It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 370 The key card is in the head?Do you want to be so outrageous?

Chapter 370 The key card is in the head?Do you want to be so outrageous?
"Fuck? The door is open!"

Seeing that the door trapped in front of them was kicked open by Wang Hao, several people were overjoyed!
"Brother Hao! Awesome!"

Wang Hao smiled, didn't say much, just returned to the gate of the ring again, and signaled Wei Daxun and the others to run first.

"Brother Hao, be careful!"

The three of them had a high awareness of their own abilities, so they didn't perform any parting of life and death. After handing over the defense of the ring gate to Wang Hao, they started to run wildly!

Just passing through the wooden door sealed with scotch tape, several people fell into a new desperate situation!

"Wow? What is this? So sticky?"

Seeing the unknown substance in the aisle, Yang Mi looked terrified.

The floor did not know what substance was splashed on it, and the shoes of several people were tightly stuck to the ground, and it was very difficult to take every step.


Suddenly, a new surprise appeared!

Xie Yilin didn't react for a while, and was tripped by the glue and fell to the ground, kneeling on the ground in a daze.

"Big inquiry, please help!"

Zhang Guozhu shouted hastily.

The two stood beside Xie Yilin, one on the left and one on the right, supporting her arm, and forcefully pulled her up from the ground.

"Go! Go!"

Huang Minghao urged from behind, turning around to look at the situation outside from time to time, for fear that those robots would break through the obstacles and rush back.

For a while, several people moved forward with difficulty.

After walking abruptly for 3 minutes, the few people managed to advance half of the distance.

Seeing a corner appeared in front of him, Huang Minghao thought for a while, and then simply shouted behind him: "Brother Hao, come here quickly, this is the glue road!"

glue road? ? ?
Although he didn't understand what Huang Minghao meant, Wang Hao let go of his hand without hesitation, and rushed into the passage in two or three steps.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, his expression changed slightly!
It turned out to be such a glue road!

However, how could this thing be difficult to defeat him?

"It's a piece of cake."

With a little force on his feet, he straight up straight up!

And at the same time when he was in mid-air, his legs spread out to the left and right, and he stepped directly on the walls on both sides of the passage.

Because the glue remained on the soles of his feet, there was a strong friction between the soles of his shoes and the wall.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked eyes of the "robots" chasing back from behind, Wang Hao actually stepped on the wall with his legs and moved forward quickly on the wall.

But they in the rear had to step on the glue to move forward!

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help being stunned.

Jie Nima... Who is the robot?

With the blessing of his strong arms and legs, Wang Hao quickly caught up with the group of people in front and landed behind them.

At the same time, several people also discovered his unique way of moving forward at the same moment!

At this moment, the five of them were full of deep doubts.

This weird way of moving forward, who is the robot?

Coming to the depths of the passage, an elevator appeared in front of several people soon.

"Open the door now!"

The one who arrived first screamed and kept pressing the up button.

However, the elevator seemed to be a bit disobedient, no matter how hard you pressed it, it was only slowly rising.

"What should I do? It won't come up!"

Yang Mi was obviously very frightened, and even cried in her voice.

The robots behind were still chasing after them. If the elevator door hadn't opened before the robots arrived, wouldn't they be beaten to death?

Thinking of this, the panic on Yang Mi's face grew even stronger!

At this critical moment, Wang Hao still maintained his due rationality, and he comforted softly: "It's okay, don't worry, just press it and let go, maybe this elevator needs to wait."

As he spoke, he lightly grabbed Yang Mi's right hand, gave her encouragement, and at the same time studied the trajectory of the elevator.

I saw the sign "-1" being marked on the display screen of the elevator, so it can be seen that the elevator is currently standing still.

He tried to reach out and press it.

With the sound of "ding", you can clearly feel the sound of the gears running behind the door and the movement of the wire rope being dragged.


At this moment, Yang Mi, who was still nervous, was startled.

