It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 368 The Terrifying Training Cabin!The frightening crash!Danger!Danger!Danger!

Chapter 368 The Terrifying Training Cabin!The frightening crash!Danger!Danger!Danger!
The moment they got the tickets, a group of people cheered and jumped!

Huang Minghao held the ticket tightly in his hand, he couldn't help being a little nervous when he was excited, as if he was afraid that the ticket would fly away.

This ticket is really "hard-won"!

First, each of the six fugitives contributed a talent, and then Wang Hao slammed the boxing strength testing machine three times, and finally came to the second level.

And here, everyone has been looking for clues for more than an hour!
If Yang Mi hadn't noticed the clock on the wall, adjusted the time with her hand and touched the mechanism, so that the neon light exploded and revealed clues, they might still be wandering around aimlessly at this moment.

And if Wang Hao hadn't found the mystery in the score, I am afraid that just the arrangement and combination of those four numbers would be enough for a group of people to spend a whole day!

"Difficult! Isn't this too difficult?"

Wei Daxun inexplicably collapsed.

By this time, everyone has actually discovered that the difficulty of the second phase has simply risen in a straight line!

If the first period is just a novice period, then the boss has already started to be pushed in the second period, and the difficulty increase is not at 01:30.

"It's really difficult. I couldn't even find a clue."

Zhang Guozhu shook his head depressingly, his face full of bewilderment.

To be honest, his self-confidence was hit too hard.

Whether it was the first level or the second level, he didn't play the slightest role at all, completely becoming a green leaf to accompany the flowers!
No one expected that Chen Xiaoxu would "kill a lot" in the second level, directly increasing the level of the secret room by at least three times!
For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit sluggish.

Although they got the tickets, everyone was a little afraid to open the door, as if they were afraid that they would encounter more difficult puzzles next!
Watching this scene, the smiles on the faces of Chen Xiaoxu and He Wei disappeared in the director's room.

"Isn't it... playing a little too much?"

Chen Xiaoxu touched his nose subconsciously, with an inexplicably awkward expression on his face.

When setting up the secret room before, he didn't think much about it at all, he just set it up with the purpose of trapping Wang Hao.

But he ignored the acceptance level of other people facing the current situation!

In the face of such a difficult puzzle, their wisdom seemed a little feeble, unable to solve the current predicament at all.

He Wei sighed and said, "Let's wait and see. If they are indeed a bit depressed next time, then for the sake of the effect of the show, they may have to give some proper hints in the later stage."

"But... wouldn't that be the same as other ordinary variety shows?"

Chen Xiaoxu still wanted to debate something, but at the end of the conversation, his voice became smaller and smaller.

After all, this is just a variety show, not his personal carnival. In order to show the final effect of the show, it is okay to tell the guests the answers to the questions in advance.

Although the nature of the show has changed by then, everything can be given up for the sake of ratings!
Chen Xiaoxu felt a little lost for no reason.

He thought that Wang Hao, like himself, belonged to the kind of person who would go all out in doing things.

But now looking at the sluggish atmosphere at the scene, it is obvious that the escaped six sons are not as strong as he imagined!

They couldn't even pass the simplest "heart test".

"Oh, that's all,"

Chen Xiaoxu sighed secretly, and suddenly lost the idea of ​​continuing to read.

He felt inexplicably stuffy in the studio, and for no reason wanted to smoke a cigarette in the corridor, or go to the window to get some air.

And that's exactly what he did.

However, just as he turned and left his seat and was about to take the first step, Wang Hao's firm voice suddenly rang in his ears!

"Guys, please don't believe that victory is as easy as a dandelion on the hillside,"

"But please believe that there are always some good things in the world that deserve our best efforts! Even if we are smashed to pieces!"

"The current predicament is really difficult, but I firmly believe that with the six of us working together, we will be able to complete the customs clearance and escape successfully!"

"it is good!"

Chen Xiaoxu couldn't hold back a roar.

He turned around suddenly, but saw Wang Hao's gaze was extremely firm.

