Commander's Destiny

Chapter 7: Heavenly Dao Wheel Chapter

Chapter 7 Heaven's Path Reincarnation
"So, old man, did you prepare an article in advance that is better than Tanhua?" Jiang Qianfeng was so fascinated by it that he forgot the complicated situation, and asked the old man directly out of curiosity.

The old man didn't feel offended, but answered patiently: "No, little Daoist boy, how could I do such a thing? Isn't it different from them? I have a unique skill. Before writing an article, I must first Drink a few taels of old wine, think about what you want to write, have a general description in your mind, and then sleep with your head covered until you wake up, and then scrutinize the details in your heart. If it is not changed, it was once called a 'belly draft'."

Jiang Qianfeng shouted: "It's amazing! Then what happened on the day of the banquet?"

The old man mentioned his ability and was admired and admired by others, with an unconcealable pride on his face, he continued: "On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, the banquet was held as scheduled, and the celebrities who came to the banquet to celebrate were full of friends and friends. After drinking for three tours and eating five flavors, the governor really raised his glass to all the guests and friends and said: "Today coincides with the grand occasion of the reconstruction and completion of Tengwang Pavilion. I hope that some sages and capable people will impromptuly compose an impromptu essay, describing the grand scene, and flaunting it for the future." After that, he ordered his attendants to bring out the four treasures of the study, such as pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and put them in the center for all the guests. Some of the guests probably knew the inside story and would not make a move, and some were afraid of showing cowardice because of such a great talent, but not a single one Promise to step forward. Generally, according to the usual practice, the host will name a person at this time and order him to make a fool of himself on the spot. The person who is named will definitely shirk again and again. Until it is clear that no matter what the result is, it is to give yourself some face, so that everyone will not be unhappy. , the master’s initiative will be implemented. Such an invitation process will neither lose face for both parties, nor will it make the public awkward. But I took the initiative to invite Ying before the master’s roll call, so I recommended myself, regardless of the result , Just the courage to answer the call on the spot has already won a lot of applause. I sat in the banquet center and began to study ink and brush, attracting everyone's attention. Everyone couldn't help discussing in private. Seeing this situation, it can be said that the arrow is on the string and has to be launched, and there is no way to do anything. It is hard to say anything, but the color on the face is extremely ugly. I saw the faces of the two of them turned green, and the pleasure of revenge came to my heart , I can’t help writing and thinking like a spring, and my writing is like a dragon and a snake. With the style of Han and Tang Dynasties and the charm of poetry, I use the beautiful scenery of the river in front of me to express my unreliable ambition to ascend the clouds in my heart. and historical figures, wrote about the situation of today’s grand meeting, and wrote about his own situation and ideals and aspirations for the country and the people from the far and near scenery. The full text is more than [-] words, written in one go, with both emotions, and the people present praised it very much. Even some literati and Confucians with high self-esteem and talent said that there are a few lines in it that can become eternal masterpieces. In order to find a way out for himself, the governor approached me and talked to me: "The view of the Tengwang Pavilion overlooking the river and the sky is indeed magnificent, but I think your talent is even more magnificent. May I ask Mr. Gao's name?" ’ I was about to open my mouth to scold Tanhualang angrily, and I just got everyone’s attention by asking him a question, so I shouted: ‘You can ask your virtuous son-in-law, Tanhualang, who I am, and you will know who I am. It’s hurt me to this point. You want him to prepare articles in advance, so that he can gain a good reputation here, bah, hypocrite!” I'm afraid it will stop here."

"It's so satisfying, what happened next?"

"Hey, later on, I never expected it," the old man sighed regretfully, "They just tore their face apart. I haven't finished talking yet. How can the governor tolerate me? Get someone to hang me up." Get out and control it. How can the governor tolerate me, and that Tanhualang is really cruel. They ordered someone to send me back to my hometown, deliberately chose a waterway, and pushed me down the river in a place with strong wind and waves. Go, pretend that I slipped and fell into the water, without leaving any evidence."

"Hey, it's no wonder you can't let go of your resentment and obsession. The Heavenly Soul would rather turn into a wisp of wandering soul than remain in this world." Bai Wuyan listened carefully, and it was the first time he heard this. , sighed.

The old man saw that the young man on the opposite side responded, he should have listened to his story and was willing to provide some help, so he told the truth about his situation: "That's right, I can't let go of my hatred for them. By coincidence, I was rescued by the god of Ganshui, and found that I could not reincarnate in the underworld. I told the river god about my karmic situation in my previous life. He sympathized with me and admired my talent, so he and I swore to be my brother from generation to generation, and was willing to help me reincarnate. But he found that my earth soul was not only incomplete, but the incomplete earth soul was not wandering around the corpse, but it should be left on some objects in the place I was obsessed with during my lifetime. , You must get rid of your obsessions, find the soul object that trapped your incomplete soul, and let the heavenly soul and the earthly soul fully merge to reincarnate."

"That's right, it's really going to be like this. That's why you think your earth soul is in the Tengwang Pavilion, so you come here to burn buildings?" Bai Wuyan asked tentatively.

The old man replied: "It was the river god who told me that the earth soul and the sky soul will have a constant connection, no matter how far apart in time and space, they can perceive and attract each other. But although I am possessed, I can call out From the weak soul with the name, I sensed that the incomplete earth soul is in the Tengwang Pavilion, but as soon as I entered here, I saw the scene of my life before my eyes. The people at the banquet appeared vividly one by one, and they praised me However, in the face of the ugly face of power, all of them have nothing to do with themselves. I hate them, I want to burn them to death, and I also want to destroy the soul that traps my earth soul in this building , so that my heavenly soul and earthly soul can fuse and be reincarnated."

"You keep saying that you set fire to the building to retrieve the soul of the earth, do you really want to be reincarnated?" Bai Wuyan questioned after listening.

"Isn't reincarnation the way of heaven? The River God said it's the way of heaven, I have to do it." The wandering soul answered as if it was a matter of course.

"Don't care about the way of heaven, and don't care about the god of the river. Ask yourself whether you have let go of all the obsessions in your heart, and do you want to enter reincarnation?" Bai Wuyan chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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