What about the elevator?

Why doesn't it move when I press it?
Oh god!This is too embarrassing!
"Cough cough..."

Wang Hao cleared his throat, and explained: "Maybe it's because the button doesn't work very well. It didn't work when you pressed it just now."

"It should be, this broken elevator!"

Yang Mi complained resentfully.

Soon, amidst the anxious waiting of everyone, the elevator finally slowly ascended from the negative floor!
The moment the door opened, several people rushed in and hid tightly in the corner of the elevator.

At the same moment when Wang Hao pressed the "Close" button, a group of robots roared and chased after him at the corner of the passage!

"Quick! Close the door!"

Zhang Guozhu's face was terrified, his expression extremely frightened,

Perhaps it was the prayers of a group of people that helped. When the group of robots were less than three meters away from the elevator entrance, the elevator doors slowly closed together...


Looking at the rising arrow logo, several people were suddenly overjoyed.

This wave can be described as a "narrow escape"!
No one expected that the robot would open the training cabin and break free from the chains!
It is also thanks to Wang Hao's assistance throughout the whole process, otherwise, with only five people, the entire army may be wiped out during the password input process!


in the elevator.

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, and said his guess: "If my guess is correct, that password disk should be the key to control the opening of the training cabin,"

Ah? ? ?
Everyone looked at him puzzled.

"Because when I entered the first string of English characters, the door of the training cabin just opened, and when I entered the second string, the iron chain was also broken off."

"So I have reason to suspect that the reason why those robots will chase us is probably because we want to pass the ring!"

"And the scene we are going to next may have something to do with those robots!"

Almost as soon as Wang Hao finished speaking, the elevator door slowly opened.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked out, only to see a huge five characters coming into view!

"Robot Lab"


Suddenly there was a sound of gasping for air. At this moment, everyone looked at Wang Hao more like they were looking at a... monster!

In the bullet screen, a group of audience also sighed with emotion:

"There are often literary generals, and there are often military generals, but those who are both civil and military are extremely rare!"

"Brother Hao, the real God in my heart!"

"My dear, how did he figure it out? How many brains did he have?"

"When I watched Extreme Challenge before, I thought Brother Hao was just capable enough, but looking at it now, in addition to his strong ability, his IQ is also extremely high!"

"The name of the Three Essences is so terrifying!"

There were endless exclamations in the barrage, but at the scene, several people had already started to walk out.

For the "robot research room" in front of them, the six fugitives maintained a very high level of vigilance, fearing that something would rush out in the dark.

Pushing open the half-closed door, a group of people cautiously walked into the research room.

"Hello? Anyone?"

Wei Daxun tentatively called into the room.

Everyone stood still, quietly listening to the movement in the room.

After a while, after confirming that there was no one else in the room except them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

"Whoa, I lost all my shoes."

With a mournful face, Zhang Guozhu searched around the room, trying to find something like slippers.

At this moment, Wei Daxun suddenly said: "Huh? There are socks here!"

"Where?!" Zhang Guozhu suddenly regained his energy and rushed over.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a pile of socks on a bed in the research room, as if someone had prepared them in advance.

The few people who accidentally ran off their shoes were full of surprises, and one of them took a pair of socks and put them on their feet to avoid direct contact with the floor.

Several other people were cleaning their clothes or shoes one after another, while Wang Hao started looking around in the house.

This seems to be the residence and office area of ​​a certain researcher.

The room has a bed, a desk, computer equipment, various materials, a teleportation pod, and most importantly... a door!

"Huh? This is actually a lock that can be opened with a key?"

Wang Hao was suddenly surprised.

After going through so many traps, this was the first time he saw a lock that required a key to open.

In the studio, Chen Xiaoxu's expression changed for a while!
In fact, he also wanted to lock the mechanism at this position, but because of the terrain, it was difficult to lock it here.

Helpless, he had to choose to use a mechanical lock.