That is the belief of never giving up in the face of difficulties and setbacks!

That is the will to move forward bravely in the face of difficulties and fog!
That is the spirit of persevering in the face of answers and light!

At this moment, the scene was silent.

Everyone stared blankly at Wang Hao, the decadence and loss in their eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a raging fire!

"It doesn't matter, open the door, rush and it's over!"

Huang Minghao roared angrily, grabbed the admission ticket and went straight to the credit card counter.

Wei Daxun also yelled frantically: "Let's go together! I don't believe in that evil anymore, we will be able to escape successfully!"

Zhang Guozhu clenched his fists, and while walking with the crowd, he secretly encouraged himself in his heart,

"I can do it! I can do it! I will definitely be able to exert my own ability!"

Xie Yilin and Yang Mi looked at each other, and they held each other's hands, their faces full of tenacity.

"Sisters are of one mind! Their strength cuts through gold!"

"Go ahead! Escape the Chamber of Secrets!"

Hearing these two slogans that were quite "secondary school", Wang Hao, who was following behind everyone, couldn't help smiling, with a slightly relieved expression.

He is happy that these people in the team can rekindle their fighting spirit under his encouragement.

A confident team is invincible, no matter what difficulties there are ahead, they will be broken through in the endless fighting spirit!



When the admission ticket was put into the machine, with the sound of "ding", the glass door in front of you suddenly opened!

Looking at the deep darkness in front of him, Huang Minghao swallowed in fear, and said, "Brother Hao, you are strong, you can go ahead."

Xie Yilin handed over the purple light flashlight just now, and said, "Here, use this to illuminate the road."

"Well, okay, thank you."

Wang Hao took the flashlight, but he didn't rush in. Instead, with the help of the flashlight's light, he roughly illuminated the inside.

As far as the eye can see, it is full of large vertical cabinets.

"There's a switch here."

Wei Daxun suddenly called out, stretched out his hand and pressed the switch.

Snapped! ! !
With a crisp sound, dazzling light suddenly fell from all directions, illuminating the darkness in front of him!

Seeing this scene, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

Human eyes always yearn for light.

Sometimes, light can also bring great confidence to people!
At this time, Zhang Guozhu suddenly shouted in surprise: "Yo? Is there still a red carpet on the ground?"

"Maybe it's welcoming us."

Wang Hao smiled indifferently, turned off the flashlight, and walked ahead.

The people behind looked at each other and chose to follow.

Just when the six people all set foot on the long and narrow red carpet road in front of them, the glass door behind them slowly closed, cutting off their escape route!

The movement of the collision between the doors made the hearts of several people present "thump", and their faces subconsciously became tense.

I don't know where the narrow and long passage in front of me leads, which makes people feel some unknown worry inexplicably.

And because the distance between the corridors is too close, as they go deeper and deeper, everyone feels a strange sense of depression constantly coming!


With the continuous deepening, the surrounding scenes are becoming more and more familiar to everyone.

The first is the mysterious large cabinets on both sides of the aisle.

After a brief study, everyone suddenly discovered that these big cabinets seem to be filled with robots? !
It is worth mentioning that there are two red switch-like things on the outside of each cabinet, one of which emits a faint red light, while the other is completely dark.

Yang Mi didn't think much about it, and tentatively stretched out her hand to touch it.

Wei Daxun hurriedly called her to stop, and said, "Hey! Hey! Sister Mi, don't move! What if the robot is released and it wants to hit us?"

" seems to be the same!"

Yang Mi withdrew her hand in a snap, with a look of shock on her face.

They are all ordinary people, how could they be opponents of robots?
I am afraid that apart from Wang Hao, there is no one else who can confidently withstand the attack of the robot, right?

Everyone continued to choose to go deeper.

And soon, a new scene appeared!
Wang Hao, who was leading the way at the front, suddenly stood still and looked at the position on the right side of the aisle.

I saw an elevator marked [VIP Only] suddenly appearing in front of my eyes.

It is a pity that there is a layer of barbed wire outside the elevator, which locks it firmly behind.

