stands in front of my mother-in-law’s tomb for a long time, and there are more people worshiping, let my mother-in-law know, my benefactor You will feel that in the future, you will have no face to see your mother under Jiuquan. That's why his wronged soul came all the way and asked me to help him deal with these statues."

"I'm afraid that's not the case." After hearing the story of the Dragon God, Bai Wuyan pointed out with certainty that there was something unreasonable in it.

"How did you see that?" Dragon God turned pale with shock when he heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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