It was also thanks to Wang Hao that he left the place after looking at it, otherwise, when the ear-picking artifact appeared in the world, this level would be completely abolished.

"Everyone, we need to find a key, its structure should be a flat structure..."


Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden roar from outside the door.

Wang Hao subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw the elevator door slowly opening, and inside was... a robot!

"Fuck, close the door!"

At this moment, the faces of everyone in the room changed suddenly.

Several men rushed up, and at the same time they pushed the door firmly, they picked up an iron rod from the side and stuffed it into the gap in the middle of the door.

"Find the key quickly."

Wang Hao's face darkened slightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The setting of this group of robots seems a bit high!They even have the ability to take the elevator, it seems that they are determined to chase themselves to the end!


Stimulated by a strong sense of crisis, several people immediately gave up the idea of ​​resting, and began to rummage in the room one by one, trying to find the key to leave this room.

A bunch of keys!
In everyone's subconscious reaction, the location where the key is placed must be a certain drawer or clothes pocket.

So, everyone else did as well.

A group of people rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and it was a joy to find what they found.

At the same time, Wang Hao came to the office area on his own, and sat at the computer desk and began to look through various documents.

A rather conspicuous paper airplane came into view first.

It's a pity that when he took the paper airplane apart, he didn't find any useful information from it.

Then, a piece of paper for recording came into view!

"What is this?"

Wang Hao took a closer look and saw a long work record written on it.

[Start to restore the king of the first generation of fighting robots today. This robot has the most perfect lines and strength structure just like his friend, the new generation of absolute kings AIexander·Raffaeiio·Bartholomew! 】

[The most important part of the head was repaired today, but I accidentally mixed the key in. Only by calling his name constantly can he activate his thinking and make him hand over the key happily, but I have not been successful, why? manage……】


Wang Hao's face turned dark on the spot, and he was in a bad mood.

"This guy mixed the key into the robot's head!"

What? ? ?
For a moment, the other people who were looking for the key were dumbfounded.

Zhang Guozhu couldn't help complaining: "Damn! This person is still a researcher? How could he mix the key into the robot's head? Isn't this too outrageous?"

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "This is not important. The key for us now is to get the name of its companion, find this robot, and ask him to hand over the key!"

"But what's the name of that companion?"

Everyone is still confused.

Where are these things found?They have no clue at all!
At this moment, Wang Hao grinned slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know the name, what we need to do now is to find the robot first."

"Wow! Wang Hao, you are amazing!"

Yang Mi's exclamation suddenly sounded.

A group of people looked at him in amazement, as if they were looking at the supreme belief in their hearts!
Xie Yilin asked in shock: "Brother Hao? Where is that name? Why didn't I find it?"

Wang Hao explained: "It's still the computer video at the beginning. When the boxing champion gave his acceptance speech, he also said the name of his partner."


At this moment, everyone suddenly realized!

The original answer is still at the beginning!

Zhang Guozhu said happily: "Fortunately, you have a better memory, otherwise we would have to go back to find the name, and that would be too cheating."

Wang Hao smiled, pointed to the four teleportation pods in front of him and said:

"Let's go, if my guess is right, the opposite should be the real robot assembly workshop, let's go find that robot!"

With that said, he was about to open the teleportation hatch,
But at this time, Wei Daxun showed an expression of lingering fear: "By the way, there won't be any danger behind this, right?"

Wang Hao thought for a while, and said, "Probably not, why don't I take a group of people over to have a look first?"

"I'll go! I'll go!"

Huang Minghao who was at the side suddenly volunteered to raise his hand, his face full of anticipation.

In this team, besides Wang Hao, he is the most courageous, and this kind of work of opening up wasteland is just suitable for the courageous people to do!
"Okay, then you go first, and then I will take another team over."

There are four teleportation cabins, and each teleportation can only accommodate up to four people, so there must be two people who need to be backed up.

After some discussion, the six quickly decided on the candidates for the first team.