Xie Yilin asked curiously: "So, is this the door we need to open next? How can it be opened?"

"Here is a way to write and open!"

Huang Minghao pointed to the position below the elevator, and saw that there was an inconspicuous yellow notice board pasted there, and there was a line of text written on it.

[After all the red buttons in the passage are pressed at the same time, the elevator safety door will automatically open. 】

Press the red light?

Yang Mi suddenly said: "The red light mentioned above, could it be the switch I was going to press just now?"


Wang Hao nodded slightly, and took advantage of the situation to reach out and press a switch next to him.

"I'm going?! Press it!"

Several people stepped back quickly, their faces full of panic, as if they were afraid that some "monster" would suddenly jump out.

But then everyone discovered that even if the switch was pressed, it was only lit by a red light.


Nothing unusual anymore!

"Phew... are you all right?"

Yang Mi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, complaining about what other people were making a fuss about.


There are a total of thirteen dormancy pods for storing robots in the long corridor, and there is a switch on each dormancy pod.

And what makes everyone depressed is that the red light will only light up when the switch is pressed, but if you let go of it, it will turn into darkness again in an instant!
"How can this be done? There are only six of us, and it has thirteen switches."

After several attempts, Yang Mi couldn't hold back and began to complain.

Wang Hao thought for a moment, but unfortunately, even he couldn't think of any feasible solution for a while.

He simply suggested: "Let's continue to walk in the passage, maybe there will be some usable props in the depths of the passage."

"Okay! Listen to the captain!"

A group of people nodded one after another, and they obeyed Wang Hao's order unconditionally.


Soon, a group of six people reached the depths of the passage!

In front of him was a ring with the logo of "Fighter Club", surrounded by barbed wire, and the place to enter the ring seemed to be locked.

After Wang Hao thought about it, he ordered: "Everyone spread out and look for it first, to see if there are any clues nearby, or items that can be used."

Hearing this, everyone still chose to follow suit.

Wang Hao walked towards the right side of the arena, but after going a little deeper, he found that behind the arena was a sealed wall.

Helpless, he could only choose to return the same way.

But at this time, Yang Mi on the left made a new discovery!

"There's a weird button box here? Wang Hao, come and have a look."

push-button box? ? ?
After being stunned for a moment, Wang Hao quickly approached.

Sure enough, just as Yang Mi said, there was an object like an iron box on a wall next to the ring, and there were ten buttons outside the box.

At this time, Wang Hao obviously noticed that these buttons seemed to have been damaged!
Because there are traces of sharp objects scratched under each button, it seems to be destroying something, and it seems to be hiding something.

Unfortunately, after observing for a while, he found nothing.

Yang Mi suddenly suggested: "Why don't we pick one at random and press it to see if it responds?"

Hearing this suggestion, Wang Hao was quite moved.

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head slightly, and explained: "It's better not to press it yet, because we don't know what will happen if we press it, let's get rid of those red lights first."


Yang Mi used the words "obediently and obediently" to the extreme. After listening to Wang Hao's opinion, he resolutely chose to leave.

At the same time, when the two returned to the passage, they saw that Wei Daxun and the others had already started researching.

Six people want to press thirteen red lights at the same time, which is obviously impossible.


The smartest part of a person is the skillful use of tools!
I saw that a few people had already started "tossing" at this time.

Oil barrels, tires, sticks, iron blocks...

All kinds of sundries were piled up by several people, and then placed on the oil drum, using those sundries to press the red lights one by one.

"Huh? You guys are so smart!"

Yang Mi yelled in surprise, and immediately ran to help everyone.

It didn't take long for seven red lights to be lit.

Xie Yilin, who came up with this good idea, suggested at this time: "Now there are only six lights left, and each of the six of us controls one, and light it up, okay?"

"it is good!"

Everyone gave positive feedback one after another, and each completed their positions.


Following Xie Yilin's shout, everyone put their hands on the switch in front of them.

But at this moment, Wang Hao felt uneasy for no reason!
Just when Xie Yilin was about to shout the slogan "Press", he suddenly added: "After pressing the switch, everyone backed away in time, and don't stay in front of these training cabins to avoid accidents."

"it is good!"

Several people nodded obediently, agreeing to Wang Hao's opinion.

At this time, Xie Yilin suddenly shouted: "Press!"

With the strength of the six people together, the thirteen red lights in the entire aisle were instantly lit up at the same time.

At the same time, the few people who got the order turned around without hesitation, and ran straight to the direction of the elevator!

Almost at the same moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

The atomized glass in front of the thirteen training cabins was lit up at the same time, exposing the thirteen "fighting robots" inside.

Although they were all covered with a human "cloak" by Boss Tao, they retained the evilness of the machine, and the facial expressions of each one looked extremely ferocious.

And what's even more frightening is that the lighting of the lights seemed to stimulate some of their neuron sensors, and the group of robots suddenly rioted!
There was a sudden violent smashing sound, and the fragile training hatch door creaked as it was smashed, as if it would be smashed in the next second.


Ear-piercing screams resounded through the passage, and the five people except Wang Hao hurriedly ran away, as if they were afraid of being caught and eaten by these robots!

Ka Ka Ka!
At this time, the protective net of the elevator seemed to be under control, and suddenly began to slowly fold to the right, exposing the pedestrian elevator inside.

"Yeah? The door is open! We can go!"

The eyes of several people suddenly brightened, and they rushed towards the elevator without even waiting for the protective net to be fully opened.

But at this time, Huang Minghao, who was at the back of the crowd, suddenly seemed to remember something.

He subconsciously turned his head to look at the aisle, only to see that Wang Hao was observing each training cabin in turn with a calm face, as if he was looking for some useful news!

Seeing this scene, Huang Minghao was a little dazed.

Isn't he afraid?

Why do you still walk back and forth in the aisle full of leisurely?Aren't you afraid that these robots will come out and tear him apart?

Although his mind was filled with a lot of confusion, he still hurriedly shouted: "Brother Hao! Hurry up! The elevator protective net has been opened, we can leave!"

"Oh, good, here we come."

Wang Hao responded casually, and sped up his pace a little.


As the six fugitives all entered the elevator, the secret mechanism seemed to sense something, and began to control the elevator rope to rise slowly.

Until the aisle of the red carpet was out of sight, the few people in the elevator secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But even if they escaped, everyone still looked shocked!

"Huh, I was scared to death! I thought those people would rush out!"

Yang Mi looked terrified, obviously frightened.

Zhang Guozhu smiled wryly, pointed to his hair, and said, "It's no exaggeration to tell you that my hair has stood up at this moment, which is too scary!"

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, and suddenly found that what Zhang Guozhu said was absolutely right!

His short hair actually stood up!

After gradually regaining consciousness, several people spoke out one after another, expressing their inner fear and fear.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room were obviously terrified, and the top of the screen was full of terrified bullet screens!

"My dear? Why did you turn on the scare mode all of a sudden?"

"Fuck! I'm drinking water, I almost choked to death!"

"Damn it, what the hell are you doing? You can't tell me in advance, I'm scared to death!"

"Damn? I'm just wondering? Why is Brother Hao so calm? Isn't he afraid that these robots will rush out?"

"Uh... If you can punch more than 1000 catties with one punch, you probably won't be too scared."

"Ahem, it seems to be the same!"

"Damn it! Don't worry about it. I sprayed my female colleague's clothes with a sip of water. What should I do! Help me! Help me!"

"My computer!"

"Wooooow, I peed on my hand!"


In the barrage, a group of people expressed the embarrassing things they did after being frightened, but in the slowly ascending elevator, Wang Hao frowned slightly.

He always felt that the customs clearance method just now was too simple.

And there is the arena, the broken buttons, etc. The meanings contained in these items have not yet been unraveled. Will the program group really let themselves go so easily?
At this moment, Wang Hao had some bad premonition inexplicably.

If his guess is correct, everyone may need to return to this aisle later!
(End of this chapter)

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