With Huang Minghao as the vice-captain, Wei Daxun, Zhang Guozhu, and Xie Yilin took the lead to take the transport cabin to the research room.

Four teleportation pods, four people, just right!
Wang Hao said solemnly: "Remember, if there is any situation, send it back as soon as possible, and I will meet you here."


Several people nodded and pressed the transmission switch one after another.

In the next second, a magical scene appeared!

The elliptical device inside the teleportation cabin suddenly trembled slightly, leading the four people to complete the rotation.

However, the machine had just rotated halfway, and the unexpected happened again!
"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The ear-piercing siren sounded suddenly.

Wang Hao suddenly raised his head, only to see that three of the four teleportation pods had stopped rotating, and a "faulty" prompt popped up above his head!

"No, something happened."

Wang Hao's expression changed slightly, and he hurried to where Xie Yilin was.

As soon as he approached, he heard Xie Yilin inside shouting: "What happened? Why did this stop? We can't get out!"

can not go out?
After motioning for Yang Mi to come over to appease Xie Yilin, Wang Hao walked past each of the teleportation hatches that showed "malfunctioning" one by one.

Hearing the movement from inside, he quickly judged that Wei Daxun and Zhang Guozhu were also stuck in the middle.

Among the four, Huang Minghao was the only one who completed the teleportation!
Fortunately, the teleportation pod was just stuck in the middle instead of showing other malignant symptoms.


The live broadcast screen shifted to Huang Minghao's vision.

As the door of the teleportation cabin was slowly opened, a terrifying scene suddenly appeared on the screen!

I saw that the entire work area was very messy, with all kinds of robot manufacturing components all over the floor, and broken arms and legs were thrown everywhere.

And in the lockers on both sides, there are all kinds of human heads and skeletons, internal organs, abdominal organs...

What's even more frightening is that directly opposite the teleportation hatch, there is actually a display wall with more than a dozen male heads on display!
I don't know what device is used to fix these heads, and they are constantly swinging from side to side, making some weird "creaking" sounds from time to time!

For a moment, no matter how bold Huang Minghao was, he still felt trembling all over his body.


He couldn't help swallowing, and subconsciously took half a step back.

But then, he suddenly saw that the eyes of those heads were moving, and even their mouths would open and close slightly from time to time...

"Oh, my mother!"

Huang Minghao was frightened immediately, he hurriedly took a few steps back, and returned to the teleportation cabin.

"No! These heads can move! I'm a little scared!"


Huang Minghao's voice immediately attracted the attention of Wang Hao and Yang Mi.

After Wang Hao thought for a while, he suggested, "Sister Mi, you go over first, and I'll be behind."

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said a little embarrassedly: "Can't two people go there together? I'm a little scared. If the failure continues, I will really be scared stupid."

Wang Hao pointed to the teleportation cabin, and said helplessly, "But, there can only be one person standing in it?"

"who said it!"

Yang Mi grabbed his arm, came to the front of the teleportation cabin, pointed to the space inside and said, "It's such a big place, the two of us can squeeze out."

While speaking, she directly pushed Wang Hao to stand in the teleportation cabin, and she squeezed in by herself, and pressed the "transport" button conveniently.

The space in the teleportation cabin wasn't that big, and the two of them were already tightly squeezed after they stood together.

Wang Hao could even feel the soft touch on Yang Mi's skin, the breath she exhaled slightly when she breathed, and that... soft lips!


Looking at the fresh and tender red lips printed on his toes suddenly, Wang Hao didn't react for a while!

What is this sister doing?
Sneak kiss in the teleportation pod?

Do you want to be so exciting?
In the next second, as the teleportation pod slowly turned, Yang Mi quickly withdrew her body, her eyes full of warning.

She lowered her voice, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Behave normally! Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise... hum! You're finished!"

This sudden threat gave Wang Hao an inexplicable illusion.

As if, should, maybe...

I was taken advantage of!

Right? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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